

单词 throw


1 throw /ˈθroʊ/ verb
throws; threw /ˈθruː/ ; thrown /ˈθroʊn/ ; throwing
1 throw
throws; threw /ˈθruː/ ; thrown /ˈθroʊn/ ; throwing
Learner's definition of THROW
: to cause (something) to move out of your hand and through the air by quickly moving your arm forward投;抛;扔
[+ object]
[no object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to put (something) in a particular place in a careless or forceful way扔向;抛至
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to move suddenly or forcefully to or away from a particular place使摔倒;使摔下;使摔出
[+ object] sports : to perform an action that involves throwing a ball投球
: to send (something) from your hand in a way that causes it to move forward and turn over many times along a surface扔,掷(某物并使之滚动)
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to get (a number or score) by throwing dice or a bowling ball掷出(色子点数或保龄球)
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to cause or force (someone or something) to suddenly be in a particular state, condition, or position使突然陷入
often used as (be) thrown常用作(be) thrown
[+ object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to forcefully move (yourself or a part of your body) in a particular direction向…方向猛动(身体某部位)
: to swing your arm and try to hit someone with your fist挥拳打
[+ object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to move (something) to an open or closed position in a forceful and sudden way猛开;猛关
: to move (a switch) to an on or off position扭动开关
[+ object] : to organize and hold (a party)举办(聚会)
[+ object] : to lose (a game or contest) in a deliberate way故意输掉比赛
[+ object] : to express strong emotions in an uncontrolled way大发脾气
[+ object] : to use (your effort, influence, money, etc.) in order to accomplish something投入(努力、影响力、钱财等)
often + into
[+ object] : to direct (something, such as a question or look) at someone将…投向(某人)
often + at
[+ object] informal : to cause (someone) to feel confused or surprised使困惑;使惊奇
see also throw (someone) for a loop at 1loop, throw (someone) for a loss at loss
[+ object] : to cause (something, such as a shadow) to appear on a surface投射(影子)
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[+ object] : to put (a vehicle) into a different gear especially in a quick and sudden way(车辆)突然换挡
[+ object] : to make (your voice) sound as if it is coming from another person or place使嗓音听起来像来自他人(或别处)
[+ object] US, informal : to do (something that requires special skill) successfully成功完成(某特殊技能)
[+ object] technical : to form or shape (something, such as clay or a pot) on a special wheel把(黏土等)制成坯
◊ In addition to the phrases shown below, throw occurs in many idioms that are shown at appropriate entries throughout the dictionary. For example, throw down the gauntlet can be found at 2gauntlet and throw light on can be found at 1light.除下列短语外,throw也会在本词典许多相关词条下的习语中出现。例如,在2 GAUNTLET词条下有throw down the gauntlet,在1 LIGHT词条下有throw light on。

throw away

[phrasal verb]
throw away (something) or throw (something) away
: to put (something that is no longer useful or wanted) in a trash can, garbage can, rubbish bin, etc.扔掉;弃置
see also throwaway
: to use (something) in a foolish or wasteful way浪费
: to foolishly fail to use (something, such as a chance)错过

throw in

[phrasal verb]
throw in (something) or throw (something) in
: to add (something) to what you are selling without asking for more money附赠;赠送
: to add (something) to the effort or activity of a group外加

throw off

[phrasal verb]
throw off (something) or throw (something) off
: to quickly remove (a piece of clothing)快速脱下(衣服)
: to get rid of (something you do not want, such as a quality or a condition)摆脱掉
: to cause (something) to be incorrect使出错
: to send (light, smoke, etc.) out from a source散发出
throw off (someone) or throw (someone) off
: to cause (someone) to be confused or uncertain about where to go, what to do, etc.使困窘;使慌乱
: to get away from (someone who is trying to catch you)甩掉(某人)

throw on

[phrasal verb]
throw on (something) or throw (something) on
: to quickly put on (a piece of clothing)快速穿上(衣服)
: to cause (something) to work by moving a switch打开开关

throw out

[phrasal verb]
throw out (something) or throw (something) out
: to put (something that is no longer useful or wanted) in a trash can, garbage can, rubbish bin, etc.扔掉;弃置
: to refuse to accept or consider (something)拒绝
: to mention (something) as a possible thing to be done, thought about, etc. : suggest提出(建议)
: to send (light, smoke, etc.) out from a source散发出
: to injure (a part of your body)使(身体部位)受伤
throw (someone) out or throw out (someone)
: to force (someone) to leave a place, game, etc.逐出;撵走;开除
baseball : to cause (a player) to be out by throwing the ball to the base that the player is running to把…传杀出局

throw together

[phrasal verb]
throw together (something) or throw (something) together : to make (something) by joining or combining things in a quick and usually careless way匆匆拼凑而成
throw together (people) or throw (people) together : to bring (people) together usually in an unexpected way使意外聚在一起

throw up

[phrasal verb]
throw up or throw up (something) or throw (something) up informal : to have the food, liquid, etc., that is in your stomach come out through your mouth : vomit呕吐
throw up (something) or throw (something) up
: to raise or lift (something) quickly or suddenly(猛地)举起,扬起
: to build (something) quickly匆匆建造
chiefly British : to leave (your job, home, etc.)辞职;离家
British : to cause (something) to be known使被人知晓
throw up your hands or throw your hands up (in the air) : to stop an activity or effort and admit that you cannot do anything to make a situation better承认无能而放弃努力

throw yourself at (someone)

: to try too hard to attract the attention of (someone you are sexually attracted to)勾引

throw yourself into

: to begin doing or working on (something) with great energy and determination全身心投入到…
2 throw /ˈθroʊ/ noun
plural throws
2 throw
plural throws
Learner's definition of THROW
: an act of throwing something (such as a ball)投;扔;掷
see also free throw, hammer throw
: an act of rolling dice掷色子
: the distance over which something is thrown or could be thrown投射距离
: a loose blanket or cloth that is put on a sofa, chair, etc.(用于沙发、椅子等的)薄毯,坐垫

a stone's throw

see 1stone

a throw

British, informal
: for each one : apiece每一个




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