flat out adverb
Learner's definition of FLAT OUT
chiefly US : in a very clear and direct way直截了当地 2
: at the fastest possible speed以全速;竭尽全力地 -
The car does 180 mph flat out.这辆车最高时速为180英里。
We've been working flat out. [=as hard as possible]我们一直在竭尽全力地工作。
He was running flat out. [=as fast as possible]他当时正在奋力奔跑。
US, informal usually flat-out —
used to make a statement more forceful用于加强语气 -
This class is just flat-out confusing.这堂课让人完全摸不着头脑。
The movie was flat-out lousy.这部电影糟糕透了。
She flat-out [=completely] missed the target.她完全没有命中目标。