

单词 wet


1 wet /ˈwɛt/ adjective
wetter; wettest
1 wet
wetter; wettest
Learner's definition of WET
: covered or soaked with water or another liquid : not dry湿的;潮湿的
: having a lot of rain : rainy有雨的;多雨的
of paint, plaster, etc. : not yet dry : still moist or sticky(油漆、灰泥等)尚未干的
US, informal : allowing alcoholic beverages to be sold or drunk允许售酒的;不禁酒的
: soaked with urine尿湿的
: wearing a diaper that is soaked with urine把尿布尿湿的
British, informal + disapproving : lacking strength and determination软弱的;优柔寡断的

all wet

US, informal
: completely wrong : not correct大错特错

get your feet wet

: to begin doing a new job, activity, etc., in usually a slow and simple way in order to become more familiar with it(工作上等)慢慢熟悉

wet behind the ears

: young and not experienced乳臭未干的;少不更事的

— wetly


— wetness

noun [noncount]
2 wet /ˈwɛt/ verb
wets; wet or wetted; wetting
2 wet
wets; wet or wetted; wetting
Learner's definition of WET
[+ object]
: to cause (something) to become wet弄湿(某物)
often + down
: to make (a bed or your clothes) wet by urinating尿湿(床或衣服)

wet your whistle

see 1whistle
3 wet /ˈwɛt/ noun
plural wets
3 wet
plural wets
Learner's definition of WET
[count] British, informal + disapproving : a person who belongs to the Conservative Party and who has moderate or liberal ideas保守党温和派成员
the wet : rainy weather : rain雨天




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