释义 |
time plural times plural times Learner's definition of TIME 1 [noncount] : the thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc.(以分秒、时日、年月计算的)时间 -
The time passed slowly/quickly.时间过得很慢/很快。 -
The two events were separated by time and space.这两件事发生在不同的时间和地点。 -
The poem is a reflection on the passage/passing of time.这首诗表达了作者对时光流逝的感想。 -
What was happening at that particular moment in time?在那个特定的时刻发生了什么事? -
At this point in time, we have not made a decision. [=we have not yet made a decision]此时此刻,我们尚未做出任何决定。 -
It has been that way since the beginning of time.事情一开始就是那个样子。 -
If only I could travel back in time and do things differently.要是我可以回到过去换一种方式处理这些事情该有多好! -
They were given a relatively short amount of time to finish the job.他们只能用较短的时间来完成这项工作。 -
The situation has been getting more complicated as time goes by/on.随着时间的推移,事态变得愈加复杂。 -
In the course of time [=as time passed], people learned to accept the changes.经过一段时间,人们学会了接受这些改变。 -
The medicine is released in small amounts over time. [=it is released slowly]药物随时间被一点点缓慢地释放出来。 -
Her condition should improve with time. [=it should become better as time passes]随着时间的推移,她的状况应该会逐渐改善。 -
happening for an extended period of time又持续发生了一段时间 -
The study took place over a time span of 20 years. [=the study continued for 20 years]这项研究持续了20年之久。 2 a [singular] : a particular minute or hour shown by a clock(钟表上的)时间,时刻 -
What time is it? = (chiefly Brit) What's the time?现在几点了? -
The time is 6:15. [=it is 6:15]现在是6:15。 -
I'll see you tomorrow, same time, same place. = I'll see you here this time tomorrow.明天同一时间同一地点见。 -
Would you prefer the meeting to be at an earlier time?你希望会议时间提前一点儿吗? -
Feel free to call me at any time, day or night.不论白天还是晚上,任何时间都可以给我打电话。 -
What time did you leave work? [=when did you leave work?]你几点下的班? -
They arrived at the appointed/agreed-on time. [=hour]他们在约定的时间到达。 -
Do you know the time? = (chiefly US) Do you have the time? = (chiefly Brit) Have you got the time?你知道现在几点吗? -
(US) What time do you have? = (Brit) What time do you make it? [=what time is it?]现在几点了? -
“Look at the time! We have to go.”“看看都几点了!我们得走了。” 3 a : the part of a day, week, month, or year when something usually happens or is scheduled to happen(某事通常或预定发生的)时间,时刻 [noncount] -
My kids love bath time.我的孩子们喜欢洗澡的时光。 -
It's party time!现在是派对时间了! -
Test time is at 8:00. [=the test will begin at 8:00]测试8点开始。 -
I did some work on my house during my vacation time.我在假期收拾了一下房子。 [count] — see also bedtime, dinnertime, drive time, lunchtime, mealtime, playtime, prime time, teatime b [count] : a particular part of a day, week, month, or year(一日、一周、一月或一年中的)某个特定时间 -
He has to go to the classes at certain times of the month.他必须在每个月的特定时间去上课。 -
There was snow on the ground at this time last year.去年这个时候地上还有雪。 -
It's unusually hot for this time of year. [=season]今年这个时候就这么热,真不正常。 -
My favorite times of year are spring and fall.一年里我最喜欢的季节是春天和秋天。 — see also christmastime, daytime, nighttime, noontime, springtime, summertime, wintertime 4 [count] : an occurrence of an action or event : an instance of something happening or of someone doing something(某行为或事件的)发生次数 -
She's already seen the movie several times.那部电影她已经看过好几遍了。 -
He told us the story about the time he bought his first car.他给我们讲了他第一次买车的故事。 -
Do you remember the time we got lost in Washington, D.C.?你记得我们在华盛顿迷路那次吗? -
Take one pill two times daily [=take one pill twice each day] for seven days.每天服药两次,每次一片,连服七天。 -
This is my first time on an airplane. [=I have never been on an airplane before]这是我第一次乘飞机。 -
He ran for governor for the second time in 1980.*1980年他第二次竞选州长。 -
I cry each/every time [=whenever] I hear that song.我每次听那首歌都会哭。 -
Remember to buckle up your seatbelt each and every time you ride in a car.无论什么时候乘车,都要想着系好安全带。 -
I'll come by the next time I'm in town.我下次到城里时会来拜访。 -
The last time I saw him [=the most recent time that I saw him] was at his wedding.我上次见他是在他的婚礼上。 -
Okay, I'll do it again one last time.好吧!我最后再做一次。 -
