

单词 nose


1 nose /ˈnoʊz/ noun
plural noses
1 nose
plural noses
Learner's definition of NOSE
[count] : the part of the face or head through which a person or animal smells and breathes鼻;鼻子
see picture at face
[singular] : the ability to smell things : the sense of smell嗅觉
often used figuratively常用作比喻
: the front end or part of something前部
usually singular通常用单数
see picture at airplane
[singular] of wine : a particular smell(酒的)特别气味

as plain as the nose on your face

: very clear or obvious显而易见

by a nose

◊ If an animal wins a race by a nose, it wins by a very short distance.以微弱优势(取胜)

cut off your nose to spite your face

: to do something that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms you损人不利己

follow your nose

see follow

get up someone's nose

British, informal
: to annoy or irritate (someone)惹人发火;使人恼怒

have your nose in

◊ If you have your nose in a book, magazine, newspaper, etc., you are reading it.专心致志地(阅读)

hold your nose

: to hold your nostrils together so that you cannot smell something捏住鼻子

keep your nose clean

: to stay out of trouble by behaving well循规蹈矩;安分守己

keep your nose out of

: to avoid becoming involved in (someone else's situation, problem, etc.)避免插手(他人的事)

lead someone (around) by the nose

: to completely control a person完全控制住某人;牵着某人鼻子走

look down your nose at

see 1look

nose in the air

◊ If you have your nose in the air, you behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people.傲慢;看不起人

nose to the grindstone

see grindstone

no skin off my nose

see 1skin

on the nose

: very accurate : done very accurately准确地;精准地

pay through the nose

: to pay a very high price付高价

powder your nose

see 2powder

rub someone's nose in

see 1rub

stick/poke your nose in/into

: to get involved in or want information about (something that does not concern you)探问;插手

thumb your nose at

see 2thumb

turn up your nose

or turn your nose up
: to refuse to take or accept something because it is not good enough看不上;拒绝;蔑视
usually + at

under your nose

used to describe something that you fail to see or notice even though you should就在面前;就在眼皮底下
2 nose /ˈnoʊz/ verb
noses; nosed; nosing
2 nose
noses; nosed; nosing
Learner's definition of NOSE
[+ object] : to push or move (something) with the nose(用鼻子)拱,顶
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] of an animal : to search for or find something by smelling(动物)闻出,嗅出
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to move forward slowly or carefully缓慢前进;小心翼翼地向前移动
[no object]
[+ object]

nose around

[phrasal verb] also British nose about
nose around/about or nose around/about (something)
: to search for something (such as private or hidden information) in usually a quiet or secret way打探;搜寻

nose out

[phrasal verb]
nose (someone or something) out or nose out (someone or something)
: to defeat (someone or something) by a small amount in a race or other competition略胜一筹
: to find (information) by careful searching打探出;查出




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