

单词 hold


1 hold /ˈhoʊld/ verb
holds; held /ˈhɛld/ ; holding
1 hold
holds; held /ˈhɛld/ ; holding
Learner's definition of HOLD
[+ object]
: to have or keep (something) in your hand, arms, etc.(用手、手臂等)抓住,托住,夹住
: to put your arms around (someone) : to embrace or hug (someone)拥抱(某人)
[+ object] : to put or keep (something or someone) in a specified place or position固定住
[+ object] : to keep (something or someone) in the same place or position保持在原位;维持
[no object] : to remain in the same place or position保持在原位
[no object] : to continue to be good持续良好的状态
[+ object]
: to own or possess (something)拥有;持有
: to have or keep (a job, a position, etc.)任职
: to succeed in keeping (something that is being attacked)成功守住
: to have (something that you have achieved or earned)拥有(经过努力得来之物)
[+ object] : to support the pressure or weight of (something or someone)承受;支撑
[+ object]
: to have or keep (a belief, a feeling, etc.) in your mind记住
somewhat formal : to consider or judge (someone or something) in a specified way认为
often + for
often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式
not used in progressive tenses, somewhat formal : to have or express (an opinion, belief, etc.)持有,怀有(观点、信念等)+ that
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[+ object] : to cause (a meeting, class, sale, etc.) to take place使举行(授课、销售等);使召开(会议等)
[+ object]
: to contain (something)容纳
not used in progressive tenses : to have enough room for (an amount)有足够的空间;装得下
[+ object] : to continue to have (someone's interest or attention)吸引
[+ object] : to have (a specified quality, feature, etc.)具有(某种特征)
often + for
[+ object] : to stop doing (something) or wait to do (something)停止;等待
[+ object]
: to keep (something) available for later use预留
: to delay the handling of (something, such as a telephone call) for a time推迟处理(某事)
[+ object] : to prevent (something, such as a vehicle) from leaving止住,控制(不让…离开)
[+ object] chiefly US : to not use or include (something) in preparing food(在制作食物过程中)不使用,不包括
[+ object] : to force (someone) to stay in a place (such as a prison)扣押
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[+ object] : to continue moving on (a course) without change继续前行
[+ object] of a vehicle : to stay on (a road) in a safe and secure way when being driven at high speeds(车辆高速行驶时)保持平稳
[no object] : to be true : to remain valid有效;适用
often used in the phrases hold true and (less commonly) hold good常用于短语hold true和hold good(较少见)
: to wait to speak to someone on the telephone别挂断
[no object]
[+ object]

hold a candle to

see candle

hold against

[phrasal verb]
hold (something) against (someone)
: to use (something) as a reason to have a bad opinion of (someone)用(某事)作为对某人评价不好的理由

hold a gun to someone's head

see 1gun

hold all the aces

see 1ace

hold (all/all of) the cards

see 1card

hold back

[phrasal verb]
: to stop yourself from doing something退缩
: to make a less than complete effort未尽全力
hold (someone) back : to stop (someone) from doing something阻拦,妨碍(某人做某事)
hold (something) back or hold back (something)
: to not allow (something) to be seen or known by someone防止(某事)被知晓
: to keep (something)贮存
: to delay (something)延迟;耽搁
hold (someone or something) back or hold back (someone or something) : to stop (someone or something) from moving forward : to stop (someone or something) from advancing to the next level, grade, or stage阻止(人或物)进入下一阶段

hold court

see 1court

hold down

[phrasal verb]
hold (something) down or hold down (something)
: to stop (something) from being or becoming too high保持低水平
: to continue to have (a job)保住(工作)
hold (someone) down or hold down (someone) : to stop (someone) from doing something or advancing to a higher level, position, etc.压制,限制(某人)

hold firm

: to refuse to change what you have been doing or believing拒不改变

hold forth

[phrasal verb] formal
: to speak about something for a long time喋喋不休;长时间谈论

hold hands

or hold someone's hand
see 1hand

hold in

[phrasal verb]
hold (something) in or hold in (something)
: to stop (an emotion) from being expressed克制(情感)

hold off

[phrasal verb]
: to wait to do something观望;等待;拖延
often + on
◊ If you hold off doing something or hold off on doing something, you wait to do it at a later time.推迟;拖延
: to not happen until later延后发生
hold (someone) off or hold off (someone) : to stop (someone) from coming near someone or something阻止(某人)靠近
hold (something) off or hold off (something) : to defend against (something) successfully : withstand抵挡住;顶住

