

单词 thing


thing /ˈθɪŋ/ noun
plural things
plural things
Learner's definition of THING
: an object whose name is not known or stated东西;物
: an object, animal, quality, etc., of a specified kind(某类)物件,动物,特性
: a particular event, occurrence, or situation事件;事情
things [plural] : objects that belong to a person : personal possessions or belongings个人物品
things [plural] : objects that are used for a particular activity器具;用品
[count] : an action that is done, that will be done, or that needs to be done(已经做的、将要做的或需要做的)事情
sometimes used to say that one action is more serious, difficult, or important than another…是一回事,…是另一回事
: an activity活动
informal : an activity that is done by a particular group of people(特定人群做的)事情
US, informal : an activity and everything that is related to it某件事情及其相关的一切usually singular通常用单数
informal : an activity that someone enjoys or does well(某人喜欢或擅长的)事情usually singular通常用单数
things [plural] : the conditions that exist at a particular time and in a particular place情况;形势
[count] : a fact or piece of information about something or someone事实
[count] : a thought, idea, or opinion想法;主意;观点
[singular] : a reason for something原因
: a goal or purpose目标;目的
: a way of reaching or achieving a goal(实现目标的)方式,办法
[count] informalused for a person, animal, or object that causes strong feelings of affection or dislike in you家伙,东西(用于指让人喜爱或厌恶的人、动物或物品)
[count] informal : a strong feeling of liking or disliking something or someone(对某事物或某人的)喜欢,憎恶usually singular通常用单数;used with have与have连用
the thing
: the item that is the most fashionable or popular(时髦或流行的)物品
: the fashionable or proper way of behaving, talking, or dressing(举止、言谈或衣着的)时髦,得体

all/other things being equal

used to say what should happen or be true if two situations, products, etc., are different in a specified way but not in other ways同等条件下

all things to all people/men

: a person or thing that makes all people happy by giving them what they want or need使所有人满意的人(或事物)

amount to the same thing

◊ If two or more things amount to the same thing, there is very little difference between them.几乎没有区别

a thing

: anythingused in negative statements用于否定句

a thing or two

: some useful information某些有用信息

at the center of things

see 1center

be hearing things

see hear

chance would be a fine thing

see 1chance

first thing

see 1first

first things first

see 1first

have another thing coming

used to say that someone is wrong or mistaken某人错了

just the thing

: the thing that is most likely to be helpful最可能有帮助的东西

last thing

see 2last

make a big thing

◊ If you make a big thing (out) of (something) or make a big thing about (something), you act as if something is very important or serious when it is not.小题大做

no such thing

used to say that a particular person, object, etc., does not really exist(某人或某物等)不存在
often + as
used to say that you did not say or do something that someone believes or says you did没做过;没说过

of all things

used to emphasize that the thing you are referring to is the thing you would least expect(用于强调)偏偏,真没想到

one of those things

used to refer to a bad or unfortunate experience that happened and to say that such experiences happen to everyone倒霉事;不可避免的事

one thing after another

used to complain about the large number of bad or unfortunate events that happen to someone倒霉事一件接一件

push things

see 1push

see things

see 1see

sure thing

see 1sure

the real thing

: something that is genuine and not a copy or imitation : something that is truly valuable or important正品;有价值的事物

(what) with one thing and another

used to say that you have been very busy doing or dealing with many things事情接踵而至




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