

单词 door


door /ˈdoɚ/ noun
plural doors
plural doors
Learner's definition of DOOR
: a movable piece of wood, glass, or metal that swings or slides open and shut so that people can enter or leave a room, building, vehicle, etc.(出入口处的)门
see also back door, dutch door, french door, revolving door, storm door, trapdoor
: a part of an object (such as piece of furniture or an appliance) that swings or slides open and shut(家具或家用电器的)门
: the opening for a door : the entrance to a room or building : doorway门口;门道;出入口
: a house, building, apartment, office, etc.建筑;门户used with an adverb to indicate where something is in relation to something else与副词连用表示相隔处所的距离
◊ If you do something (from) door to door, you do it at each of the houses, apartments, or buildings in an area.挨家挨户
see also door-to-door, next door
used especially with open or unlock to describe an opportunity or possibility(尤与open或unlock连用)机会,可能性
see also out of doors

at death's door

see death

behind closed doors

see closed

close the door on

: to no longer think about, consider, or accept (something)不再考虑;拒之门外

close your doors

: to not allow someone to enter将(某人)拒之门外
of a business or organization : to close permanently : to stop operating(公司或组织)关门,倒闭

darken someone's door/doors

see darken

get your foot in the door

see 1foot

keep the wolf from the door

see 1wolf

lay the blame for (something) at someone's door

: to blame someone for (something)将…归咎于某人

open doors for

see 2open

open the door

see 2open

open your doors

: to allow someone to enter让(某人)进入
of a business or organization : to open for business : to begin operating(公司或组织)开张,营业

show (someone) the door

: to tell or force (someone) to leave下逐客令

show/see (someone) to the door

: to go to the door with (someone who is leaving)(将某人)送到门口

— doorless





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