释义 |
break breaks; broke /ˈbroʊk/ ; broken /ˈbroʊkən/ ; breaking breaks; broke /ˈbroʊk/ ; broken /ˈbroʊkən/ ; breaking Learner's definition of BREAK 1 : to separate (something) into parts or pieces often in a sudden and forceful or violent way打破;使破裂;折断 [+ object] -
She broke the cup when she dropped it on the floor.她把杯子掉在地上打碎了。 -
I broke the stick in two/half. = I broke the stick into two pieces.我把棍子折成了两截。 -
Break the chocolate bar into pieces so that everyone can have some.把巧克力条掰碎,这样每个人都能分到一点。 -
It is easiest to break a chain at its weakest link.链条最薄弱的地方最容易折断。 [no object] 2 : to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces摔断,折断(骨头) [+ object] -
He fell and broke [=fractured] his collarbone.他摔断了锁骨。 -
He broke his arm in the accident. [=one of the bones in his arm was broken in the accident]他在那次事故中折断了胳膊。 -
The fall broke his arm.这一跤摔断了他的胳膊。 [no object] 3 [no object] : to open suddenly especially because of pressure from inside破裂 — see also break open (below) 4 a [+ object] : to cause (something, such as a machine) to stop working by damaging it损坏;弄坏 b [no object] : to stop working because of being damaged被损坏;破损;坏掉 — see also break down (below) 5 : to split or divide (something) into smaller units or parts(使)分裂;(使)分成较小的单元(或部分) [+ object] [no object] — see also break into (below) 6 [+ object] a : to go through or make a hole in (a surface, someone's skin, etc.)穿破,弄破,擦破(皮肤等的表面) b : to go through (something) by using force用力弄破 — usually used figuratively通常用作比喻 — see also break down (below), break through (below) c : to cut into and turn over the surface of (the ground, soil, etc.)犁地;破土 — see also break ground at 1ground 7 [+ object] : to fail to do what is required by (a law, a promise, etc.)违反(法律等);违背(承诺等) -
She may not have broken the law, but she acted wrongly.或许她还没有违法,但她确实做错了。 -
You broke your promise.你食言了。 -
Students who break the rules will be punished.违规的学生要受到处罚。 -
He broke the contract by failing to make the payments on time.他因未按时付款而违约。 -
You can get fined for breaking the speed limit. [=for driving faster than you are legally allowed to drive]你要是超速行驶,就会被罚款。 8 a : to destroy or defeat (something) by using force or pressure(强行或通过施压)瓦解,削弱 [+ object] -
They kept putting pressure on him, but they couldn't break his spirit/determination/resistance.虽然他们不断给他施压,但却无法瓦解他的精神/决心/抵抗。 -
They finally broke his will to resist.他们最终击垮了他的抵抗意志。 [no object] b [+ object] : to defeat or ruin (someone) : to cause (someone) to fail or to stop trying or fighting打败,毁掉(某人);使屈服 -
He swore that he would break his rivals/competitors.他发誓要打败对手/竞争者。 -
They kept putting pressure on him, but they couldn't break him.虽然他们不断给他施压,但却无法使他屈服。 -
These huge losses are going to break [=ruin] me financially!这些重大损失将使我倾家荡产! -
This film could make or break her career. [=the success or failure of her career could depend on the success or failure of this film]这部电影将决定她演艺事业的成败。 — see also break down (below), make-or-break c [no object] : to lose your health, mental or physical strength, or control(身体或精神上)崩溃,垮掉 — usually + under — see also break down (below) d [+ object] : to train (a wild animal) to behave in a way that is useful to people驯化;驯服 9 [+ object] a : to cause the end of (something that is strong or that has continued for a long time)终止;使停止 -
A group of moderates from both parties are negotiating to break the deadlock in Congress.两党中的温和派正在协商打破双方在国会对立的僵局。 -
Many people in the industry were very upset when the government broke the strike.政府挫败了罢工,行业内许多人士对此感到很烦恼。 -
He decided to break all ties/links with them. [=to end all connections with them]他决定和他们断绝所有关系。 -
She scored a goal in the last minute of the game, breaking a 2-2 tie.她在比赛最后一分钟进球,打破了2:2的平局。 -
It's never easy to break [=kick, give up] a bad habit.改掉坏习惯绝非易事。 b : to cause (someone) to give up a habit使…放弃习惯 — + of 10 [+ object] a : to interrupt (something)打断;中断;打破 -
The peaceful silence of the evening was broken by a sudden shout.突然一声叫喊打破了夜晚的宁静。 -
The commotion broke my train of thought.一阵喧哗打断了我的思绪。 -
