

单词 press


1 press /ˈprɛs/ noun
plural presses
1 press
plural presses
Learner's definition of PRESS
[noncount] : newspapers, magazines, and radio and television news reports(报刊、广播、电视的)新闻报道
often used before another noun常用于另一名词前
the press : the people (such as reporters and photographers) who work for newspapers, magazines, etc.新闻工作者;新闻界
see also press conference
used to talk about how often or how well or badly someone or something is described in newspapers, magazines, etc.新闻评论;新闻评价
[count] : printing press
see also hot off the press at 1hot
[noncount] : the act or the process of being printed印刷
[count] : a printing or publishing business印刷公司;出版社
[count] : a machine that uses pressure to shape, flatten, or squeeze something压平机;压榨机
[count] : the act of pushing or flattening something with your finger or hand or with a device (such as an iron)推;压;按usually singular通常用单数
[singular] : a large group of people gathered together in one place : crowd一大群人often + of
see also full-court press
2 press /ˈprɛs/ verb
presses; pressed; pressing
2 press
presses; pressed; pressing
Learner's definition of PRESS
: to push (something) with strong or steady force推;压
[+ object]
[no object]
: to push (something, such as a button or lever on a machine) with your finger or hand按(按钮、操纵杆等)
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to force or try to persuade (someone) to do something especially by repeatedly asking for it to be done逼迫;催促
[+ object] : to repeat (something) often in a way that is annoying to show that it is very important反复强调
[+ object] : to flatten or smooth out (something) with your hand, an iron, etc.压平;熨平
[+ object] : to push down on a fruit or vegetable to make juice come out of it压榨(果蔬汁);把…榨汁
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to continue moving forward in a forceful or steady way坚持前进;推进
: to continue to do something especially in a determined way坚持
[no object]
usually + on or ahead
[+ object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to crowd closely around or against someone or something : to move in a large group toward or near someone or something蜂拥着靠近

press charges

: to take legal action against someone : to officially accuse someone of a crime起诉;控告

press for

[phrasal verb]
press for (something)
: to make a demand for (something)要求

press on

[phrasal verb] also press upon
press (something) on/upon (someone)
: to force (someone) to take or accept (something)强迫,迫使(某人接受某事物)
see also 2press 6b (above)

press (someone or something) into service

: to use (someone or something) for a particular job or purpose when a special need occurs(急需时)动用,征用

press the flesh

: to greet and shake hands with people especially while campaigning for a political office(尤指竞选政治职位时和群众)握手致意




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