For the last time, please stop! = This is the last time I'm going to tell you: please stop!我说最后一次!请停下来! -
Would you please do it one more time? [=again, once more]可以请你再做一次吗? -
How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know where it is!要我告诉你几遍呀?我不知道它在哪里! -
I've told you many times not to do that. = I've told you a hundred/thousand/million times not to do that.我已经跟你说过无数次了,不要那样做。 -
Don't worry about it. We've all made that same mistake many a time. = Many's the time we have made that same mistake.别担心。我们都曾多次犯过相同的错误。 -
“This time you've gone too far!” he said.“这次你实在是太过分了!”他说。 -
She beats me at chess nine times out of ten. [=for every ten games we play, she beats me nine times]下国际象棋,十回她赢我九回。 -
They may have lost their last championship game, but they're determined to win the next time around/round.他们也许输了上届的锦标赛,但他们立志在下届比赛中一举夺冠。 -
We're going to win this time out.这次我们会赢。 -
One time [=once, (more formally) on one occasion] I came home two hours late and nobody noticed.有一次,我晚回家两小时却没有人注意到。 5 a [singular] : the period of time when something happens(某事发生的)时段,时刻,时间 -
I had lived in 12 different cities by the time I turned 18. [=when I was 18 years old, I had already lived in 12 different cities]我18岁的时候,已经在12个不同的城市居住过了。 -
She had known that she wanted to be President from the time [=since] she was seven years old.从七岁时起,她就知道自己想成为总统。 -
Since that time, the government has done much to fix the problem.从那时起,政府就做了好多工作来解决这个问题。 — often used after at常用在at后 -
If you're busy now, perhaps we can get together at another time.如果你现在很忙,或许我们可以另找时间见面。 -
At no time did the defendant ask for a lawyer. [=the defendant never asked for a lawyer]被告从未要求请律师。 -
It was raining at the time of the accident. [=it was raining when the accident happened]事故发生时正在下雨。 -
This information was correct at the time of publication.这条信息在发布的时候是正确的。 -
He was elected pope in 1978, at which time he took the name John Paul.他1978年当选教皇,当时选了约翰·保罗这个名字。 — see also at the same time (below), at times (below) b [count] : the exact moment when a particular event happens or is scheduled to happen(某一特定事件发生或预定发生的)时刻,准确时间 -
Curtain time is at 7:30 p.m. [=the performance begins at 7:30 p.m.]表演于晚上7:30开始。 -
What is the movie's starting time? [=when does the movie start?]电影几点开始? -
The patient's time of death was 2:15 a.m.病人的死亡时间是凌晨2:15。 -
He called to give me his flights' departure/arrival times. [=the times when his flights are scheduled to depart/arrive]他打电话告诉我他航班的起飞/抵达时间。 -
The network moved my favorite television show to a different time slot.电视台将我最喜欢的电视节目调到了另一个时段。 — see also closing time, showtime 6 : a period of time when a situation or set of conditions exists : a period of minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc., when something is happening or someone is doing something(某情况出现的、某事发生的或某人做某事的)时间段,时刻 [count] -
I can't remember a time that/when I've been happier.我想不起还有什么时候比现在更开心了。 -
She helped me in my time of need. [=she helped me when I needed help]她在我需要的时候帮助了我。 -
He is someone you can depend on in times of crisis.他是一个在危急时刻可以依靠的人。 -
He sat down to rest, and after a time [=while] he continued on his way.他坐下来休息,过了一会儿又继续前行。 -
She served in the military for a time in her early twenties.她二十出头的时候在军队服过役。 -
No one spoke to us the entire/whole time we were there.我们在那儿的时候,没有人跟我们说过一句话。 -
We will be able to stay here only a short time.我们只能在这里停留很短的时间。 -
I haven't seen you in such a long time!我好久没看见你了! -
It took them a long time to find out what was causing the problem.他们花了很长时间才找出问题的原因。 -
His promotion was a long time coming. [=he waited a long time to be promoted]他等了很长时间才得到升职 -
It happened a long time ago.这是很久以前的事了。 — often + when — often used after at常用在at后 -
She was calm at a time when everyone else was panicking.当所有人恐慌不已的时候,她仍然镇定自若。 -
Sometimes this helps, while at other times it makes things worse.有时这能起作用,但有时却会适得其反。 -
No more than five people should ride in the car at any one time.任何时候,车里载人都不能超过五个。 -
There are between 200 and 300 patients in the hospital at any given time.任何时候,医院的患者人数都在200到300之间。 -