The sudden noise broke my concentration. [=made it impossible for me to concentrate]突然的声响分散了我的注意力。 -
Sometimes I sing while I'm driving, just to break (up) the monotony of my commute.有时我边开车边唱歌,只是为了在上下班路上解解闷。 -
The horizon line was broken only by a few stands of trees in the distance.地平线仅仅被远处的几片树丛隔断了。 -
The planes broke formation [=stopped flying together in an organized group] and took off in different directions.飞机打乱队形,朝不同的方向飞去。 — see also break up 4 (below) b : to cause (something, such as a curse or spell) to no longer be effective使(咒语、魔法等)失效;破除 11 [no object] : to stop an activity (such as working) for a brief period of time(工作等)暂停 12 a [+ object] : to tell (bad news) to someone in a kind or gentle way(婉转地)透露,说出(坏消息) b [+ object] : to make (something, such as news) publicly known for the first time(率先)报道,披露 c [no object] of news : to become publicly known(消息)公开 13 [+ object] : to reduce the speed or force of (something)减缓 -
The bushes beneath the window helped to break his fall. [=helped make his fall less forceful]窗户下的灌木丛减缓了他落地时的冲击力。 -
She walked straight across the room without breaking (her) stride. [=without pausing or slowing down]她径直穿过房间,没有放慢脚步。 14 [+ object] a : to be higher or more than (a specified number, measurement, etc.)超过 b : to do better than (a record)打破(纪录) -
She ran a great race and almost broke the world record. [=she almost ran the race faster than anyone in the world has ever run it]她赛跑时表现出色,差一点儿打破世界纪录。 -
He set a record that may never be broken.他创造了一个可能无法被打破的纪录。 c : to have a score that is lower than or higher than (a specified total)得分(低于或高于规定总分) 15 [+ object] a : to find or provide an explanation or solution for (something, such as a criminal case)破案;破解 b : to find the meaning of (a secret code)破译(密码) 16 [no object] a of the weather : to change by becoming rainy, clear, cool, etc., after a long time(天气)突变 b of clouds : to separate so that the sky or sun can be seen(云)散去 c of a storm : to start suddenly(暴风雨)突然来临 17 [no object] literary : to begin when the sun rises(天)破晓 — see also daybreak 18 [no object] a : to begin running quickly开始快跑 b : to stop fighting and run away溃败 19 [+ object] a : to give smaller bills or coins for (a large bill)把(大额钞票)换成零钱 b : to use (a large bill) to pay for something that costs much less than the value of the bill(为购买小额商品而)破开(大额钞票) 20 [no object] of a wave : to curl over and fall onto or near land(浪)拍打 21 [no object] a of someone's voice : to change sharply in tone or pitch because of strong emotion(因强烈的情绪)声调突变 b of a boy's voice : to change from the high voice of a boy to the lower voice of a man(男孩的)声音变粗,变声 22 [no object] sports, of a thrown or struck ball : to turn or curve(球)转向,曲线飞行 -
The putt broke to the left as it neared the hole.轻击一杆,球向洞口滚去时偏向了左侧。 -
a pitch that breaks away from the batter偏离了击球手的投球 -
The pitcher threw a breaking ball. [=a pitch that curves]投手投出一个曲线球。 23 tennis : to win against (an opponent who is serving)破(对手的)发球局;接发球得分 [+ object] [no object] 24 [no object] : to happen or develop发生;发展 -
For the team to succeed, everything has to break right for them. [=for the team to succeed, they have to be lucky]团队要想成功,必须诸事皆顺。 -
Things have been breaking [=going] well for the company in the past six months.在过去的六个月中,公司诸事顺利。 break away [phrasal verb] 1 : to get away from someone or something especially by using force or effort强行逃脱;挣脱 — usually + from — often used figuratively常用作比喻 2 : to separate or become separate from a larger group, country, etc.离开;脱离 — usually + from — see also breakaway break down [phrasal verb] 1 a of a machine : to stop working properly(机器)损坏,出故障 — see also 1break 4 (above) b : to fail or stop usually in a complete and sudden way失败;突然停止 -
Negotiations have broken down. [=collapsed]谈判已经破裂。 -
The government's argument broke down completely when new evidence came to light.新证据一经曝光,政府的辩解就完全站不住脚了。 -
