单词 | go |
释义 | go 170 ENTRIES FOUND: Learner's definition of GO 1 [no object] a : to move or travel to a place去;去往
b : to travel to and stay in a place for a particular amount of time去旅行
c : to move or travel in a particular way or for a particular distance以…方式行走(或移动);行走(或移动)…距离
2 a [no object] : to move to or be at a place (such as an office or school) for work, study, etc.去,在(某地工作、学习等)— + to
b [no object] : to do something that involves moving or traveling to a place去某处做某事 — often + on
c [no object] : to move or travel to a place for a particular purpose拜访;参加活动
◊ In informal spoken English, go and is used to emphasize a following verb. It usually expresses anger or annoyance.在非正式口语中,go and用于强调后面的动词,通常表示生气或恼怒。
◊ In U.S. English, go by itself is also sometimes used this way.在美国英语中,go本身有时也这么用。
d [+ object] informal : to engage in (doing something)参与;从事
3 [no object] a : to leave a place离开
b : to leave a job, position, etc.离职
4 : to lie or move along a particular route or in a particular direction(沿着特定路线或方向)延伸,前进 [no object]
[+ object]
5 [no object] : to provide a way to get to a place通往;通向
6 [no object] : to be sent发送;传送
7 [no object] : to be lost, used, or spent失掉;用掉;花掉
8 [no object] : to die死亡
9 [no object] a of time : to pass(时间)过去
b : to happen in a particular way(以某方式)发生
10 [no object] informal — used to talk or ask about how you are feeling用于谈及或问及进展状况
11 [no object] : to be given up, thrown away, etc.被放弃;被扔掉
12 always followed by an adverb or preposition [no object] a : to be sold卖掉
b : to be willing to pay a certain price for something出价
13 [no object] : to fail or become weak because of use, age, etc.衰退;减弱
14 [no object] : to break because of force or pressure(因压力大而)损坏,折断
15 [no object] : to start doing something开始做某事
16 [no object] — used to describe the result of a contest, election, decision, etc.(比赛、竞选、判决等的)结果
17 [no object] : to work in the usual or expected way工作;运行
18 a [linking verb] : to become变成 — used to describe a change用于描述变化
b [no object] : to change变动;变化
19 [linking verb] — used to describe someone's or something's condition用于描述某人或某事的状态
20 [no object] informal : to make a particular movement做某个动作
21 [no object] — used to talk about a story, song, etc.(故事)发生情况;(曲调等的)唱,说
22 [no object] a : to be able to fit in or through a space被容纳;被装进;通过
b : to have a usual or proper place or position : belong放置
23 [no object] : to have authority : to require you to do what is said or demanded(说话)有权威性
24 [no object] informal : to use the toilet上厕所
25 : to make a sound发出声音 [no object]
[+ object]
26 [+ object] informal : to say (something)说— used in describing what people said in a conversation用于表示对话者所说
27 [no object] of a sports team or player : to have a specified record取得(某成绩、比分等)
anything goes : anything is acceptable : there are no rules for behavior, dress, etc.(举止、服饰等)随意,随便
as (someone or something) goes — used to compare someone or something with someone or something else of the same kind就…来说
be goingBritish : to be available有空缺的
be going to — used to talk about what will happen or could happen将要发生;可能发生
come and goeasy come, easy gogo about[phrasal verb] 1 go about (something) : to start to do (something)开始做;着手做
2 : to do (something)做(某事)
go a bundle ongo after[phrasal verb] 1 go after (someone) a : to follow and try to stop or catch (someone)追赶;追捕
b : to try to find and punish (someone)查处
2 go after (something or someone) : to try to get (something or someone)力求;追求
go against[phrasal verb] 1 go against (something) : to not agree with (something)违反;违背
2 go against (someone or something) a : to oppose (someone or something)反对
b : to compete against (a player or team) in a contest or game竞争;较量
3 go against (someone) : to not be good for (someone) : to not produce the result that is wanted by (someone)对(某人)不利
go ahead[phrasal verb] 1 : to do or begin to do something做;着手做