How could you think about food at a time like this?这种时候你怎么还能想到吃呢? -
At one time [=during one period of time in the past], 20 people lived together in this house.曾经有20人一起住在这所房子里。 -
Everyone has experienced this feeling at one time or another.每个人都曾体验过这种感受。 -
At the present time [=presently, right now], we don't know why it happened. = We don't know why it happened at this time.目前,我们不清楚为何会发生这种事。 [noncount] -
Some time ago [=at some point in the past], I read that the restaurant had closed.不久前,我读到这家餐厅已经停业的消息。 -
She has been living there for (quite) some time. [=for a somewhat long time]她已经在那儿住了(相当长)一段时间了。 -
I get sick if I sit in the back seat of a car for any length of time. [=for more than a very small amount of time]我在汽车后座上稍坐一会儿就会晕车。 7 [noncount] : the number of minutes, days, years, etc., before something happens : the amount of time it takes for something to happen(某事发生所要花费的)一段时间 — usually used after in通常用在in后 -
The movie is coming out in two months' time. [=it is coming out two months from now]这部电影两个月后上映。 -
They expect the system to be completely replaced in a few years' time.他们期待几年时间内可以完全更换这个系统。 -
This machine can have the job finished in half the time (it would take you to do it by hand).这台机器可以使完成工作的时间(比手工工作)缩短一半。 -
It can do the job in a fraction of the time. [=it can do the job much more quickly]它可以使工作在极短的时间内完成。 -
It's just a matter of time before someone gets hurt. [=someone will get hurt eventually]迟早会有人受伤。 -
The police will catch him. It's only a question of time. [=the police will catch him at some point in the future]警方会抓住他的,只是时间问题而已。 8 [noncount] : the amount of time that is used, needed, available, or allowed for a particular activity or for someone to do something(某特定活动或做某事需要的)时间 -
You must complete the project within the time allotted.你必须在指定时间内完成这个项目。 -
I'll try not to take up too much of your time.我尽量不占用你太多时间。 -
Thank you for your time. [=thank you for listening to me]谢谢你花时间倾听。 -
It's not worth your time and energy.这不值得你耗费时间和精力。 -
Is there (enough) time to stop for lunch?有时间停下来吃午饭吗? -
What do you do in your free/spare time? [=when you are not working]空闲时间你都做什么? -
We played games to pass/kill the time on the bus. [=we played games to cause time to seem to go by more quickly]我们在公共汽车上玩游戏,以打发时间。 -
How much more time do we have (left)? = How are we doing on/for time?我们还剩下多少时间? -
We're pressed for time. [=we don't have much time left to do what we need to do]我们的时间太紧迫了。 -
We ran out of time and didn't finish the project. [=we had no more time to work on the project]我们时间不够,没有完成这个项目。 -
Time's up. [=the allowed period of time has ended] Please put down your pencils and hand in your tests.时间到了。请放下铅笔,上交你们的试卷。 -
They finished with time to spare. [=they finished early]他们提前完成了。 -
We're using up valuable/precious time talking when we could be getting started.我们本来可以着手了,却把宝贵的时间耗在空谈上。 -
The candidates will receive equal time to answer questions during the debate.候选人在辩论中将有同样长的时间来回答问题。 -
Her teammates were complaining about their lack of playing time. [=the amount of time that they were allowed to play during a game]她的队友们抱怨上场时间少。 -
Sometimes she would drop by to pass the time of day. [=to have a friendly and informal conversation]有时候,她会顺道过来坐坐,打发一下时间。 -
She's had a lot of time on her hands [=time when she was not busy] lately.她最近空闲时间比较多。 -
He can't manage to find (the) time to exercise.他抽不出时间去锻炼。 — often used with save常与save连用 -
This new system will save time [=take less time, be faster] and money.这个新系统将会省时省钱。 -
We can save a lot of time by using this shortcut.通过这一捷径,我们可以节约很多时间。 — often used with lose常与lose连用 -
They lost a lot of time getting started.他们花了大量时间准备开始。 -
You'll just have to make up for lost time by working harder now. [=you'll have to work faster because you have less time to finish the work]现在你得更加努力工作来弥补耽误的时间。 — often used with spend常与spend连用 — often used with waste常与waste连用 -
Stop wasting time [=doing nothing or doing something that is not useful] and get to work!别再浪费时间了,赶紧干活吧! -
