

单词 first


1 first /ˈfɚst/ adjective
1 first
Learner's definition of FIRST
: coming before all others in time, order, or importance第一的;最先的;首要的
used to refer to the lowest forward gear or speed of a vehicle汽车的第一挡;最低速挡
: having or playing the main part in a group of instruments(乐团)首席的,主声部的

at first blush

or at first glance also at first sight
: when first seen or considered乍一看;乍一想

at first hand

: in a direct way : firsthand直接地;第一手地

first among equals

◊ A person who is first among equals is the leader of a group of people but is officially considered equal in rights and status to the other members of the group.与小组其他成员权利和地位平等的首领

first thing

the first thing : anything at all任何一件事used in negative statements用于否定句
: before anything else : right away : very early首先;马上;一早

first things first

used to say that you should do the things that are most important before doing other things要事先办

in the first flush of

see 1flush

in the first instance

see instance

in the first place

see 1place

love at first sight

see 1love
2 first /ˈfɚst/ adverb
2 first
Learner's definition of FIRST
: before any other in time, order, or importance首先;最初;在首位
: for the first time第一次;首次
: before doing other things(在做其他事情之前)先
used to introduce a statement that is the first in a series of statements首先,第一(用于引出一系列陈述)
often used in the phrases first of all and first off常用于短语first of all和first off

come first

: to be more important than other things首要;首先要考虑的

first and foremost

: at the most basic level首先;首要的是

first and last

: at the most basic level : in all respects总的来说;从各方面看

first come, first served

or first come, first serve
used to say that the people who arrive earliest get served or treated before the people who arrive later先来先接待;先来先供应;按先来后到的原则
see also feetfirst, headfirst
3 first /ˈfɚst/ noun
plural firsts
3 first
plural firsts
Learner's definition of FIRST
: something that is first首次出现的事物: such as
[count] : an occurrence, achievement, etc., that happens or exists before any other of that kind首创;先河;创举
[noncount] : the position of the winner in a competition or contest冠军;状元;第一名
[noncount] : the lowest forward gear or speed of a car, truck, etc.(车辆的)最低速挡,第一挡
[count] : a degree of the highest level from a British university(英国大学的)一等成绩学位
[noncount] baseball : first base

at first

: when something first happens or begins to happen : when you first notice or consider something一开始的时候;起初

from the first

: from the beginning从一开始
4 first /ˈfɚst/ pronoun
4 first
Learner's definition of FIRST
: the first one or ones第一个;第一批
: the first time第一次;首次




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