

单词 have got

have got

: have
Usage用法 Examples of have got are shown above and below for each sense, idiom, and phrasal verb in which it occurs. Note that have got is used only in the present tense. It is common in place of have in informal writing, and it is usual in ordinary speech. The contracted forms 's for has and 've for have are commonly used for the first part of this phrase.*have got的示例见于本词条中的各义项、习语和动词短语。注意have got只用于一般现在时。在非正式书面语中常代替have,也常用于日常口语。has和have的缩约形式's和've常用于这一短语的前半部分。
The usual negative forms of have got are haven't got and hasn't got.*have got的否定形式通常为haven't got和hasn't got。
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