They wasted no time in decorating their new apartment. [=they started decorating it immediately]他们立即开始装饰新公寓。 -
That class was a (big) waste of time. [=the class was not good] I didn't learn a thing.那堂课纯粹是浪费时间,我一无所获。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 -
If we leave now, there's just (enough) time to catch the last show.如果我们现在出发,正好能赶上最后一场表演。 -
There's no time to explain. I'll have to tell you why later.没时间解释了,我回头再告诉你原因。 -
In the time it takes you to read one chapter, she can read the entire book.你读完一章的时间,她可以读完整本书。 -
We will have plenty of time to buy souvenirs later.我们后面会有足够的时间购买纪念品。 -
I haven't had much time to think about it.我没有多少时间去考虑这件事。 -
We have to hurry. There's no time to lose. [=we have little time, so we cannot waste any of it]我们得快一点儿,没时间耽搁了。 9 : the right moment to do something or for something to happen(做某事或某事发生的)恰当时机,恰当时刻 [count] -
This is no time for jokes.现在不是开玩笑的时候。 -
The time for talking has passed. We must take action now.耍嘴皮子的时间结束了,现在我们必须采取行动。 -
There is a time and a place for everything.万事皆有天时地利。 -
Am I calling at a bad time? [=are you too busy to talk to me?]是不是我这电话打得不是时候啊? -
Is this a good time for you?这时候您方便吗? -
This is as good a time as any.这个时间好极了。 -
“Should we do it now?” “Sure. There's no time like the present.” [=let's do it now]“我们现在做吗?”“当然,现在做再好不过了。” — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 — often used with come常与come连用 -
We feel that the time has come for a decision to be made.我们觉得是做出决定的时候了。 -
When the time comes to move out of their apartment, they will have saved up enough money to buy a house.等到该搬出公寓的时候,他们也就攒够买房子的钱了。 -
There comes a time when children leave their parents and start families of their own.总有一天孩子们会离开父母,建立他们自己的家庭。 -
an idea whose time has come [=an idea that is ready to be used]已经成熟的想法 [noncount] 10 [count] : the quality of a person's experience on a particular occasion or during a particular period(某人在某情境或某时段的)感受 -
We all had a good/great/lovely time at the concert. [=we enjoyed the concert very much]我们都非常喜欢那场音乐会。 -
Did you have a good time?你过得愉快吗? -
A good time was had by all.大家都过得十分愉快。 -
Try to remember the good times you had together rather than the bad times.努力记住你们共享的美好时光,就忘了那些糟糕的经历吧。 -
Their music helped me get through some difficult/hard/rough/tough times in my life.他们的音乐帮助我度过了人生中的艰难时刻。 -
He looked like he was having the time of his life. [=enjoying himself very much; having a lot of fun]他看起来十分开心。 -
They've been having a hard time finding an apartment in the city.他们一直在辛苦地找间城里的公寓。 11 [count] : a specific period in the past(过去某一特定的)时代,时期 -
It happens more now than at any other time in history.当下,这种事的发生频率比过去任何时候都高。 -
The writings date back to the time of Shakespeare. [=the period of time when Shakespeare was alive]这些作品要追溯到莎士比亚时期。 -
Like most families at/of/during that time, they had only one car.跟那个时期的大部分家庭一样,他们只有一辆车。 -
There was a time when people could let their children play outside without worrying about their safety.曾经有个时期,人们可以让他们的孩子在外面玩耍而不用担心他们的安全。 -
He was a famous comedian of the/that time.他是那个时代著名的喜剧演员。 -
The bridge was built around the time of World War I.那座桥大约建于第一次世界大战时期。 -
It was the most important book of its time.这是那个时期最重要的一本书。 -
He is one of the greatest actors of our time. [=of the present day]他是当代最出色的演员之一。 -
Life was very different at that time. [=then]那时的生活完全不同。 -
People have been creating art since time immemorial. [=for a very long time]人类有史以来一直都致力于艺术创作。 — often used after in常用在in后 -
Things were very different in your grandparents' time. [=day]在你祖父母那个年代情况可就完全不同了。 -
I've seen a lot of crazy things in my time. [=during my life]我一生当中见过许多疯狂的事。 -
She was a legend in her own time. [=she was someone who was very famous and admired while she was still alive]在那个年代她是一位传奇人物。 -
The tools were known to be in use in medieval/ancient/prehistoric times.据悉,这些工具是在中世纪/古代/史前时期使用的。 -
In earlier times, this road was an important trade route.在早期,这条路是一条重要的商路。 -
