

单词 focus


1 focus /ˈfoʊkəs/ noun
plural foci /ˈfoʊˌsaɪ/ also focuses
1 focus
plural foci /ˈfoʊˌsaɪ/ also focuses
Learner's definition of FOCUS
[count] : a subject that is being discussed or studied : the subject on which people's attention is focused中心话题;关注焦点usually singular通常用单数
: a main purpose or interest主要目标(或兴趣)
[count] technical : a point at which rays of light, heat, or sound meet or from which they move apart or appear to move apart
especially : the point at which an image is formed by a mirror, a lens, etc.(光、热、声等的)焦点;(尤指)镜像焦点,镜片焦点
: a state in which something (such as a camera, a telescope, or a person's eyes) produces a clear picture or image(照相机、望远镜或人眼的)成像
: a state in which the small details of a picture or image can be clearly seen(相片或影像的)清晰
see also soft focus
: a state or condition in which something can be clearly understood(情况)清楚明了
2 focus /ˈfoʊkəs/ verb
focuses also focusses; focused also focussed; focusing also focussing
2 focus
focuses also focusses; focused also focussed; focusing also focussing
Learner's definition of FOCUS
[+ object] : to cause (something, such as attention) to be directed at something specific将(注意力等)引向…+ on
[no object] : to direct your attention or effort at something specific将(注意力或精力)集中在…
often + on
: to adjust (something, such as a lens or a camera) to make an image clear调节(镜头或照相机的)焦距
[+ object]
[no object]
◊ If you focus your eyes on something or if your eyes focus on something, you look at that thing so that you can see it clearly.盯着看
technical : to cause (light) to come together at a point使(光)聚焦于一点
[+ object]
[no object]




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