

单词 light


1 light /ˈlaɪt/ noun
plural lights
1 light
plural lights
Learner's definition of LIGHT
[noncount] : the form of energy that makes it possible to see things : the brightness produced by the sun, by fire, by a lamp, etc.光;光线;光亮
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
: a source of light (such as an electric lamp)光源(如电灯)
see also nightlight
: a light on a vehicle车灯
[singular] : a way of showing or understanding something or someone(理解某人或某物的)方式,角度
[count] : a light or set of lights used to control traffic : traffic light交通(信号)灯;红绿灯
[singular] informal : a flame for lighting a cigarette(点烟用的)火
[noncount] formal : daylight 1
see also see the light of day (below)
[singular] : a quality in a person's eyes that shows emotion眼神
lights [plural]
: light colors : colors that are more white than black浅色调
: light- colored clothes浅色衣服

according to your lights

: according to your idea of what is right按照你自己的想法

a light at the end of the tunnel

: a reason to believe that a bad situation will end soon or that a long and difficult job will be finished soon(困境中)希望的曙光;光明

bring (something) to light

: to tell people about (something) : to make (something) known揭露,暴露(某事物)

cast/shed/throw light on

: to help to explain (something) : to make it possible to understand or know more about (something)帮助理解;阐明

come to light

: to become known显露;为人所知

hide your light under a bushel

see bushel

in someone's light

: blocking the light that someone needs to see or read something挡住某人的光线

in the cold light of day

see 1cold

in the light of

or US in light of
: while thinking about (something that affects the way you see or understand things)鉴于,考虑到(某事物)
: because of (something)由于(某事)

light dawns

◊ When people suddenly understand something that they had not understood before, (a/the) light dawns (on them).(某人)突然明白,恍然大悟

more heat than light

see 1heat

out like a light

: asleep
: unconscious

punch someone's lights out

see 1punch

see the light

: to suddenly understand or realize the truth of something突然明白;恍然大悟

see the light of day

: to be seen or used被看到;被使用
: to become publicly known公开;发表;公布

set light to

chiefly British
: to cause (something) to begin burning点燃,引火烧(某物)

the light of your life

: a person you love very much and who makes you happy心爱的人

trip the light fantastic

see 2trip
see also green light, leading light, northern lights, southern lights, sweetness and light at sweetness
2 light /ˈlaɪt/ adjective
lighter; lightest
2 light
lighter; lightest
Learner's definition of LIGHT
: not dark or deep in color : pale浅色的;淡色的
: having a lot of light : bright明亮的
: having the light of the day天亮的;白天的
compare 4light
3 light /ˈlaɪt/ verb
lights; lighted or lit /ˈlɪt/ ; lighting
3 light
lights; lighted or lit /ˈlɪt/ ; lighting
Learner's definition of LIGHT
[+ object] : to provide light for (something)照亮(某物)
[+ object] : to cause (something) to burn点火;点燃
see also light up 3 (below)
[no object] : to begin to burn开始燃烧

light a fire under (someone)

US, informal
: to cause (someone) to move or work more quickly and effectively促使(某人)更快更好

light into

[phrasal verb]
light into (someone) US, informal
: to attack or criticize (someone) forcefully抨击,严厉责备(某人)

light on/upon

[phrasal verb]
light on/upon (something)
: to find or see (something) by chance偶然找到

light out

[phrasal verb] US, informal
: to leave in a hurry for someplace匆匆离开

light up

[phrasal verb]
of a light : to become lit : to begin shining(灯)开始发光
often used figuratively常用作比喻
informal, of a telephone : to show a light indicating that someone is calling(电话)亮灯
light (something) up or light up (something) : to provide light for (something) : to fill (something) with light照亮
often used figuratively常用作比喻
informal : to light a cigarette点烟
4 light /ˈlaɪt/ adjective
lighter; lightest
4 light
lighter; lightest
Learner's definition of LIGHT
: not heavy : having little weight or less than usual weight轻的;不重的
: small in size and weight小巧的
: less in amount or degree than usual少量的;程度低的
: not strong or violent : moderate轻柔的
: not great or large不多的;不大的
: not difficult to accept or bear容易承受的
: not harsh or severe不严厉的
: slight or minor in degree or effect轻微的
opposite heavy
: not involving a lot of physical effort不费力的;轻松的
opposite heavy
: not loud or forceful轻声的
opposite heavy
: not important or serious : intended mainly for entertainment轻松的;消遣性的
opposite heavy
: not dense and thick稀疏的;稀松的
opposite heavy
: made with thin cloth and not very warm单薄的;不保暖的
opposite heavy
: eating, drinking, or using a small amount of something(饮食或使用)少量的
: producing a small amount of something产量少的
: not done often or in large amounts不经常做的;少量的
opposite heavy
: not having a large amount of food : not making your stomach feel full(进食)少量的
: made with fewer calories or with less of some ingredient than usual热量少的;用配料少的
: not rich, dense, or thick不油腻的;不稠的
opposite heavy
: designed to carry a small load or few passengers(交通工具)轻型的
: not as large and powerful as other weapons, machines, etc.(武器、机械)轻型的
of a group of soldiers : having fewer and smaller weapons and less armor than other groups but able to move quickly(士兵)轻装的

light on

: having or using a small amount of (something)(某物)用得少的

light on your feet

: capable of moving in a quick and graceful way步履轻盈的

light sleeper

: someone who wakes up easily睡不沉的人;易醒的人

make light of

: to treat (something, such as a problem) in a joking way : to not be serious about (something important)轻视(某事);对(重要的某事)不在乎
compare 2light

— lightness

/ˈlaɪtnəs/ noun [noncount]
5 light /ˈlaɪt/ adverb
lighter; lightest
5 light
lighter; lightest
Learner's definition of LIGHT

eat light

: to eat foods that will not cause you to gain weight饮食清淡

travel light

: to travel with little baggage(旅行)轻装地




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