

单词 devil


devil /ˈdɛvl̟/ noun
plural devils
plural devils
Learner's definition of DEVIL
the Devil : the most powerful spirit of evil in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam who is often represented as the ruler of hell(基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教)魔王撒旦
[count] : an evil spirit恶魔
[count] informal
: a person who does bad things or causes trouble usually in a way that is not too serious捣蛋鬼
: a person (especially a man) who is lucky, unlucky, etc.幸运儿;可怜人
the devil informalused to make a statement or question more forceful(用于加强陈述或疑问语气)究竟,到底
[singular] informal : something that is very difficult or that causes a lot of trouble棘手的事;麻烦事
usually used in the phrase a devil of通常用于短语a devil of
see also the devil to pay at 1pay

be a devil

British, informal
used to tell someone who is not sure about doing something to go ahead and do it干吧(用于鼓励犹豫不定的人勇往直前)

better the devil you know than the devil you don't

used to say that it is better to deal with a difficult person or situation you know than with a new person or situation that could be worse面对熟悉的情况总比面对陌生的情况强

between the devil and the deep blue sea

: in a situation that is difficult because you must choose between two unpleasant things进退两难

go to the devil

used to forcefully and rudely tell someone to go away and leave you alone滚开;见鬼去

like the devil

: very much非常
: with a lot of energy and speed猛烈地

speak/talk of the devil

used in speech to say that someone you have been talking about has unexpectedly appeared说到某人,某人就到




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