

单词 heart


heart /ˈhɑɚt/ noun
plural hearts
plural hearts
Learner's definition of HEART
[count] : the organ in your chest that pumps blood through your veins and arteries心;心脏
often used before another noun常用于另一名词前
see picture at human; see also open-heart
[count] : the front part of your chest胸前
[count] : the heart thought of as the place where emotions are felt内心;情感
: a kind or generous feeling for other people同情;怜悯
see also change of heart, heart-to-heart, lonely hearts
[noncount] : feelings of love or affection爱情;情爱
[noncount] : emotional strength that allows you to continue in a difficult situation意志力;毅力
the heart : the central or most important part of something中心;要点;实质
[count] : the central part of some vegetables(某些蔬菜的)菜心
[count] : a shape that looks like a simple drawing of a heart and that is used as a symbol of love and affection(表示爱情的)心形
[count] : a playing card that is marked with a red heart(纸牌的)红心,红桃
see picture at playing card
hearts [plural] : the suit in a deck of playing cards that consists of cards marked by hearts(一副纸牌里的)红心牌,红桃牌
compare club, diamond, spade

absence makes the heart grow fonder

see absence

at heart

: at the most basic level本质上;实际上
: as a main concern关心;关照

break someone's heart

: to cause someone to feel great sorrow or sadness使…伤心;使…心碎

by heart

: from memory凭记忆;背诵

close/dear/near to your heart

: very personally and emotionally important to you认为…重要

cross my heart

see 2cross

cry your heart out

see 1cry

do your heart good

: to make you feel very happy使…开心;使…高兴

eat your heart out

see eat

faint of heart

see 1faint

from the bottom of your heart

or from the/your heart
: in a very sincere way衷心地;由衷地

harden your heart

see harden

have your heart set on (something)

or set your heart on (something)
◊ When you have your heart set on something or when you set your heart on something, you want it very much.渴望得到

heart in your mouth

◊ If your heart is in your mouth, you are very excited or nervous about something.激动兴奋;提心吊胆

heart is knocking

see 1knock

heart skips a beat

◊ When you say that your heart skipped a beat or that something made your heart skip a beat, it means that you suddenly became very surprised, excited, or nervous about something.大吃一惊;异常兴奋;异常紧张

heavy heart

: a feeling of sadness心情沉重;非常难过

know your own heart

see 1know

light heart

: a feeling of happiness心情愉悦地

lose heart

: to begin to feel that you cannot do something that you have been trying to do : to become discouraged沮丧;垂头丧气

lose your heart

: to fall in love with someone爱上(某人)
usually + to

open your heart

: to talk in a very open and honest way about your feelings开诚布公;敞开心扉
: to begin to be generous and kind慷慨友善

pour your heart out

see pour

sick at heart

: very sad and upset忧伤;悲伤

sing/dance/play (etc.) your heart out

: to sing/dance/play (etc.) with great energy or effort卖力表演;尽情表演

take heart

: to begin to feel better and more hopeful : to stop feeling sad or discouraged振作精神;鼓起勇气

take (something) to heart

: to be deeply affected or hurt by (something)把…放在心上;深受伤害

to your heart's content

: until you feel satisfied : as long or as much as you want尽情地;尽量地

warm the cockles of your heart

see cockle

with all your heart

: in a very sincere and deeply felt way真诚地;由衷地

your heart bleeds for

◊ If your heart bleeds for someone, you feel great sadness or pity for that person.十分怜悯;非常同情

your heart leaps

◊ When your heart leaps, you become very happy or joyful about something.很高兴;很开心;兴高采烈

your heart melts

◊ When your heart melts, you begin to feel love, affection, or sympathy for someone or something.动情;动心;萌生同情

your heart sinks

◊ When your heart sinks, you become sad or disappointed about something.悲伤;沮丧




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