

单词 keep


1 keep /ˈkiːp/ verb
keeps; kept /ˈkɛpt/ ; keeping
1 keep
keeps; kept /ˈkɛpt/ ; keeping
Learner's definition of KEEP
[+ object] : to continue having or holding (something) : to not return, lose, sell, give away, or throw away (something)保有;保存;保留
[linking verb] : to continue in a specified state, condition, or position保持,维持(某种状态)
[+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to continue in a specified state, condition, or position使…保持,使…维持(某种状态)
[+ object]
: to cause or force (someone) to stay in a place使(某人)留在某处
: to cause (someone) to be late妨碍;耽搁
[+ object]
: to do (something) continuously or again and again继续,反复(做某事)+ -ing verb
often + on
: to cause (someone or something) to do something continuously or again and again使…持续做;使…反复做+ -ing verb
see also keep going (below)
[+ object]
: to do what is required by (something, such as a promise)履行(诺言等);遵循
: to not tell (a secret)保守(秘密)
somewhat formal : to act properly in relation to (something)遵守;笃守;恪守
[+ object]
: to store (something) in a specified place存放;储藏;储存
: to have or hold (something) for later use instead of using it now(暂时)保管,保留
[no object] of food : to continue to be in a good condition(食物)能保存下去,持久不坏
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[+ object] formal : to protect (someone)保护;使免受
usually + from
[+ object] : to produce (something, such as a journal or record) by putting information in a book, document, etc., over a period of time定期记录;记载
[+ object]
: to take care of (something)照顾;料理;供养
: to operate (something, such as a business) : manage经营;开设;管理
[+ object] somewhat old-fashioned
: to have (something) available for use持有(以供使用)
: to have a continuing sexual relationship with (someone who is not your husband or wife)与(非配偶)保持性关系

How are you keeping?

used to ask if someone feels good, bad, happy, well, etc.用于询问某人的情况

keep after

[phrasal verb]
keep after (someone) informal : to tell (someone) again and again to do something一再要求;不断提醒
keep (someone) after US : to require (a student) to stay at school after classes have ended使(学生)课后留校

keep at

[phrasal verb]
keep at it : to continue doing or trying to do something继续做;坚持干
keep (someone) at it : to force or cause (someone) to continue doing something使(某人)继续做;使(某人)坚持干

keep back

[phrasal verb]
: to not go near something不靠近;不接近
keep (someone) back or keep back (someone)
: to not allow (someone) to go near something阻止(某人)靠近
US : to not allow (a student) to advance to the next grade level使(学生)留级usually used as (be) kept back通常用作(be) kept back
British : to require (a student) to stay at school after classes have ended使(学生)课后留校
keep (something) back or keep back (something) : to not allow (something) to appear or be known阻止;抑制;隐瞒

keep company

[phrasal verb]
keep company with (someone) : to spend time with (someone)与(某人)交往usually used figuratively通常用作比喻
keep (someone) company : to spend time with (someone who would be alone if you were not there)做伴;陪伴

keep down

[phrasal verb]
: to stay close to the ground or floor匍匐;蹲下
keep (someone) down : to prevent (someone) from succeeding, winning, etc.压制,阻止(某人成功、取胜等)
keep (something) down or keep down (something)
: to prevent (something) from increasing or rising控制,限制(某物上升,上涨)
: to prevent (something) from coming up from your stomach and into your mouth again使(胃中食物)不吐出;咽下;吞下
keep it downused to ask someone to be quiet保持安静

keep from

[phrasal verb]
keep from (doing something) or keep (someone or something) from (doing something) : to not do or experience (something) : to prevent or stop (someone or something) from doing or experiencing (something)克制;阻止;防止
keep (something) from (someone) : to not tell (something) to (someone)不(将某事)告诉(某人);瞒着(某人)

keep going

[phrasal verb]
: to continue moving forward继续前行
: to continue doing something继续做;坚持干
keep (someone) going : to make (someone) able to continue doing something at a difficult time使(某人)坚持下去
keep (something) going : to cause (something) to continue to exist or function使…维持下去

keep house

see 1house

keep in

[phrasal verb]
keep (something) in : to not show or express (something, such as an emotion)控制,不表露(感情等)
keep (someone) in (something) : to continue to provide (someone) with (something needed or wanted)向(某人)持续提供(所需的物品)
keep in with (someone) chiefly British : to remain friendly with (someone)与(某人)友好相处;不得罪

keep off

[phrasal verb]
keep off (something) or keep (someone or something) off (something) : to stop or prevent (someone or something) from being on (something))使让开;阻止…靠近
keep (weight) off : to continue to weigh a lower amount than you formerly weighed : to not regain weight that you have lost(减肥后)保持体重
keep off (something) : to not talk about (something)不提;避开
keep (someone) off (something) : to prevent (someone) from talking about (something)阻止(某人)谈论(某事)

keep on

[phrasal verb]
informal : to continue happening, doing something, working, etc.继续下去;不停
keep (someone) on : to continue to have (someone) as an employee继续雇用;继续留用
keep on at (someone) chiefly British, informal : to say the same thing to (someone) again and again in a way that is annoying对(某人)喋喋不休

keep out

[phrasal verb]
: to not enter a place留在外面;不得进入
keep out of (something)
: to not enter (a place)留在…的外面;不进入…
: to not become involved in (something)不参加;不卷入
keep out (someone or something) or keep (someone or something) out (of a place) : to stop or prevent (someone or something) from entering (a place)使留在外面;使不进入

keep pace with

see 1pace

keep score

see 1score

keep tabs on

see 1tab

keep the faith

see faith

keep time

see 1time

keep to

[phrasal verb]
keep to (something)
: to stay in or on (something) : to not leave (something)留在(某处);不离开(某地)
: to not go beyond (something)局限于
: to act or behave in the way required by (something)遵守;信守
: to not move away from or change (something)不偏离;不离开
keep to yourself
or chiefly British keep yourself to yourself : to stay apart from other people : to avoid other people不与人交往;不交际
keep (something) to yourself : to keep (something) secret对…秘而不宣;不把…讲出来

keep track

see 1track

keep up

[phrasal verb]
: to go or make progress at the same rate as others : to stay even with others in a race, competition, etc.并驾齐驱;不落后
often + with
: to continue to know the newest information about something跟上,了解(最新资讯)
: to continue happening继续下去;不停止
keep up with (someone) informal : to continue to talk to or write to (someone)与(某人)保持联系
keep (someone) up : to prevent (someone) from sleeping使熬夜
keep (something) up or keep up (something)
: to continue doing (something)继续做(某事)
: to prevent (something) from getting worse, weaker, etc.(使)保持良好状态
◊ If you keep up your end of something (such as a bargain or agreement) you do what you have promised or agreed to do.信守承诺

keep up appearances

see appearance

keep up with the Joneses

see joneses

keep your chin up

see chin

keep your distance

see 1distance

keep your head

see 1head
2 keep /ˈkiːp/ noun
plural keeps
2 keep
plural keeps
Learner's definition of KEEP
: the strongest part of a castle built in the Middle Ages城堡主楼

for keeps

: forever or permanently持久地;永久地
: with the understanding that you may keep what you win归赢者所得

your keep

: the amount of money you need to pay for food, clothing, a place to live, etc.维持生计的钱used in the phrase earn your keep用于短语earn your keep




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