

单词 play


1 play /ˈpleɪ/ verb
plays; played; playing
1 play
plays; played; playing
Learner's definition of PLAY
: to do activities for fun or enjoyment玩耍
[no object]
often + with
[+ object]
◊ If children play teacher/school (etc.), they play by pretending to be adults.假扮成人玩耍
see also play house at 1house
: to participate in (a game or sport)参加(比赛或运动)
[+ object]
[no object]
often + for
◊ If you play for a particular team, you are a member of that team.为某队效力
: to compete against (someone) in a game和…竞赛
[+ object]
[no object]
◊ If you play (someone) for (something), you play a game in which the winner will be able to take or keep something.为得到某物与某人较量
[+ object] : to have (a particular position on a sports team)(在球队中)打(某位置)
[+ object] : to allow (someone) to play during a game especially in a particular position派(某人)上场
[+ object] : to place (a playing card) on the table during your turn in a card game出(牌)
often used figuratively常用作比喻
see also play your cards close to the chest/vest at 1card, play your cards right at 1card
[+ object] : to move (a piece) during your turn in a chess game(国际象棋中的)走(子)
[+ object] : to hit, kick, throw, or catch (a ball, puck, etc.)击,踢,掷,接(球)
[+ object]
: to bet money on (something)下赌注
: to invest money in (the stock market) in order to try to earn money炒股
: to perform music on (an instrument)演奏(乐器)
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] of an instrument : to produce music(乐器)演奏
[+ object] : to perform (a song, a piece of music, etc.) on an instrument演奏;弹奏
[+ object] : to perform music written by (a particular composer)演奏(某作曲家的作品)
: to perform music in (a particular place)(在某个地方)演奏
[+ object]
[no object]
: to cause (a song, a piece of music, a movie, etc.) to be heard or seen播放
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to be shown or performed usually more than one time上演,上映(通常不止一次)
[+ object] : to act the part of (a particular character) in a film, play, etc.扮演(某角色)
often used figuratively常用作比喻
often used with part or role常与part或role连用
see also role-play
[no object] : to pretend that you have a particular quality or are in a particular condition假装;装作…的模样
: to act or behave in a particular way(以某方式)行事,做事
[no object]
[+ object]
see also play by ear at 1ear
[no object] : to do or say things in a joking way开玩笑
often + around
[+ object] : to do (something) to someone in order to amuse yourself or others捉弄
usually + on
[+ object] informal : to use or control (someone or something) in a clever and unfair way耍弄;愚弄
often + for
[+ object] : to base a decision or action on (something)寄于
[no object] US : to be accepted or received in a particular way被接受;被认可
often + with
[no object] : to move in a lively and irregular way轻快地活动

play along

[phrasal verb]
: to agree to do or accept what other people want顺从;合作
often + with

play around

[phrasal verb] also British play about
: to have sex with someone who is not your husband, wife, or regular partner(与某人)乱搞男女关系,有婚外情
often + on
often + with
: to deal with or treat something in a careless way糊弄;轻视
often + with
: to use or do something in a way that is not very serious玩弄;玩乐
often + on
often + with
play around with (something) : to move or change (something) or to think about (something) in different ways often in order to find out what would work best摆弄;琢磨
see also 1play 9 (above)

play at

[phrasal verb]
play at (something)
: to do (something) in a way that is not serious敷衍了事
chiefly British : to play by pretending to be (someone or something)假扮…玩
often used in the phrase play at being (something)常用于短语play at being (something)
Britishused to say in an annoyed way that you do not know the reason for someone's behavior以生气口吻表达对某人某种行为的困惑

play back

[phrasal verb]
play back (something) or play (something) back
: to cause (recorded sounds or pictures) to be heard or seen播放,回放(录音或录像)
see also playback

play ball

see 1ball

play down

[phrasal verb]
play down (something) or play (something) down
: to make (something) seem smaller or less important贬低;降低…的重要性;淡化

play fast and loose

: to behave in a clever and dishonest way欺骗;玩弄usually + with

play for laughs

or play (something) for laughs
: to act in a funny way that makes people laugh逗乐

play for time

: to try to make something happen later instead of sooner : to try to delay something故意拖延

play games

see 1game

play God

usually disapproving
: to make decisions that have a very powerful and important effect on other people's lives充当上帝(指利用权力做出事关他人生死的决定)

