单词 | lay |
释义 | lay 25 ENTRIES FOUND: Learner's definition of LAY 1 [+ object] : to place (someone or something) down gently in a flat position安放,平放(某人或某物);放置
2 [+ object] a : to place (something) into position on or along a surface : to build or set (something) on or in the ground or another surface(在地面、地下等)铺放,铺设
b chiefly US : to spread (something) over a surface摊开;涂;敷
3 4 [no object] informal : to be in a flat position on a surface : lie平卧;平放;平躺
◊ The use of lay to mean “lie” occurs commonly in informal speech but it is regarded as an error by many people.*lay的这一用法在非正式口语中很常见,但很多人认为这一用法是错误的。 5 [+ object] a : to beat or strike (something) down with force使倒伏;击倒
b : to change the condition of something in a specified way使…发生某种变化
6 of a bird, insect, etc. : to produce (an egg) outside of the body : to push (an egg) out of the body(鸟、昆虫等)下蛋,产卵 [+ object]
[no object]
7 [+ object] — used like make, place, or put in various phrases用于各种短语,用法相当于make、place或put
8 [+ object] : to make (something) ready : to prepare (something)准备好;预备
9 [+ object] informal : to risk losing (money) if your guess about what will happen is wrong : bet打赌;下赌注
10 [+ object] informal + offensive : to have sex with someone与某人性交 — usually used in the phrase get laid通常用于短语get laid
lay aside[phrasal verb] 1 lay (something) aside or lay aside (something) : to place (something) to one side把(某物)放在一边
2 : to keep (something) for special or future use : to reserve or save (something)留存备用
lay by[phrasal verb] lay (something) by or lay by (something) : to keep (something) for special or future use留存备用
lay chargesBritish : to accuse someone officially of doing something illegal指控
lay claim tolay down[phrasal verb] 1 lay (something) down or lay down (something) a : to clearly state (a rule, standard, guideline, etc.)规定,制定(规则、标准、指导方针等)
b : to stop using (something)停止使用(某物)
2 lay (a weapon) down or lay down (a weapon) : to put (a weapon) down and stop fighting放下(武器)
3 lay down your life formal : to give up your life for a good purpose : to die for a good cause(为崇高事业而)牺牲生命
4 lay down the law : to make a strong statement about what someone is or is not allowed to do制定法则;严格规定
lay eyes onlay hold oflay in[phrasal verb] lay (something) in or lay in (something) : to get and store (a supply of something) for future use储存
lay into[phrasal verb] lay into (someone or something) informal : to angrily attack or criticize (someone or something)痛打;痛斥
lay it on the linelay off[phrasal verb] 1 lay (someone) off or lay off (someone) : to stop employing (someone) because there is not enough work(因开工不足)解雇,使下岗
2 lay off (something) informal : to stop doing, using, eating, or drinking (something)停止做(某事)
3 lay off or lay off (someone) informal : to leave someone alone : to stop annoying someone停止烦扰(某人)
lay on[phrasal verb] 1 lay (something) on or lay on (something) a : to spread (something) over a surface把(某物)铺开;在表面抹
b British : to provide (something) for someone为某人提供(某物)
2 lay it on (thick) informal : to speak in a way that is exaggerated and not sincere说得过分;虚伪夸张;竭力恭维
lay out[phrasal verb] 1 lay (something) out or lay out (something) a : to place (something) on a surface in a carefully arranged way仔细摆放
b : to arrange (something) in a particular pattern or design排列;布置
c : to plan the details of (something)周密计划;筹划
d : to explain the details of (something)详细解释
e informal : to spend (money)花钱
2 lay (someone's body) out or lay out (someone's body) : to prepare (someone's dead body) so that it can be seen by family and friends before it is buried陈列(某人的遗体)供亲友瞻仰
3 lay (someone) out or lay out (someone) informal : to make (someone) unconscious : to knock (someone) out打晕;击倒
lay over[phrasal verb] US 1 : to make a stop in the middle of a journey中途停留
2 lay (someone) over : to cause (someone) to stop in the middle of a journey使(某人)中途停留 — usually used as (be) laid over通常用作(be) laid over
lay siege tolay (someone) to restlay to rest (something)or lay (something) to restlay up[phrasal verb] 1 lay (something) up or lay up (something) a old-fashioned : to store (something)贮备;贮存
b : to take (something) out of active use or service搁置
2 lay (someone) up or lay up (someone) : to cause (someone) to stay at home or in bed because of illness or injury使(因病)卧床;使(因伤)待在家中
lay waste to : to cause very bad damage to (something)损毁;毁坏
lay your hands onthe goose that lays the golden egg 2 lay /ˈleɪ/ noun plural lays 2 lay /ˈleɪ/ noun plural lays Learner's definition of LAY [count] informal + offensive : a person who is being described as a sexual partner性伙伴
4 lay /ˈleɪ/ adjective 4 lay /ˈleɪ/ adjective Learner's definition of LAY always used before a noun 1 : not trained in a certain profession : not having a lot of knowledge about a certain thing外行的
2 : belonging to a religion but not officially a priest, minister, etc.平信徒的;非神职人员的;世俗的
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