单词 | send |
释义 | send 4 ENTRIES FOUND: Learner's definition of SEND [+ object] 1 : to cause (a letter, an e-mail, a package, etc.) to go or to be carried from one place or person to another寄;发;发送
2 : to give (a message) to someone传话;捎信;转告
3 : to tell or cause (someone or something) to go to a place派遣;打发;安排…去
4 : to make the arrangements and payments that allow (someone) to attend a school, camp, etc.安排…(上学、入营等)
5 : to tell (someone) to go to a particular person or place for treatment, help, information, etc.让…前往(某人或某地,以寻求帮助等)
6 always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (someone or something) to move in a particular direction or manner使(朝特定方向或以特定方式)移动
7 : to put (someone) into a particular state or condition使进入(某种状态)
send away for[phrasal verb] send away for (something) or send away to (someone) for (something) : to ask to receive (something) by sending a letter, coupon, etc., to someone by mail邮购;函索
send down[phrasal verb] send down (someone) or send (someone) down British, informal : to send (someone) to prison将(某人)送进监狱
send for[phrasal verb] 1 send for (someone) : to ask (someone) to come to a place派人去请;召唤
2 send for (something) : to ask someone to bring or send (something) to you派人去取;让人带来
send forth[phrasal verb] 1 send forth (something) formal : to cause (something) to be heard发出(声响)
2 : to cause (light, heat, etc.) to move outward from a source散发,发出(光或热等)
3 : to produce (something) in the process of growing or developing长出(枝、芽等)
send in[phrasal verb] 1 send in (someone) or send (someone) in a : to tell (someone) to go to a place to deal with a difficult situation派往;下令去
b : to tell (a player) to enter a game通知(选手)入场参赛
2 send in (something) or send (something) in : to mail or e-mail (something) to a place寄去;递送
send off[phrasal verb] 1 send off (something) or send (something) off : to send (something) by mail or another service邮寄;发送
2 send off (someone) or send (someone) off chiefly British : to order (a player who has broken a rule) to leave the field for the remainder of the game罚(某人)下场
3 send off for (something) : to ask to receive (something) by sending a letter, coupon, etc., to someone by mail邮购;函索
send on[phrasal verb] send on (something) or send (something) on : to cause (something) to go or to be carried from one place to another转送;转递
send out[phrasal verb] 1 send out (something) or send (something) out a : to mail (something) to many different people or places分发;散发
b : to cause (a signal) to go out发出,放出(信号)
c : to cause (light, heat, etc.) to move outward from a source发出,散发(光、热等)
d : to produce (something) in the process of growing or developing生长,长出(枝、芽等)
2 send out for (something) : to ask a restaurant to deliver (food) to you订餐;叫外卖
send (someone or something) packinginformal : to force (someone or something) to leave a place or situation赶走;驱逐
send up[phrasal verb] 1 send up (something) or send (something) up a : to cause (something) to be heard发出(声响)
b : to cause (something) to move upward使上升(或上涨)
c : to produce (something) in the process of growing or developing长出(枝、芽等)
d : to suggest or propose (something) to a more powerful person or group so that a decision can be made向上提交;呈报
2 send up (someone or something) or send (someone or something) up chiefly British, informal : to imitate (someone or something) in an amusing way滑稽地模仿
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