play hard to get

: to pretend that you are not interested in having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone in order to make that person more attracted to you对(自己感兴趣的异性)欲擒故纵

play into

[phrasal verb]
play into (something)
: to help support (something, such as an idea)辅以支持

play into someone's hands

or play into the hands of someone
: to do something that you do not realize will hurt you and help someone else给人以可乘之机;做对对手有利的事

play off

[phrasal verb]
chiefly British : to participate in a game that decides a winner from people or teams that had the same results in an earlier game : to play in a play-off加赛以决胜负
see also play-off
play off (someone or something) US : to react to (someone or something) in a pleasing way : to combine with (someone or something) in a way that makes each part better很好地配合
play (someone or something) off against (someone or something) : to cause two people or groups to fight or compete with each other in a way that helps you挑拨离间(以坐收渔利)

play on

[phrasal verb] also play upon
play on/upon (something)
: to make people do what you want by using (their emotions, fears, concerns, etc.) in an unfair way利用(他人的感情、恐惧、担忧等)

play out

[phrasal verb]
: to happen or occur in usually a gradual way(通常逐渐地)发生,出现
play out (something) or play (something) out : to make (something) happen使发生
play out (something) or play (something) out : to finish (something)完成
see also played-out

play the field

: to have romantic or sexual relationships with more than one person at a time : to date more than one person乱搞男女关系;滥交

play the fool

see 1fool

play to

[phrasal verb]
play to (someone or something) : to behave or perform in a particular way for (someone or something) in order to get approval or attention取悦;迎合
play to (something) : to make use of (something)利用

play to the gallery

see gallery

play up

[phrasal verb]
play up (something) or play (something) up
: to talk about or treat (something) in a way that gives it special importance : to emphasize or stress (something)强调重要性;强化
: to make (something) seem bigger or more important彰显;夸大
play up or play (someone) up British : to cause problems or pain制造麻烦;制造痛苦

play with

[phrasal verb]
play with (something)
: to move or handle (something) with your hands or fingers often without thinking抚弄;拨弄
: to handle, change, or deal with (something) in a careless way随意地处理;摆弄;玩弄
: to think about (something) briefly and not very seriously漫不经心地考虑

play with fire

: to do something that is risky or dangerous玩火;做危险的事

play with words/language

: to use words that sound similar or that have several different meanings especially in a clever or funny way玩文字游戏

play with yourself

: to touch your own sex organs for sexual pleasure : masturbate手淫
2 play /ˈpleɪ/ noun
plural plays
2 play
plural plays
Learner's definition of PLAY
[count] : a piece of writing that tells a story through the actions and words of characters and that is performed on a stage剧本;戏剧
see also mystery play, passion play, screenplay
[noncount] : activities that are done especially by children for fun or enjoyment游戏;玩乐
see also child's play
[noncount] : the action that happens during a game比赛
: the time when a person playing a game is supposed to do something(比赛中进行某个动作的)时刻
[count] US : a particular action or set of actions that happens during a game(比赛中的)动作,战术: such as
American football : a planned attempt to move the ball forward or to stop an opponent from moving the ball forward进攻战术;防守战术
baseball : an action that is done to try to get a player out(将对于杀出局的)动作
often used with make常与make连用
see also double play, triple play
: the act of moving a piece in a game like chess or checkers(国际象棋或跳棋等棋类项目中的)走子
[noncount] : the state of being active or having an effect作用;影响
: time when a musical recording is played by a radio station : airplay(某一首歌曲在电台的)播放次数,播放时长
US : attention in newspapers, on television, etc.(报纸或电视的)关注
[count] : a humorous or clever way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested(对文字的)巧用,妙用+ on
see also wordplay
: a function of a machine that causes recorded sounds or pictures to be heard or seen播放(功能)
: time when a machine is being used to hear or see recorded sounds or pictures(音频或图像的)播放次数,播放时长
[singular] : the irregular or lively movement of something闪动;跳动;波动
[noncount] : loose and free movement of something (such as part of a machine)松动

in/into play

of a ball
: in or into the area where players must stay in sports(球)在界内,非死球

make a play for

: to try to get (someone or something)想尽办法获得(某人或某事物)

out of play

of a ball
: outside the area where players must stay in sports(球)出界,成死球
see also fair play, foul play, power play




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