

单词 good


1 good /ˈgʊd/ adjective
better /ˈbɛtɚ/ ; best /ˈbɛst/
1 good
better /ˈbɛtɚ/ ; best /ˈbɛst/
Learner's definition of GOOD
: of high quality好的;优良的
: of somewhat high but not excellent quality良好
: correct or proper正确的;适当的
: pleasant, pleasing, or enjoyable令人愉快的;令人高兴的
see also good life, good-looking
: not having, marked by, or relating to problems, troubles, etc.顺利的;安好的
see also good luck at 1luck
: adequate or suitable适当的;合适的
: sensible or reasonable明智的;合理的
: producing or likely to produce a pleasant or favorable result有益的
: having a desired quality令人满意的
: expressing approval or praise表示赞赏的
used in speech as a response(用于表示回应)好的
: not marked or affected by injury or disease : healthy健康的;健全的
: not causing harm or trouble : causing something desired有好处的;优良的
often + for
: not morally bad or wrong : morally proper or correct好心的;善良的;正直的
see also good life
: kind or helpful和蔼的;乐于助人的
sometimes used to formally make a request有时用于正式地提出请求
: behaving properly : not causing trouble规矩的;乖的
: having or showing talent or skill : doing or able to do something well有能力的;有本事的;熟练的
often + at
sometimes used in a joking way有时用作戏谑之意
see also no good, not any good at 2good
: able to use something or to deal with something or someone well应对自如的+ with
: having a tendency to do something有…意向的+ about
: happy or pleased开心的;高兴的
: cheerful or calm快乐的;平和的
not used before a noun
used to say how long something will continue or be valid在…时间内有效
: still suitable to eat or drink : not spoiled未变质
used in phrases like good heavens and good God to express surprise or anger or to make a statement or question more forceful用于good heavens、good God等短语,表示惊讶、生气或者加强语气
see also good grief at grief
: causing laughter : funny好笑的;有趣的
: large in size, amount, or quantity巨大的;大量的
: not less or fewer than a particular amount : at least至少;不少于used in the phrase a good用于短语a good
always used before a noun : forceful or thorough用力的;彻底的
: having a high social position or status上流社会的;社会地位高的
always used before a noun
used to describe people who know each other well and care about each other very much亲密的
: showing true and constant support for someone拥护的
: belonging to and having loyalty to a group or organization虔诚的;忠心的
not used before a noun sports
of a serve or shot : landing in the proper area of the court in tennis and similar games(网球等发球或击球)有效
of a shot or kick : successfully done(踢、射、投)命中
not used before a noun, informal : not wanting or needing anything more够了;到此为止了

all in good time

see 1time

all well and good

see 2well

as good as

: almost or nearly几乎

(as) good as gold

see 1gold

as good as it gets

used to say that nothing better is possible or available没有更好的了
used to say that something is very good and cannot be improved再好不过了

as good as new

see 1new

fight the good fight

see 1fight

for good measure

see 1measure

give as good as you get

see 1give

good and

chiefly US, informal /ˌgʊdn̩/
: very
: completely or entirely完全地

good egg

see 1egg

good for

somewhat informal
: able to provide or produce (something)能提供…的;能生产…的
see also 1good 4b, 8a (above)

good for it

: able to pay back a loan有偿还能力的

good graces

see 1grace

good old

used before a noun to describe a familiar person or thing with affection or approval(用于名词前,表示对熟悉的人或东西的喜爱或赞赏)好样的
see also good old boy

good riddance

see riddance

good to go

US, informal
: ready to leave or to start doing something准备好了

good word

see 1word

have it good

: to be in a favorable position or situation处于舒适的环境;养尊处优

have the good grace

see 1grace

hold good

: to be true有效;适用

if you know what's good for you

: if you want to avoid trouble, problems, etc.如果想避免麻烦

in good company

see company

in good part

see 1part

make good

: to become successful成功
◊ If you make good your escape, you escape successfully.成功逃脱
: to do something that you have promised or threatened to do履行(诺言)等;使(威胁)付诸行动
usually + on in U.S. English
: to pay for (something)赔偿usually + on
chiefly British : to repair (something)修理

so far, so good

see 1far

too good to be true

used to say that something cannot be as good as it seems to be好得令人难以置信;哪有这么好的事

very good

used as a response to say you will do something that you have been told or asked to do(用于回答)好的

what's good for the goose is good for the gander

see 1goose

with (a) good grace

see 1grace
2 good /ˈgʊd/ noun
plural goods
2 good
plural goods
Learner's definition of GOOD
[noncount] : morally good forces or influences善;优点
[count] : something that is right or good对的事情;好的事情
the good
[singular] : the pleasant things that happen to people好事
[singular] : things that are morally proper or correct美德;正义
[plural] : morally good people好人;有道德的人
[noncount] : the part of someone that is kind, honest, generous, helpful, etc.(某人)好的一面
: something that helps someone or something to be better, stronger, etc.有益的事;有利的事
: a useful or favorable result好结果
see also no good (below)
goods [plural]
: products that are made or grown in order to be sold : things for sale商品;货物
see also damaged goods, dry goods, durable goods, white goods
: things that are owned by a person私人财物
British : products carried by trains, trucks, etc. : freight(运载的)货物used before another noun用于另一名词前
see also goods train

be any good

: to be useful or helpful有用处;有好处

deliver the goods

informal or chiefly British come up with the goods
: to produce the desired or promised results : to do what is wanted or expected按约交货;履行诺言;不负所望

do good

: to do kind or helpful things : to do things that help other people做好事;帮忙
see also do-gooder
: to be useful or helpful有用处;有帮助used with any, much, some, etc.与any、much、some等词连用
: to be useful to or helpful for someone or something对…有用处;对…有好处
◊ If you do not think that something is helpful, useful, or worth doing, you can ask What good does it do?, What good is it?, What's the good of it?, etc.这有什么用?

for good

also for good and all
: forever永远

have/get the goods on

◊ To have/get the goods on someone is to have/get evidence showing that someone has done something wrong.抓住某人罪证;掌握某人犯罪证据

in good with

US, informal
: in a favored position with (someone)与…关系好

it's an ill wind that blows no good

see 1ill

no good

or not any good
: not effective or useful没有效果;毫无用处
see also be any good (above)

not much good

: not very effective or useful没多大效果;没多大用处

to the good

used to say that a particular result or effect is good or would be good有利usually used after all通常用在all后
used to indicate an amount of gain or profit净赚

up to no good

: doing bad things or planning to do bad things做坏事;不怀好意
3 good /ˈgʊd/ adverb
3 good
Learner's definition of GOOD
chiefly US : 1well 1
◊ The use of good to mean “well” is considered wrong by many people. It occurs mainly in very informal speech.很多人认为good作well是错误的。这主要用于很不正式的口语。
chiefly US : completely and thoroughly彻底地;完全地
used for emphasis before words like long and many用于long、many等词前,表强调




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