2 : to happen or proceed发生;继续进行
3 : to go or travel to a place before the other person or group that is with you先行到达
go all out : to do something with as much effort as possible全力以赴
go all the waygo along[phrasal verb] 1 : to continue or proceed继续;前进
2 : to go or travel with someone(与某人)同行,同去
3 : to agree to do or accept what other people want赞同;接受
4 : to be part of something伴随— + with
go apego around[phrasal verb] or chiefly British go round 1 a always followed by an adverb or preposition : to go to different places到处走动
b chiefly British : to travel to a place that is nearby去往附近某处
c — used to describe the way a person often dresses or behaves穿着;举止
2 go around or go around (a place) : to go or pass from one person to another person流传
3 go around or go around (something or someone) : to be long enough to pass all the way around (something or someone)绕,围(一圈)
4 ◊ If people want something and there is enough/plenty to go around, there is enough for all of the people who want it or need it.足够分配
5 what goes around comes around informal — used to say that if you treat other people badly you will eventually be treated badly by someone else恶有恶报;你对他人不好,也会受到他人不好的对待 go at[phrasal verb] 1 a go at (someone) : to attack (someone)攻击(某人)
b go at it : to fight or argue打架;争吵
2 go at (something) : to make an effort to do or deal with (something)努力从事;致力于
go away[phrasal verb] 1 a : to leave a place or person离开(某地或某人)
b : to leave your home for a period of time离家(一段时间)
2 : to stop existing or happening : to end消失;结束
go back[phrasal verb] 1 a : to return to a place返回
b : to begin doing something again接着做 — + to
◊ The phrase there's no going back means that you have done or decided something and cannot change it.一经决定,不可更改;没有回头路可走。
2 a : to have existed for a particular amount of time or since a particular period(一定时期内或自某时期以来)存在
b : to have known each other for a particular amount of time相识(一段时间)
c : to think or talk about something from the past回溯;回顾
3 go back on (something) : to not do what is required by (something, such as a promise)违背(诺言等)
go before[phrasal verb] 1 go before (someone) : to happen or exist at an earlier time than (someone)(先于某人)发生,存在
2 go before (someone or something) : to be considered by (someone or something) for an official decision or judgment交由…裁定
go beyond[phrasal verb] go beyond (something) : to do more than (something)超过
go by[phrasal verb] 1 of time : to pass(时间)过去
2 go by (something) a : to be guided or directed by (something, such as a rule)按照;遵循
b : to form an opinion from (something)依据(某事物)做判断
3 go by (a name) : to be known by (a name)叫作
4 go by or go by (somewhere) : to go somewhere in order to visit someone去某地(拜访某人)
go down[phrasal verb] 1 : to fall or crash to the ground跌倒;坠落
2 : to sink into the water沉没
3 a : to drop to a lower level下跌;下降
b : to become less or smaller变少;变小
4 : to become less bright变暗
5 of the sun or moon : to stop being visible in the sky : to set(太阳或月亮)落到地平线下
6 a — used to say how easy or hard it is to eat or drink something(容易或难以)喝下,咽下
b — used to say how easy or hard it is to accept or agree to something契合
7 : to lose or fail失败
8 of a computer, system, etc. : to stop working失灵;停止运行
9 : to be remembered or talked about as an important person, event, etc.(作为重要人物、事件等)被铭记
10 British, informal : to be sent to prison入狱
11 somewhat informal : to travel to a place (especially one that is nearby or to the south)去某地;(尤指)去附近,去南方
12 slang : to happen发生
13 go down on (someone) slang : to perform oral sex on (someone)(对某人)口交 14 go down with (an illness) British : to begin to have or suffer from (an illness)患(病)
go easy, go easy on/withgo figurego for[phrasal verb] 1 a go for (someone) : to attack (someone)袭击(某人)
b go for (something) : to try to get (something)争取;力求
2 go for (something) : to accept or agree to (something, such as a plan or suggestion)接受;赞成