Their marriage had broken down [=failed], and there was nothing to do about it.他们的婚姻已经破裂,无法挽救了。 2 a : to become overwhelmed by strong emotions感情失控;感情崩溃 — see also 1break 8c (above) b break down or break (someone) down or break down (someone) : to lose or cause (someone) to lose strength or the ability to resist or fight(使某人)垮掉,变得衰弱 -
The prisoner finally broke down under intensive questioning.在强大的审问攻势下,囚犯的精神防线终于崩溃了。 -
She finally broke down and got a cell phone. [=she bought a cell phone after resisting the desire to buy one for a long time]她最终禁不住诱惑,还是买了一部手机。 -
Intensive questioning finally broke the prisoner down.强大的审问攻势最终使囚犯精神防线崩溃。 — see also 1break 8b (above) 3 break down or break (something) down or break down (something) a : to become separated or to separate (something) into simpler substances(使)分解 -
The foods you eat break down in the body's digestive system.吃下去的食物在消化系统中分解。 -
The body's digestive system breaks food down.身体的消化系统分解食物。 -
Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. = Water can break down into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis.通过电解作用,水会被分解为氢气和氧气。 b : to be able to be divided or to divide (something) into parts or groups(使)分为 -
The report breaks down into three sections. = The report is broken down into three sections. [=the report has three sections]报告分为三个部分。 -
The author has broken down the nation's history into three distinct periods.作者把这个国家的历史分为三个不同的时期。 4 break (something) down or break down (something) : to use force to push (something) to the ground拆除;捣毁 -
break a door down把门拆除 -
break down a barrier清除障碍 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 — see also breakdown break even : to take in as much money as you spend : to operate without either a loss or a profit不盈不亏;收支平衡 — see also break-even break faith with — see faith break free : to become able to move or escape by using force or effort挣脱;逃脱 : to get away from someone or something that holds or limits you摆脱 — often + from or of break from [phrasal verb] break from (someone or something) : to end a relationship, connection, or agreement with (someone or something)与…断绝关系;与…决裂 break in [phrasal verb] 1 : to enter a house, building, etc., illegally非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等) — see also break into 1 (below), break-in 2 : to interrupt or disturb someone or something打断;插嘴 — see also break into 4 (below) 3 break in or break (someone) in or break in (someone) : to start or help (someone) to start a new activity, job, etc.开始从事;培养 -
Baseball was very different when he first broke in [=started playing] as a catcher in 1962.*1962年他刚开始做接球手的时候,棒球运动和现在的大不一样。 -
The job involves a wide variety of tasks, so we try to break new employees in gradually.这份工作涉及方方面面的事情,所以我们设法逐步培养新员工。 -
The band is breaking in a new backup singer.乐队正在培养新的后备歌手。 4 break (something) in or break in (something) a : to use (something, such as a new pair of shoes) for a period of time so that it becomes comfortable(使用一段时间后)使(新鞋等)变舒适 b : to operate (a new machine) carefully for a period of time until it is ready for regular use磨合(新机器) break into [phrasal verb] 1 break into (something) : to enter (a house, building, etc.) illegally and especially by using force非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等) — see also break in 1 (above) 2 : to begin to do or have (something) suddenly突然发生 -
She broke into tears. [=she suddenly began to cry]她突然哭了起来。 -
The audience broke into applause. [=the audience suddenly began applauding]观众中突然爆发出掌声。 -
His face broke into a smile. [=he suddenly smiled]他脸上突然露出笑容。 -
The horse broke into a gallop. [=the horse suddenly began to gallop]马突然飞奔起来。 -
She broke into song. [=she suddenly began to sing]她突然唱起歌来。 3 : to enter or get started in (something, such as a profession)进入,开始从事(某种职业等) 4 : to interrupt (something)打断 — see also break in 2 (above) break loose 1 : to suddenly become loose : to suddenly stop being attached to something突然松脱 2 : to get away from someone or something by using force or effort挣脱;摆脱 — often + from — see also all hell breaks loose at hell break off [phrasal verb] 1 break off or break off (something) or break (something) off or break (something) off (something) : to become separated or cause (something) to become separated because of force or violence(使)断开;折断 -
