

单词 throw out

throw out

[phrasal verb]
throw out (something) or throw (something) out
: to put (something that is no longer useful or wanted) in a trash can, garbage can, rubbish bin, etc.扔掉;弃置
: to refuse to accept or consider (something)拒绝
: to mention (something) as a possible thing to be done, thought about, etc. : suggest提出(建议)
: to send (light, smoke, etc.) out from a source散发出
: to injure (a part of your body)使(身体部位)受伤
throw (someone) out or throw out (someone)
: to force (someone) to leave a place, game, etc.逐出;撵走;开除
baseball : to cause (a player) to be out by throwing the ball to the base that the player is running to把…传杀出局
⇒ Main Entry: 1 throw




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