farming methods used in times past [=in the past]过去使用的耕作方法 — often used in the titles of books, newspapers, etc.常用于书名、报纸名等 12 times [plural] a : the conditions experienced by a group of people now or during a particular period in the past(某段时期的)境况;(某段)日子 -
The country is facing some difficult/trying times.这个国家正面临艰难时期。 -
Those were lean times, and our family couldn't afford new clothes.那时是生活拮据的时期,我们家根本买不起新衣服。 -
Life can be difficult even at/in the best of times.即使在最美好的日子里,生活也可能有困难。 b : the styles, events, or ideas that are popular or important in a culture now or at a particular period in the past(某风格或思想流行的)某个时代;某事件重要的时期 -
Companies must change/evolve/move with the times or risk losing their customers.公司必须与时俱进,否则就有可能失去客户。 -
In this business, you have to keep up with the times. [=stay current; change as conditions change]在这个行业,你必须跟上时代的步伐。 -
Times have changed since then.从那以后时代变了。 -
Come on. Get with the times. [=understand and change to fit what is now happening and accepted in the culture]加把劲!跟上时代吧! -
Their methods are behind the times. [=outdated]他们的方法已经过时了。 13 a [count] : a period or stage in a person's life(某人生命中的)一段时期,一个阶段 b [singular] : the time when a woman gives birth to a child分娩时间 c [singular] : the time when someone dies寿终之时 14 a [singular] : the number of months, years, etc., that a person spends at a particular place or in a particular group or organization(在某地或某团体、组织度过的)时日,时期 b [singular] : the number of months or years that an active member of the military is required to stay in the military服役期 -
She plans on going to college after she serves her time in the army. = She plans on going to college after she puts in her time in the army.她计划在部队服役期满后去念大学。 -
He was an ex-soldier who did his time in Vietnam. [=he fought in Vietnam while he was a soldier]他是名退伍军人,曾经在越南打过仗。 c [noncount] informal : the number of days, months, or years that a person must stay in prison刑期 15 [count] : the seconds, minutes, etc., it takes to do something (such as finish a race)完成(竞赛等)的时间 -
She ran the mile in a time of 5 minutes and 15 seconds.她用时5分15秒跑完了一英里。 -
What was my time? [=how long did it take me to do it?]我用了多长时间? -
He finished in record time. [=in the least amount of time ever]他以创纪录的时间完成了任务。 16 [noncount] : the minutes, hours, or days that a person works or is required to work for a company : the time during which a company is paying a worker(规定的)工作时间 -
She has been putting in a lot of time [=she has been working a lot] at the office.她一天在办公室工作很长时间。 -
I'll ask my supervisor if I can take time off (work) to go to the dentist.我要请示主管能不能请假去看牙医。 -
She took time out from her career to raise her children. [=she stopped working while she raised her children]她暂时不工作以便照顾孩子们。 -
(US) Employees need to make personal calls on their own time. = (Brit) Employees need to make personal calls in their own time. [=when their employer is not paying them to work]雇员只能在个人休息时间打私人电话。 -
(US) Please do not make personal calls (when you are) on company time. = (Brit) Please do not make personal calls (when you are) in company time. [=when your employer is paying you to work]请勿在上班时间打私人电话。 — see also double time, flextime, full-time, overtime, part-time, short time, time and a half 17 times [plural] — used to say how much bigger, smaller, faster, etc., something is than something else倍数 -
Her salary is five times greater than mine. = She earns five times as much money as I do.她的薪水是我的五倍。 -
The area received three times the amount of rain it got last year.这一地区今年的降水量是去年的三倍。 -
You would have to spend two times [=twice] as much at a regular department store.你得花相当于在普通百货商场两倍的钱。 -
Their original investment has paid for itself many times over.他们的原始投资已获利数倍。 — see also times 18 [noncount] music a : the rate of speed at which a piece of music is performed音乐的节奏 — see also keep time 2 (below) b : the way that beats are grouped together in a piece of music节拍;拍子 — often used after in常用在in后 -
If a song is in 3/4 time, that means that there are three beats per bar/measure and that each of those beats is a quarter note.如果一首歌使用3/4拍,那意味着以四分音符为一拍,每小节有三拍。 -
