

单词 burn


1 burn /ˈbɚn/ verb
burns; burned /ˈbɚnd/ or burnt /ˈbɚnt/ ; burning
1 burn
burns; burned /ˈbɚnd/ or burnt /ˈbɚnt/ ; burning
Learner's definition of BURN
[no object]
◊ The forms burned and burnt are used in both U.S. and British English. Burned is more common in U.S. English; burnt is more common in British English.在英国英语和美国英语中都有burned和burnt两种形式。burned更常用于美国英语,而burnt更常用于英国英语。
of a fire or flame : to give off heat, light, and gases(火或火焰)燃烧
always used in progressive tenses : to contain a fire有火;在烧着
see also burning
always used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to be on fire : to have or produce a flame燃着;着火
[+ object] : to set (something) on fire : to make (something) have or produce a flame点燃;使燃烧
: to destroy or damage (something) by fire or heat烧毁;烧坏;焚烧
[+ object]
[no object]
◊ A building or other structure that burns to the ground or is burned to the ground is completely destroyed by fire.(被大火)夷为平地,化为灰烬
: to injure or damage (someone or a part of the body) by fire, heat, acid, etc.烧伤;烫伤;灼伤
[+ object]
[no object]
: to ruin (food) by cooking it too long or with too much heat烤焦;烧糊;烤糊
[+ object]
[no object]
of an acid, chemical, etc. : to damage (something) by causing a strong chemical reaction(酸、化学品等)腐蚀,烧伤,灼伤
[+ object]
[no object]
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[+ object] : to produce (something, such as a hole) by fire, heat, acid, etc.烧成…;烧穿…
◊ If you have money and you want to spend it, the money is burning a hole in your pocket.一有钱就想花;花钱没有节制
always used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to be very hot发烫;滚烫
see also burning
: to have or produce an unpleasantly hot and painful feeling使火辣辣地痛;引起…刺痛
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to feel a pain that is like being injured by heat or fire感到(烧伤或烫伤的)疼痛
always used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to have a high fever发高烧
often + up
see also burn up (below), burning
[no object]
: to feel a strong emotion充满强烈情感often + with
sometimes + for
sometimes followed by to + verb有时接动词不定式
: to become hot and red because of a strong emotion(面颊因强烈的情感而)发烫,发红
often + with
[+ object] US, informal
: to cheat or deceive (someone) : to take advantage of (someone)欺骗;利用usually used as (be) burned通常用作(be) burned
: to make (someone) very angry激怒
usually + up
see also burn up (below)
[no object] : to be used as fuel作燃料使用
[+ object] : to use (something) as fuel以…为燃料
often + up
[+ object] : to use (food, calories, etc.) as a source of energy消耗(食物、卡路里等)
often + off or up
see also burn off (below), burn up (below)
[no object] : to give off light : to shine or glow发光
[+ object] computers : to record information or music on a disk刻录(光盘)

burn away

[phrasal verb]
burn away or burn (something) away or burn away (something)
: to be removed or to remove (something) by fire or heat(被)烧掉,烧毁,烧光

burn down

[phrasal verb]
burn down or burn (something) down or burn down (something) of a building or other structure : to be destroyed or to destroy (something) by fire(建筑物)被焚毁;烧毁
burn down of a fire : to become smaller : to gradually produce less and less flame(火势)减弱;(火头)变小

burn off

[phrasal verb]
burn off or burn (something) off or burn off (something)
US, of fog, smoke, etc. : to go away because of the sun's heat(雾气、烟雾等在太阳的热度下)消散
: to be removed or to remove (something) by fire or heat(被)烧掉,烧去
see also 1burn 10c (above)

burn out

[phrasal verb]
burn out or burn (itself) out of a fire : to stop burning熄灭;燃尽
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
burn (a building) out or burn out (a building) : to destroy the inside of (a building) by fire把(建筑物)烧成空架子
see also burned out 1
burn out or burn (something) out or burn out (something) : to stop working or cause (something) to stop working because of too much use or careless use(因长期或不慎使用)出故障,使出故障
burn out or burn (someone) out also burn out (someone) : to become or cause (someone) to become very physically and emotionally tired after doing a difficult job for a long time : to suffer burnout or cause (someone) to suffer burnout(使)精疲力竭,心力交瘁
see also burned out 2

burn rubber

see 1rubber

burn the candle at both ends

: to do too much by being active late at night and during the day夜以继日地劳累;过度劳累

burn the midnight oil

: to work or study until very late at night熬夜;挑灯夜战

burn through

[phrasal verb]
burn through (something) informal
: to use all of (something) quickly快速耗尽

burn up

[phrasal verb]
burn up or burn (something) up or burn up (something)
: to be destroyed or cause (something) to be destroyed by fire(使)被烧掉,被烧毁
see also 1burn 7c

burn your bridges

also British burn your boats
: to do something that makes you unable to go back to a previous situation破釜沉舟;自绝后路

crash and burn

see 1crash

money to burn

see money

— burnable

/ˈbɚnəbəl/ adjective [more burnable; most burnable]
2 burn /ˈbɚn/ noun
plural burns
2 burn
plural burns
Learner's definition of BURN
: an injury caused by fire, heat, acid, etc.烧伤;烫伤;灼伤
: a burned area : a mark on the surface of something caused by a flame or fire烧痕;烙印
[count] : a painful red mark on the skin caused by rubbing against something(皮肤表面又红又痛的)勒痕,擦痕
[singular] : a sharp, hot pain : a burning feeling热辣辣的痛感;灼热感

do a slow burn

US, informal
: to slowly become very angry渐渐发怒




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