

单词 hole


1 hole /ˈhoʊl/ noun
plural holes
1 hole
plural holes
Learner's definition of HOLE
[count] : an opening into or through something裂口;开口
: a hollow place in the ground洞;孔;坑
see also foxhole, swimming hole, water hole
: a place in the ground where an animal lives洞穴;巢穴
[count] golf
: the cup into which the ball is hit球穴;球洞
: one of the separate parts of a golf course that includes a tee and a green从球座到球洞的一段距离
[count] : a flaw or weakness漏洞;缺陷;破绽
see also loophole
[singular] informal
: a difficult or embarrassing situation困境;窘境
US : the state of owing or losing money欠钱;输钱
[count]used to describe a situation in which someone or something is gone or missing用于形容缺少某人或某事物的状态
[count] : a dirty and unpleasant place又脏又乱的地方;肮脏龌龊的地方
see also hellhole
the hole US : a prison cell where a prisoner who is being punished is kept alone禁闭室;单人牢房
baseball : an open area between two fielders(两个守场员间的)空地,空隙
American football : an open area between defenders that allows an offensive player to move the ball forward进攻球员带球前进的空间(处于防守球员之间)

an ace in the hole

see 1ace

like a hole in the head

◊ If you do not need something at all, you can say that you need it like a hole in the head.一点也不需要;完全不需要

punch holes in

: to weaken (an argument, idea, etc.) by proving that parts of it are wrong通过证明部分错误而削弱(论点、观点、想法等)
2 hole /ˈhoʊl/ verb
holes; holed; holing
2 hole
holes; holed; holing
Learner's definition of HOLE
: to hit (the ball) into the hole击球入洞
[+ object]
[no object]
+ out

hole up

[phrasal verb] informal
: to stay in a place hidden or apart from other people躲藏
◊ You can hole up in a place or be/stay holed up in a place.躲藏在某地可用hole up或be/stay holed up。




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