a dance performed in 4/4 time with a quick tempo快节奏的4/4拍舞曲 against time ◊ If you are racing/working (etc.) against time or are in a race against time, you are doing something quickly because you have only a small amount of time.争分夺秒;与时间赛跑 -
We're working against time to finish this book.我们正抓紧时间完成这本书。 -
They raced against time to get her to the hospital.他们争分夺秒地把她送去医院。 -
It was a race against time to find a cure for the disease.找出这种疾病的治疗办法,是一场与时间的赛跑。 ahead of time : before something happens : earlier than a time or event提前;提早 ahead of your/its time ◊ If you are ahead of your time or if your ideas, creations, etc., are ahead of their time, you are too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated during the time when you live or work.(想法或创作等)超前 (all) in good time : when the appropriate moment arrives : when the time is right适时地 all (of) the time 2 informal : very often or frequently时常;多次 -
“Do you ever take the subway to work?” “Yeah, all the time.”“你上班坐过地铁吗?”“是啊,老坐。” -
My sisters and I used to fight all of the time.我和妹妹们过去老打架。 3 usually all the time : since something began自始至终;一直 -
We thought that he disliked her, while all the time [=(more commonly) all along, the whole time] he was in love with her.我们以为他不喜欢她,然而他一直都爱着她。 -
I knew the truth all the time.自始至终,我都知道真相。 -
The police knew all the time who was guilty.警方一直都知道谁是有罪的。 (and) not before time (too) chiefly British — used to say that something should have happened sooner早该发生;早该如此 a sign of the times — see 1sign a stitch in time (saves nine) — see 1stitch at all times : without stopping or changing at any time : always一直;总是 at a time 1 : during one particular moment在某特定时刻 -
I can only do one thing at a time. [=at once]我一次只能做一件事。 -
Please speak one at a time. [=so that only one person is speaking at any time]请一个一个地发言。 -
We carried the boxes two at a time up the stairs. [=we carried two boxes each time we went up the stairs]我们每次搬两个箱子上楼。 2 : during one period of time without stopping一下子;持续不断地 3 ◊ If you take one day at a time or take it/things one day at a time, you make progress in a slow and careful way by dealing with each day as it comes.一点一点推进;一步一步地来 at the same time 1 : during the same moment同时 -
She was driving, eating, and talking on the phone all at the same time.她边开车边吃东西,同时还打着电话。 -
She tries to appear to be both glamorous and modest at the same time.她尽力表现得既有魅力又谦逊有礼。 -
As a parent, he is at one and the same time strict and loving. [=he is both strict and loving]作为父亲,他既严厉又慈爱。 2 — used to introduce a statement that adds to and differs from a preceding statement另一方面,不过,然而(用于引出与之前不同的另一陈述) -
The new regulations will help the environment. At the same time [=on the other hand], they may be a burden to businesses.这些新法规将有利于改善环境。但另一方面,它们可能成为企业的一个负担。 -
She wants more respect, but at the same time she does nothing to earn it. = She wants more respect, while at the same time doing nothing to earn it.她想得到更多的尊重,却从没为此做过任何努力。 at times : sometimes -
He is an intelligent person, but he can be quite stubborn at times. [=from time to time]他是一个智慧超群的人,但有时相当固执。 -
At times, I wondered if we were doing the right thing.有时,我怀疑我们做得是否正确。 before your time 1 — used to say that something happened before you were born or before you were involved in some activity在你出生之前;在你参与之前 2 ◊ If you become old before your time, you look and feel older than you are.看起来比实际年纪大;感觉比实际年纪大 3 ◊ If you die before your time, you die at a younger age than you should.英年早逝 behind the times : not having or showing knowledge of current ideas or styles : outdated陈旧的;过时的 be living on borrowed time — see borrow better luck next time — see 1luck bide your time — see bide call time 1 US, sports : to ask for a time-out请求暂停 : to give the order for a time-out宣布暂停 2 British a : to announce that it is time for a bar or pub to close宣布(酒吧或酒馆)打烊 b : to say or decide that something has ended : to end something宣布某事结束;终止某事 — usually + on for the time being : during the present time but possibly not in the future暂时;目前 -