hold on

[phrasal verb]
: to have or keep your hand, arms, etc., tightly around something抓紧;抱紧
: to succeed in keeping a position, condition, etc.坚持住;挺住
: to wait or stop briefly稍等
hold on to (something) : to keep possession of (something)拥有;占有
: to not lose or give up (something)不放弃

hold out

[phrasal verb]
: to continue to exist or be available持续;维持
: to continue to work继续运转
: to continue to oppose someone or defend against something : to refuse to surrender or give in抵抗;坚持
see also holdout
hold out (something) or hold (something) out
: to reach outward with (something, such as your hand)伸出
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
: to say that there is a good reason to have (something, such as hope)给予希望
: to say that (a possibility) exists声称存在(可能性)
hold out for (something) : to refuse to accept or agree to something in order to get (something)拒绝达成协议,拒绝妥协(以期获得某些条件)
hold out on (someone) informal : to keep something (such as information) from (someone)对(某人)隐瞒

hold over

[phrasal verb]
hold over (something) or hold (something) over
: to cause (something) to happen later推迟;搁置
US : to cause (something) to continue beyond a normal or planned time延长
hold (something or someone) over or hold over (something or someone) : to keep (something or someone) from an earlier time留任;留用;续用
see also holdover
hold (something) over (someone) : to use your knowledge of (something) to influence or control the behavior of (someone)(利用掌握的信息)对他人实施影响或控制

hold the bag

(US) informal or British hold the baby
: to be given all of the blame or responsibility that should be shared with others承担全部责任

hold the fort

see fort

hold the line

see 1line

hold to

[phrasal verb]
hold to (something) : to continue to have or follow (a plan, purpose, etc.)坚持(计划、目的等)
: to not change (a decision, belief, etc.)不改变(决定、信念等)
hold (someone) to (something) : to force (someone) to do what is required by (something, such as a promise)迫使(某人)遵循
hold (someone) to (something) : to prevent (an opponent) from having or getting more than (a specified number of scores or shots)压制住(对手)不让其得到(更多分)

hold together

[phrasal verb]
: to stay joined together or in one piece统一;连在一起
hold (something) together or hold together (something) : to cause (something) to stay joined together or in one piece使…保持连接

hold up

[phrasal verb]
: to continue in the same condition without failing or losing effectiveness or force支撑
hold (something) up or hold up (something) : to raise (something)举起
hold up (something or someone) or hold (something or someone) up
: to delay, stop, or slow the movement, progress, or action of (something or someone) : delay推延;妨碍
see also holdup
: to use a gun to rob (a person, store, etc.)持枪抢劫
see also holdup
: to cause (someone or something) to be noticed for a particular reason引起注意

hold water

see 1water

hold with

[phrasal verb]
hold with (something)
: to agree with or approve of (something)赞成;同意usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句

hold your breath

see breath

hold your ground

see 1ground

hold your horses

see 1horse

hold your liquor

see liquor

hold your nose

see 1nose

hold your own

: to do well in a difficult situation(在困境中)表现良好

hold your tongue

also hold your peace
: to keep silent : to not say anything about something保持沉默
2 hold /ˈhoʊld/ noun
plural holds
2 hold
plural holds
Learner's definition of HOLD
: the act of holding or gripping something拿;抓;握
usually singular通常用单数
often used figuratively常用作比喻
[count] : a way of holding your opponent in wrestling(摔跤运动中的)擒拿
see also choke hold, stranglehold
: power that is used to control something or someone影响;控制
: an understanding of something理解usually + on
[count] : something that can be held or stepped on for support while you are climbing支撑点
see also foothold, handhold, toehold
[singular] : an order that something is to be kept for a particular person or time预定
[count] : an area on a ship or airplane where cargo is stored货舱

cop hold of

see 2cop

get hold of

or chiefly US get a hold of
: to get possession of (something) : to succeed in getting (something)拥有
: to find and talk to (someone) : to contact (someone)联系某人
get hold of yourself or chiefly US get a hold of yourself : to get control of your thoughts and emotions and stop behaving in a foolish or uncontrolled way控制自己;使自己理智

lay hold of

: to take and hold (something) : grab抓住;拿着
: to understand (something)理解

no holds barred

◊ If there are no holds barred, there are no limits or rules for what can and cannot be done in a particular situation.无限制的
see also no-holds-barred

on hold

: in the state of waiting to speak to someone on the telephone(电话中)等一下
: in the state of being delayed for a time推迟;延误

take hold

or chiefly US take a hold
: to become effective, established, or popular变得有效;得以建立




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