

单词 horn


1 horn /ˈhoɚn/ noun
plural horns
1 horn
plural horns
Learner's definition of HORN
[count] : one of the hard pointed parts that grows on the head of some animals (such as cattle, goats, or sheep)(牛、羊等动物的)角
[count] : a hard pointed part that grows on the nose of a rhinoceros犀牛角
[noncount] : the hard material of which horns are made角质
[count] : something that is shaped like a horn角状物
: a brass musical instrument (such as a trumpet or trombone)号(小号、长号等乐器) see also english horn, french horn
: an instrument made from an animal's horn that is used for music or for producing loud signals号角
[count] : a device that makes a loud noise喇叭;喇叭形扬声器
see picture at car
the horn US slang : 1telephone

blow your own horn

US, informal or toot your own horn
: to talk about yourself or your achievements especially in a way that shows that you are proud or too proud自夸;吹牛

lock horns

see 2lock

on the horns of a dilemma

: in a situation in which you have to choose between things that are unpleasant or undesirable进退两难;左右为难

pull in your horns

also draw in your horns
: to begin to behave in a more careful way
especially : to spend or invest money more carefully行为举止更加谨慎;(尤指)花费或投资更加谨慎

take the bull by the horns

see 1bull

— hornless

/ˈhoɚnləs/ adjective
2 horn /ˈhoɚn/ verb
horns; horned; horning
2 horn
horns; horned; horning
Learner's definition of HORN

horn in

[phrasal verb] US, informal + usually disapproving
: to add your comment or opinion to a conversation or discussion that you have been listening to插嘴;打断讲话
usually + on




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