I think we should stay here for the time being. [=for now]我认为我们应该暂时待在这里。 -
For the time being, this car suits all of our family's needs.目前,这辆车可以满足我们全家人的需求。 from time to time : sometimes -
Such things are bound to happen from time to time. [=at times]这种事必然会不时地发生。 -
From time to time [=occasionally, once in a while], it's nice to let someone else make the decisions.有时,最好让其他人做决定。 give (someone) a hard time — see 1hard have a thin time (of it) — see 1thin have time 1 : to be able to use an amount of time for a particular purpose有时间 -
“Can you go to the store for me?” “I'm sorry, but I don't have time.” [=I'm too busy]“你可以替我去趟商店吗?”“对不起,我实在没有时间。” -
Unfortunately, I haven't got (the) time.很可惜,我没有时间。 -
We're on a deadline, but he acts like we have all the time in the world!我们时间有限,而他表现得好像我们要多少时间就有多少时间! — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 -
I didn't have time to read the whole book.我没有时间读完整本书。 -
Do you have time to look this over for me?你有时间替我检查一下这个吗? -
We haven't had any time to talk about it yet.我们还没有时间讨论此事。 — often + for -
We don't have time for this nonsense!我们没时间听这些废话! -
I don't have the time or the patience for this.我既没有时间也没有耐心处理这件事。 -
Do we have enough time for another drink?我们还有时间再喝一杯吗? -
We've got time for a few more questions.我们还有时间,可以再多问几个问题。 2 : to like or be willing to spend time dealing with (something or someone)喜欢在…上花费时间;愿意在…上花费时间 — usually + for in no time : very quickly or soon立刻;很快 in the nick of time — see 1nick in time 1 : before something happens : early enough来得及;及时 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 — often + for 2 : when an amount of time has passed一段时间后;最终 in your own (good) time : at the time that is right or appropriate for you and not sooner在自己认为合适的时间 it's about time informal — used to say often in an annoyed way that something should have happened sooner是时候…;早该…(恼怒地述说某事早该发生) -
It's about time you got here. I've been waiting for over an hour!你早该到了,我都等了一个多小时了! -
“They're getting married.” “Well, it's about time!”“他们要结婚了。”“好吧,也该是时候了。” it's high time — see 1high keep time 1 of a watch or clock : to show the correct time(钟表等)走得准 2 music : to perform music at the correct speed合拍子;按节拍表演 make good time : to travel somewhere quickly快速前进 make time : to cause an amount of time to be available for an activity腾出时间;争取时间;抽空 — often + for -
She has trouble making time in her busy schedule for exercise.她日程安排很满,难以挤出时间来健身。 -
No matter how busy he was, Grandpa always made time for us.爷爷不管有多忙,总能抽空陪我们。 most of the time or most times : on most occasions : usually绝大部分时间;在很多时候;通常 -
Sometimes I go out for lunch, but most of the time I bring my own lunch to work.我有时出去吃午饭,但大部分时间都是自带午餐。 -
Most times, this method works just fine.通常情况下,这个方法还是奏效的。 ninety/ninety-nine (etc.) percent of the time : on most occasions : usually大多数情况下;通常 not give someone the time of day ◊ If you do not give someone the time of day, you do not give that person any attention or help.不理睬,不帮助(某人) of all time : that has ever lived or existed有史以来;一直;始终 — see also all-time once upon a time — see 1once (only) time will tell — used to say that the results of a situation will be known only after a certain amount of time has passed(只有)时间会证明 on time : at or before the correct moment : at a time that is not late按时;准时 -
Try to be there on time.尽量按时到那儿。 -
I paid all of my bills on time [=when they were due] this month.我这个月按时付清了所有账单。 -
Please hand in your homework on time.请按时交家庭作业。 -
We arrived right on time. [=exactly at the right time]我们刚好准时抵达。 play for time — see 1play stand the test of time — see 1test take (the) time to do something : to use an amount of time in order to do something important花工夫去做(要紧的事) -
They never took the time to get to know her.他们从不花时间去了解她。 -
Take (the) time to think about it before you make a decision.你要好好考虑后再做决定。 -
