

单词 way


1 way /ˈweɪ/ noun
plural ways
1 way
plural ways
Learner's definition of WAY
: how someone or something does something : how someone or something behaves, appears, feels, etc.方式;作风usually singular通常用单数
often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式
often used with in常与in连用
: a method or system that can be used to do something(做某事的)方法,手段
often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式
often + of
[count] : a person's usual habits, actions, qualities, etc.(某人的)习惯,行为,品质
: the series of roads, paths, etc., that can be used to go from one place to another路;道路;路线usually singular通常用单数
often used figuratively to refer to a series of actions, procedures, etc., that can be used to achieve something常用作比喻,指成就某事的一系列行动、步骤等
: a road, path, etc.小路;小径usually singular通常用单数
often used in names常用于名称
: a door, opening, etc., that is used for going into or out of a place入口;出口;出入通道;门口
often used figuratively常用作比喻
◊ In British English a door or passage that leads outside or to an exit door is often marked Way Out, while in U.S. English it is marked Exit.在英国英语中,出口或出口通道常标记为Way Out,而在美国英语中则标记为Exit。
: the route along which someone or something is moving or intends to move : the area in front of a moving person or thing通道;行进道路;行进区域
see also in the way, on the way, out of the way (below)
used with her, his, their, its, your, and our to describe someone or something that is moving forward, going somewhere, etc.与her、his、their、its、your和our连用,表示某人或某物正在前行或去某地等
: a specified or indicated direction某方向
used with her, his, their, its, your, and our to say that someone or something is moving toward or coming to a particular person or thing与her、his、their、its、your和our连用,表示正朝某人或某物靠近
[singular] : a distance距离
often used figuratively常用作比喻
see also all the way (below), ways
[singular] informal : the area or region where someone lives(某人居住的)地区,地方
: a particular part of something that is being thought about or discussed(思考或讨论的)某个方面used with in与in连用
: a manner of thinking about or considering something(考虑事情的)方式,方法
[singular] : the situation that exists情况;状态
[count] : one of usually two possible decisions, actions, or results(两种可能中的一个)决定,行动,后果
see also go either way (below)
[count] : one of a specified number of usually equal parts into which something (such as an amount of money) is divided(平分成的)部分

all the way

: to the full or entire extent : as far as possible完全地;尽可能地
: throughout an entire process or period of time自始至终;一直
: to the fullest and most complete extent毫无保留地
: over an entire distance一路上;远路(而来)
see also go all the way (below), 1way 6 (above)

a long way

see 1long

by the way

used in speech to introduce a statement or question that may or may not relate to the current topic of conversation顺便提一下;附带问一句

by way of

: by traveling through (a place) : via途经;经过;经由
: for the purpose of giving, making, or doing (something specified)为了…;意在…

change your ways

: to improve your behavior, habits, or beliefs改善行为;改变习惯;改变信仰

clear the way

: to make the area through which someone or something is trying to pass open and able to be used让路;让行
: to allow something to happen or develop为…排除障碍

give way

: to break apart and fall down断裂;倒塌
formal : to stop trying to fight or resist something : to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting or opposing屈服;让步;退让
: to be replaced by something specified被…代替often + to
British : to allow another car or person to go ahead of you or in front of you(给车或人)让路often + to

go all the way

sports : to win a championship, title, etc.获得冠军(或头衔等)
: to have sex with someone(与某人)性交

go either way

used to say that either of two possible results is likely to occur and that neither is more likely than the other表示两种结果皆有可能

go out of your way

: to make a special effort to do something特地做…;不怕麻烦地做…

go someone's way

: to travel in the same direction as someone与某人同路
: to happen in a way that helps someone于某人有利

go your own way

: to do the things that you want to do rather than doing the things that other people expect you to do按自己的意愿行事;一意孤行

go your separate ways

see 1separate

harm's way

see 1harm

have a way of

◊ If someone or something has a way of being or doing something, the person or thing often has that characteristic or frequently does that thing.有…的特点;有…的习惯

have a way with

: to be able to use (something) or to deal with (something or someone) well善于处理;善于应付;有能力对付

have/get your (own) way

: to get or do what you want to get or do despite the desires, plans, etc., of other people随心所欲;为所欲为;一意孤行
often disapproving常用作贬义

have your way with

: to do exactly what you want to do to or with (something or someone)
especially : to have sex with (someone, and especially someone over whom you have control, influence, etc.)对…为所欲为;(尤指)与(可控制或可影响的人)性交

in any way, shape, or form

: under any circumstances or conditions无论如何

in the way

or in someone's or something's way
: making it more difficult for a person to do something : preventing something from happening妨碍;阻碍;挡着…的路
see also 1way 4a (above)

in the way of

used to indicate the type of thing that is being described, thought of, etc.关于;就…而言

in the worst way

see 1worst

lose your way

: to become confused or uncertain about where you are : to become lost失去方向;迷路
often used figuratively常用作比喻

make way

: to create a path or open space so that someone or something can use it让路;让…通过;腾出地方

make your way

: to move forward usually by following a path(通常指沿着某一路线)去,前往
often used figuratively常用作比喻

mend your ways

see 1mend

no two ways about it

used to say that something is definitely true毫无疑问;别无他途

no way

used to say that you will definitely not do something不可能;决不;没门儿
USused to show that you are very surprised by something or do not believe that something is true不会吧;不可能

on the way

or on someone's or something's way
: in a state of development : in progress在运作中;在进行中
: moving from one place to another place在去…的路上
: changing from one level or condition to another level or condition正处于达到某水平(或状态)的过程中

on the way out

or on someone's or something's way out
: leaving a place or position即将离开某地;即将离职
: becoming no longer popular即将过时

out of the way

: far from other places that are well-known偏远的;远离闹市的
: done or dealt with completely(完全)被处理好,得到解决
: unusual or remarkable不寻常的;奇特的
see also out-of-the-way, 1way 4a (above)

parting of the ways

see 1parting

part ways

see 2part

see your way (clear) to

: to be willing to (do something)愿意(做某事)

the other way around

also chiefly British the other way round
: in the opposite position, direction, or order相反地;反过来
used to say that the opposite situation is true情况相反

the way

used to say what someone's way of speaking, behaving, etc., seems to suggest从(某人的言谈、举止等)来看
used to say that something happens or is done with the same attitude, at the same pace, etc., as something else以同样的态度(或速度等)

the way/ways of the world

: how things happen or how people behave事情发生的规律;世道常情;人们的行为模式

way of life

: the habits, customs, and beliefs of a particular person or group of people(特定的个人或群体的)生活方式,习惯,习俗,信仰
: an important activity, job, etc., that affects all parts of someone's life(影响某人生活的)重要活动,重要工作

way to go

US, informal
used to tell someone that he or she has done something well干得好

work your way

see 1work
2 way /ˈweɪ/ adverb
2 way
Learner's definition of WAY
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to a great distance or extent : very far远远地;很大程度地;很远
: by a great amount大量地
always followed by an adjective, US : very非常

way back

: from a time in the distant past很久以前




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