

单词 easy


1 easy /ˈiːzi/ adjective
easier; easiest
1 easy
easier; easiest
Learner's definition of EASY
: not hard to do : not difficult不费力的;容易的
: free from pain, trouble, or worry安逸的;舒适的
: not hurried从容的;缓慢的
: not requiring much strength or energy轻松自如的
: not harsh or severe in punishing or criticizing someone不严厉的;宽容的;温和的
: not hard to please随和的;好说话的
◊ The informal phrase I'm easy is used as a way of saying that you are easy to please and will accept what someone else decides.我随便,我怎么都行(非正式短语)
: not steep不陡峭的;平缓的
informal : not hard to get易得到的
: relaxed and informal自在的;自如的;不拘礼的
see also free and easy at 1free
used to describe someone or something that is easy to attack, trick, criticize, etc.易受攻击的;易上当受骗的;易受批评的
informal : lightly pleasant and enjoyable让人感到愉悦的
informal + old-fashioned : not sexually respectable轻浮的;放荡的

(as) easy as ABC

informal or (as) easy as pie or (as) easy as falling off a log
: very easy非常容易;易如反掌

easy on the eye

informal or US easy on the eyes
: easy or pleasant to look at好看的;悦目的

over easy

see 3over

— easiness

noun [noncount]
2 easy /ˈiːzi/ adverb
easier; easiest
2 easy
easier; easiest
Learner's definition of EASY
: without difficulty or stress容易地;轻松地;悠闲地

breathe easy

see breathe

easy come, easy go

used to say that you are not bothered about losing something来得快,去得快(用于表示对失去某物不心烦)

easy does it

used to tell someone to move slowly and carefully谨慎行事

go easy

go easy on (someone) : to treat (someone) in a way that is not harsh or demanding温和对待(某人)
go easy on/with (something) : to use less of (something)有节制地使用

nice and easy

see nice

rest easy

see 3rest

take it easy

: to relax and avoid hard work or strain放松;休息
: to stay or become calm别着急;慢慢来usually used as a command通常用作命令




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