3 go for (someone or something) informal a : to like or be attracted to (someone or something)喜欢;被吸引
b : to relate to or apply to (someone or something)涉及;对…适用
4 go for (a price) : to be sold for (a particular price)以…价格卖出
5 go for (a walk, a drive, etc.) : to do an activity (such as walking or driving a car) that usually involves going somewhere外出活动
6 ◊ If you have something going for you, you have a talent, skill, etc., that helps you.有…优势
go great gunsgo in[phrasal verb] 1 of the sun or moon : to become hidden by a cloud(太阳或月亮)被云遮住
2 go in for (something) : to like or be interested in (something)喜欢(某事物);对(某事物)感兴趣
3 go in on (something) US, informal : to help pay for (something, such as a present)帮助购买
4 go in with (someone) : to join (someone) in a business, project, etc.加入(某人的业务、项目等)
go into[phrasal verb] 1 go into (something) a : to start to be in (a different state or condition)进入(不同的)状态
b : to start to move in (a different and usually bad way)转入,进入(通常不好的状态)
2 : to start to do (something) as a job or career开始从事(某种职业)
3 a : to talk about (something)讨论;谈论
b : to try to get information about (something)调查;了解— usually used as (be) gone into通常用作(be) gone into
4 : to be used for (something)用于
5 mathematics — used to say how many times a number can be multiplied to produce a larger number除
go it alonego off[phrasal verb] 1 a of a bomb : to explode爆炸
b of a gun : to shoot射击
c of an alarm : to begin to make a sudden loud noise(报警或闹钟)突然响起
2 of lights, electricity, etc. : to stop working(电灯)熄灭;(电力)中断
3 : to leave a place for a new place去往
4 a : to occur or happen发生
b : to happen in a particular way(以某种方式)发生
5 US, informal : to begin shouting at someone in an angry way(对某人)大喊大叫— usually + on
6 go off (someone or something) British : to stop liking (someone or something)不再喜欢
7 chiefly Brit a go off with (someone) :to leave(a spouse,partner,etc.)for someone else与(某人)私奔
b go off with (something) : to take (something that belongs to someone else) away with you : steal拿走,偷走(他人的东西)
go on[phrasal verb] 1 : to continue继续: such as a : to continue on a journey继续旅行
b : to continue as time passes持续;继续
c : to continue doing something继续做某事
d : to continue talking继续讲
e : to continue to be in the same situation or relationship继续保持
2 : to go or travel to a place before another person or group that is with you先去
3 : to do or say something else after you have finished doing or saying something转入(另一件事);进而讨论(另一问题) — usually + to
4 : to happen发生
5 of lights, electricity, etc. : to begin to work or function(灯、电等)开始运转
6 : to form an opinion or conclusion from something依某事判断— used in the phrase to go on用于短语to go on
7 a — used in speech to urge someone to do something(用于鼓励他人)来吧
b chiefly British, informal + old-fashioned — used in speech to express disbelief我不信
8 go on at (someone) chiefly British, informal : to criticize (someone) often or repeatedly数落;反复批评
go one better 1 : to achieve more : to move to a higher or better level取得更好成绩
2 go (someone or something) one better : to do better or more than (someone or something) : to outdo (someone or something)超过;胜过
go out[phrasal verb] 1 : to leave your home for an activity出门(进行某项活动)
2 : to be sent from a person or place寄出;发出
3 : to stop being popular or fashionable不再流行;过时
4 a : to meet someone for a romantic social activity : to go on a date with someone约会
b : to have a continuing romantic relationship with someone(与某人)相爱
5 : to stop working停止运转
especially : to stop shining or burning(尤指)熄灭
6 chiefly US : to try to become a member of a team, group, etc.努力加入— usually + for
7 of the tide : to drop to a lower level(潮)退,落
8 : to be broadcast on the radio, television, etc.播放
go over[phrasal verb] 1 : to move or travel to a particular place or person去往;走到(…跟前)
2 : to change sides in a disagreement, competition, etc.转变;倒向 — usually + to
3 US : to be accepted or received in a particular way(以某方式)被接受