I took some time to think about it, and my answer is still “no.”我想了一段时间,但我的答案仍然是“不”。 take time ◊ People say that something takes some/no (etc.) time to describe how much time is needed for something to happen or be done.(某事的发生或完成)需要时间 -
You have to be patient. Things like this take time. [=things like this cannot be done quickly]你必须耐心些,像这样的事情需要时间。 -
It may take some time for the medication to wear off.药效消失可能需要一定的时间。 -
The meeting won't take too much time. [=the meeting will be short]这次会议不会占用太长的时间。 -
This project will take a lot of time.这个项目将会花费很长时间。 -
It'll take no time at all. = It will take very little time.这件事毫不费时。 take your time : to do something slowly or without hurrying从容做;慢慢来 -
I need to take my time and think about it for a while.我需要仔细考虑一段时间。 -
There's no need to hurry. Take your time. [=take all the time you need]不着急,慢慢来。 -
Please take your time filling out the form.请慢慢填写表格。 tell time (US) or British tell the time : to be able to know what time it is by looking at a clock认钟表;看时间 the end of time — see 1end the whole time 1 : since something began : during the entire period of time自始至终;一直 -
We thought that he disliked her, while the whole time [=all along, all the time] he was in love with her.我们以为他不喜欢她,然而他一直都爱着她。 -
I knew the truth the whole time.自始至终,我都知道真相。 -
The police knew the whole time who was guilty.警方一直都知道谁是有罪的。 3 British, informal : very often频繁地;时常 time after time or time and again or time and time again : on many occasions : very often or frequently屡次;反复 -
Time after time, we see this happen with our patients.我们一次又一次地目睹了这种情况发生在我们的患者身上。 -
I've told you time and again [=repeatedly] not to do that.我反复告诉过你别那么干。 time flies — used to say that time passes quickly时间飞逝 -
As they say, “Time flies when you're having fun.”常言道:“快乐的时光总是短暂的。” -
Your son is in high school already? My, how time flies!你儿子已经读高中了?哎呀,时间过得真快啊! time heals all wounds or chiefly British time is a/the great healer — used to say that feelings of sadness, disappointment, etc., gradually go away as time passes时间会治愈一切创伤 -
I thought I would never be able to love again, but, as they say, time heals all wounds.我曾以为我不会再爱了,但常言道,时间会治愈一切创伤。 time is money — see money time is (not) on your side ◊ If time is on your side, you have a good chance of success because you can wait until a situation improves. If time is not on your side, your chance of success is less because you have to do something very soon.时间越长对你越有利/越不利;有的是时间,没有时间(等待情况改善以获得成功) -
House prices are all dropping, and in the case of home buyers, time is on their side. [=the houses that people want to buy will become cheaper as more time passes]房价全都在跌,对于购房者而言,越往后对他们越有利。 -
If we wait too long to buy the tickets, the concert may be sold out: time is not on our side. [=all the tickets may be sold if we wait too long to buy them]如果我们一直不买票,音乐会门票可能就卖光了——时间不等人啊。 time marches on : time continues to pass时光流逝 time was (when) old-fashioned — used to say that something was true in the past and usually to express annoyance that it is no longer true曾经有…的时刻,想当年(通常用于表达气恼,感慨昔日的某事物当今已不再存在) -
Time was, you could buy a candy bar for a nickel.想当年,你可以用五美分镍币买一块糖。 -
Time was when people respected their elders. [=people used to respect their elders in the past]从前,人们很尊敬长辈。 until such time as formal : until the time when : until直到 your (own) sweet time chiefly US, informal ◊ If you do something in your (own) sweet time or you take your (own) sweet time about doing something, you do it slowly even though other people want you to do it more quickly.慢腾腾地 2 time /ˈtaɪm/ verb times; timed; timing times; timed; timing Learner's definition of TIME [+ object] 1 : to choose the hour, day, month, etc., when (something) will happen : to schedule (something, such as an event) to happen at a particular time为…安排时间;为…选择时机 — often used as (be) timed常用作(be) timed — see also ill-timed, well-timed 2 sports : to cause (something, such as a throw or pass) to happen at a certain moment在某一特定时刻传球(或投球) 3 : to measure the amount of time needed by someone to do something (such as to finish a race)测定(做某事所需的)时间;计时 |