

单词 action


action /ˈækʃən/ noun
plural actions
plural actions
Learner's definition of ACTION
[count] : something that a person or group does行动,行为;活动
often used with take常与take连用
◊ The saying actions speak louder than words means that the things that you do are more important than the things that you say.行动胜于言辞
[noncount] : things done to achieve a particular purpose行动;举动;措施
often used with take常与take连用
◊ A man of action or woman of action is a man or woman who works in an active way to do things.实干家;行动派
see also affirmative action, political action committee
[noncount] : fighting that happens in a war战斗;作战
see also in action (below)
the action : the most exciting or interesting activities that are happening in a particular place(发生在特定地点的)最激动人心的事,最有趣的活动
informal : a chance or opportunity to make money赚钱的机会
A piece of the action or (chiefly US) a cut of the action or (chiefly Brit) a slice of the action is a portion or share of the money that can be earned from something.分一杯羹;捞一把
slang, sometimes offensive : sexual activity性交
[noncount] : the events that happen in a story, movie, etc.(故事、电影等的)情节
[noncount] : events that happen quickly and that cause feelings of danger and excitement惊险刺激的活动(或事件)
often used before another noun常用于另一名词前
see also live action
used as a director's command to start filming part of a movie or television show开拍,开始(导演要求开始拍摄的口令)
law : the process of having a court of law make a decision about an argument诉讼;起诉
see also class action
[noncount] : a process in which one thing causes a change in another thing作用;影响;效应
: the way that something works or moves运转方式;功能

in action

: in the act of doing something : performing a usual job or function在活动;在运转;在起作用
see also action 3 (above)

into action

: to an active state实行;实施
◊ When people or things are called into action, they are asked to start working or doing a particular task.奉命开始工作;执行任务

out of action

: unable to perform a usual job or function : not in action不再工作;停止运转




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