4 go over (something) a : to talk about or think about (something) carefully认真讨论;认真思考
b : to look at or study (something) again in order to correct it, learn it, etc.检查;温习
go the distancego thereinformal : to start to talk or think about something开始谈论;开始考虑 — usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句
go through[phrasal verb] 1 go through (something) a : to study or look at (something) in a careful way仔细研究;仔细查看
b : to look in or at (something) in order to find something : to search in or through (something)搜寻
c : to experience (something)经历;经受
d : to spend or use all of (something)花完;用完
e : to occur throughout (something)贯穿
◊ If something (such as an idea or a song) is going through your head/mind, you are thinking about it or remembering it.考虑;记住
f : to do (something)做(某事)
2 ◊ Something (such as a law or contract) that goes through is officially accepted and approved.正式通过;正式被批准
3 go through with (something) : to do (something that you have thought or talked about)执行
go to[phrasal verb] 1 go to (something) : to begin to be in (a particular state, condition, or situation)进入(某状态、状况或形势)
2 go to (someone or something) : to be given to (someone or something)被赠予;被授予
3 go to (trouble or expense) chiefly US : to do something that causes you (trouble or expense)费心费力做某事
go together[phrasal verb] 1 not used in progressive tenses : to be suited to or appropriate for each other相配;协调
2 somewhat old-fashioned : to have a continuing romantic relationship相恋;相爱
go to show/prove : to help show or prove something证明;显示
go toward(s)[phrasal verb] go toward(s) (something) : to help pay for (something)(钱财)用于
go under[phrasal verb] 1 : to sink below the surface of the water沉没
2 : to fail : to not succeed失败
go up[phrasal verb] 1 : to rise to a higher level上升;提高
2 : to become brighter变亮
3 : to be built被新建起来
4 : to travel to a place (especially one that is to the north)去某处;(尤指)去北方
go with[phrasal verb] 1 go with (someone) : to have a continuing romantic relationship with (someone) : to date (someone)(与某人)相恋,约会
2 go with (something) a : to be suitable for or appropriate with (something)与…协调;合适
b : to exist or occur as a necessary part of (something)相伴;共存
3 go with (someone or something) : to choose or use (someone or something)选用;使用
go without[phrasal verb] go without or go without (something) : to not have (something) : to live or continue without having (something)没有…也行
here goes (nothing)here/there you go (again)informal — used to say that something is happening again or in the same way that it has happened before又来了
how goes it? — used as an informal greeting用作非正式问候语
ready, set, gothere go/goesinformal — used to say that something is no longer available or possible泡汤了;无法实现了
to go 1 : still remaining还剩下
2 US, of food : sold to be taken away and eaten somewhere else供外卖的
2 go /ˈgoʊ/ noun plural goes 2 go /ˈgoʊ/ noun plural goes Learner's definition of GO 1 [count] : an attempt to do something尝试
2 [singular] US, informal : permission to do something允许
◊ In informal U.S. English, if you say that something is a go, you mean that it will or can happen in the way that was planned or hoped for.(非正式美国英语)可按计划进行
◊ If you say all systems (are) go, you mean that everything is working correctly so that something can continue or proceed in the planned or expected way.一切准备就绪
3 [noncount] chiefly British, informal : energy that makes someone want to do many things精力;活力
4 [count] British : a turn in a game or other activity(游戏中)轮到的机会
all goBritish, informal : full of activity : very busy繁忙的
have a go atBritish, informal : to attack or criticize (someone)攻击,批评(某人)
make a go of : to succeed in doing (something)成功地做(某事)
no goUS, informal — used to say that something will not be allowed or cannot be done不行;不可能
on the go 1 : very active or busy非常活跃;忙碌
2 chiefly British : happening or going正在进行的
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