

单词 corner


1 corner /ˈkoɚnɚ/ noun
plural corners
1 corner
plural corners
Learner's definition of CORNER
: the point or area where two lines, edges, or sides of something meet
: the place where two streets or roads meet街角;拐角
: a curve in a road(道路的)转弯
see also (just) around the corner (below), turn the corner (below)
: the side of your mouth or eye嘴角;眼角
: one of four parts of a boxing ring where the sides meet(拳击)场角
often used figuratively to describe people, groups, etc., that are opposing or fighting each other常用作比喻,指对立或互斗的人或群体
◊ Someone who gives you help and support is in your corner.支持你;站在你这边
: a place that is private or secret or that few people know about or visit角落;偏僻私密的地方
often used figuratively常用作比喻
: a place that is far away偏远的地方
: a position that you cannot easily get out of : a difficult situation困境;窘境
soccer : corner kick

cut corners

often disapproving
: to save time or money by doing less than you usually do or than you should do图省事;走捷径;节省

have/get a corner on

: to have or get enough of (something) to be able to control its price垄断
often used figuratively常用作比喻

(just) around the corner

: coming or happening very soon即将来临;很快发生

turn the corner

: to get past the most difficult area or period in something and begin to improve转危为安;好转;渡过难关
2 corner /ˈkoɚnɚ/ adjective
2 corner
Learner's definition of CORNER
always used before a noun
: located at a corner在拐角处的;在角落里的
3 corner /ˈkoɚnɚ/ verb
corners; cornered; cornering
3 corner
corners; cornered; cornering
Learner's definition of CORNER
[+ object]
: to force (a person or animal) into a place or position from which escape is very difficult or impossible使(人或动物)走投无路;把…逼入绝境
: to force (someone who wants to avoid you or get away from you) to stop and talk with you堵住某人与其讲话;硬要走近与某人说话
[+ object] : to get control of a particular type of product that is being bought and sold垄断used in the phrase corner the market用于短语corner the market
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[no object] of a vehicle : to turn a corner(车辆)拐弯




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