

单词 cross


1 cross /ˈkrɑːs/ noun
plural crosses
1 cross
plural crosses
Learner's definition of CROSS
[count] : a long piece of wood with a shorter piece across it near the top that people were once fastened to and left to die on as a form of punishment(曾用作刑具的)十字架
the Cross : the cross on which Jesus Christ died(耶稣受难的)十字架
[count] : an object or image in the shape of a cross that is used as a symbol of Christianity(用作基督教象征的)十字架
see also sign of the cross
[count] : a decoration in the shape of a cross that is given to someone as an honor especially for military courage十字勋章
[count] : a mark formed by two lines that cross each other叉;十字形
[count] : a mixture of two different things, types, or qualities(不同事物、种类或品质的)混合,交叉,杂交
[count] boxing : a punch that goes over an opponent's punch交叉拳
[count] soccer : a kick or hit of the ball that goes across the field from one side to another or to the middle of the field横传

cross to bear

: a problem that causes trouble or worry for someone over a long period of time负担;重担;苦难
2 cross /ˈkrɑːs/ verb
crosses; crossed; crossing
2 cross
crosses; crossed; crossing
Learner's definition of CROSS
: to go from one side of (something) to the other : to go across (something)穿过;跨过;越过
[+ object]
[no object]
: to go or pass across each other交叉;相交
[no object]
[+ object]
[+ object] : to place one arm, leg, etc., over the other使(胳膊、腿等)交叉
◊ If you cross your fingers or keep your fingers crossed, you hope that you will be lucky and that something you want to happen will happen.祈求好运
[+ object] : to draw a line across (something)在…上面画线
see also dot your i's and cross your t's at 2dot
[no object] : to pass in opposite directions交叉;错过
[+ object] : to turn (your eyes) inward toward your nose做斗鸡眼
[+ object] : to act against the wishes, plans, or orders of (someone)反对;反驳;违抗
see also double-cross, star-crossed
[+ object]
: to make two different kinds of animals breed together杂交繁育
often used figuratively to describe someone or something that combines the qualities of two different people or things常用作比喻,形容某人或某物兼有两种不同的特质
: to mix two kinds of plants to form a new one(把两种植物)杂交
[no object] soccer : to kick or hit the ball sideways across the field横传+ to

cross my heart

◊ The phrases cross my heart or cross my heart and hope to die are used in informal speech to stress that you are telling the truth and will do what you promise.我发誓;我保证

cross off

[phrasal verb]
cross (someone or something) off or cross off (someone or something)
: to draw a line through (a name or item on a list)划掉;勾掉

cross out

[phrasal verb]
cross (something) out or cross out (something)
: to draw a line through (something) to show that it is wrong删去;删掉

cross over

[phrasal verb]
cross over or cross over (something)
: to move or go from one side of (something) to the other从一边移到另一边
: to change from one type of character or condition to another转变(性质或立场)
see also crossover

cross paths

◊ When people cross paths or when their paths cross, they meet each other at a time that was not planned or expected.不期而遇;意外相逢

cross someone's face

: to appear briefly on someone's face(在脸上)掠过,一闪而过

cross someone's mind

: to come into someone's mind : to be thought of by someone想到;想起

cross swords

: to fight or argue交锋;争论often + with

cross that bridge when you come to it

see 1bridge

cross the line

: to go beyond what is proper or acceptable出格;过分;超出底线

cross up

[phrasal verb] US
cross (someone) up or cross up (someone) : to make (someone) confused迷惑
cross (something) up or cross up (something) : to ruin (something) completely搅乱;彻底破坏

cross yourself

: to make the sign of the cross on your head and chest(在头上和胸前)画十字

— crosser

noun, plural crossers [count]
3 cross /ˈkrɑːs/ adjective
crosser; crossest
3 cross
crosser; crossest
Learner's definition of CROSS
: annoyed or angry生气的;发怒的

— crossly





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