

单词 lie


1 lie /ˈlaɪ/ verb
lies; lay /ˈleɪ/ ; lain /ˈleɪn/ ; lying /ˈlajɪŋ/
1 lie
lies; lay /ˈleɪ/ ; lain /ˈleɪn/ ; lying /ˈlajɪŋ/
Learner's definition of LIE
[no object]
of a person or animal
: to be in a flat position on a surface (such as a bed)(人或动物)躺,平卧
see picture at position
: to move from a standing or sitting position to a flat position on a surface(人或动物)躺下,躺倒
used to mark the place where a person is buried被埋葬;长眠于
of things : to be in a flat position on a surface(物体)平放在…上,平放着
: to be or remain in a specified state or condition处于某种状态
always followed by an adverb or a preposition : to be in a specified direction朝…方向
: to be located in a particular place位于;处于…位置
often used figuratively常用作比喻
British : to be at a specified level in a competition(比赛中)占…名次

how the land lies

see 1land

let sleeping dogs lie

see 1dog

lie ahead

: to be in the future将来

lie around

[phrasal verb] or British lie about
: to be lying in a disordered way凌乱地摆放
: to be somewhere within a general area or place在一定范围的某个地方
: to spend time resting in a lazy way闲着;无所事事

lie back

[phrasal verb]
: to lean backward from a sitting position to a flat position仰靠;向后靠

lie behind

[phrasal verb]
lie behind (something)
: to be the cause of (something)是…的原因

lie down

[phrasal verb]
: to move from a standing or sitting position to a flat position on a surface躺下;趴下
lie down on the job : to fail to do your job : to neglect your responsibilities偷懒;玩忽职守
◊ To take something lying down is to accept something bad, such as an insult or unfair treatment, without trying to fight against it.屈服;甘受(侮辱、不公等)

lie in

[phrasal verb] British
: to stay in bed later than usual睡懒觉

lie in state

see 1state

lie in wait

see 2wait

lie low

: to try not to be noticed : to stay hidden or inactive in order to avoid being noticed or found藏匿;潜伏

lie on/upon

[phrasal verb]
lie on/upon (someone or something)
: to affect someone in a specified way以某种方式对…造成影响

lie with

[phrasal verb]
lie with (someone or something) not used in the progressive tensesused to say who has the blame or responsibility for something是…的过失;是…的责任
lie with (someone) literary : to have sex with (someone)与…性交

make your bed and lie in it

see 1bed
compare 3lie
2 lie /ˈlaɪ/ noun
plural lies
2 lie
plural lies
Learner's definition of LIE
: the position in which something lies on the ground(某物在地面的)位置,方向
see also lie of the land
compare 4lie
3 lie /ˈlaɪ/ verb
lies; lied; lying
3 lie
lies; lied; lying
Learner's definition of LIE
[no object]
: to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone : to tell a lie说谎
: to indicate or suggest something that is not true or accurate造成假象;不可靠
compare 1lie
4 lie /ˈlaɪ/ noun
plural lies
4 lie
plural lies
Learner's definition of LIE
: something untrue that is said or written to deceive someone谎言;假话
see also white lie

give the lie to

: to show that (something) is not true证明(某事)不实;揭穿

I tell a lie

British, informal
used to correct something you have just said我说错了(用于纠正刚刚说过的话)

live a lie

: to live in a false or deceptive way : to live in a way that does not show who you truly are or what your feelings truly are过欺骗人的生活;过伪装的生活
compare 2lie




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