The piece of plaster broke off easily.石膏块很容易断裂。 -
The handle broke off when I accidentally dropped the cup.我不小心把杯子掉在地上,杯子把儿摔断了。 -
I accidentally broke the cup's handle off. = I accidentally broke the handle off the cup.我不小心把杯子把儿弄断了。 -
I broke [=tore] a piece of bread off (the loaf) and ate it.我掰下一块面包吃了。 2 break off or break off (something) : to stop or end suddenly or cause (something) to stop or end suddenly(使)突然停止 -
The speaker broke off (speaking) in the middle of a sentence.演讲者话讲了半句,突然停了下来。 -
At that point the recording suddenly breaks off. [=ends]在那一刻,录音突然中断了。 -
The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.这两个国家断绝了外交关系。 -
The negotiations resumed soon after they were broken off.谈判在中断之后不久又重新开始了。 -
They had a fight and broke off [=called off] their engagement.一场争吵之后,他们解除了婚约。 break open [phrasal verb] break open or break open (something) or break (something) open : to open or to cause (something) to open suddenly(使)开,突然打开,开启 -
The pods broke open and the seeds scattered on the wind.荚果裂开,种子随风飘散了。 -
The police broke open the door.警察砸开房门。 -
The burglars broke open the locked safe.入室窃贼砸开了上锁的保险柜。 — see also 1break 3 (above) break out [phrasal verb] 1 : to begin happening suddenly爆发;突发 -
A fire broke out in the kitchen.厨房突然起火了。 -
A riot broke out in the prison.监狱里爆发了骚乱。 -
There is a danger that war could break out soon.形势危急,战争一触即发。 2 a : to suddenly begin to have sweat, a rash, etc., on your skin突然出汗(或皮疹等) b : to appear on the skin suddenly(皮肤上)突然出现 3 : to escape from a prison, jail, etc.逃跑;逃脱;越狱 — often + of — often used figuratively常用作比喻 4 break (something) out or break out (something) : to take (something) from the place where it is stored so that it can be used从储藏处取出(某物) — see also breakout, outbreak break someone's heart — see heart break the back of — see 1back break the bank — see 1bank break the mold — see 1mold break through [phrasal verb] 1 break through or break through (something) : to use force to get through (something, such as a barrier)冲破;突围;突破 -
The enemy attacked our defenses but they weren't able to break through.敌人攻击我们的防线,但未能冲破。 -
The enemy finally broke through our defenses and defeated us.敌人最终突破了我们的防线,击败了我们。 -
The prisoners broke through the wall and escaped.囚犯们冲出围墙越狱逃跑了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 — see also 1break 6b (above) 2 of the sun : to shine through (clouds)(太阳)破云而出 break up [phrasal verb] 1 break up or break (something) up or break up (something) a : to separate into parts or pieces or cause (something) to separate into parts or pieces(使)分散,分解;拆散 -
The asteroid broke up [=disintegrated] when it hit the Earth's atmosphere.小行星进入地球大气层后解体了。 -
Enzymes help break up protein molecules.酶有助于分解蛋白质分子。 -
break up a large estate分割大笔遗产 b : to end or cause (something) to end(使)结束;终止 -
The demonstration broke up when the police arrived.警察一来,示威游行就结束了。 -
The party began to break up shortly after midnight.刚过午夜,聚会就结束了。 -
The police broke up the demonstration.警察驱散了示威人群。 -
He got hurt while trying to break up a fight.他试图阻止一场打斗,结果自己受了伤。 -
break up a terrorist organization解散一个恐怖组织 2 break up : to end a romantic relationship, marriage, etc.分手;离婚;断绝交往 — often + with 3 break up or break (someone) up US, informal : to begin laughing or cause (someone) to begin laughing suddenly and in a way that is difficult to control(使)不禁大笑 -
I always break up [=crack up] when I hear that joke.听到那个笑话时,我总是忍不住大笑。 -
Everyone broke up [=burst into laughter, busted out laughing] when they saw what he was wearing.看到他的一身穿戴,大家都不禁大笑起来。 -
That joke always breaks me up. [=cracks me up]那个笑话总让我忍不住大笑。 4 break (something) up or break up (something) a : to change the regular quality or appearance of (something)打破(常规);改变(外表) -
break up a dull routine打破单调的常规 -
A chimney breaks up the line of the level roof.一个烟囱打破了这个屋顶平齐的轮廓。 -
break up a text with pictures在文字中穿插图片 — see also 1break 10 (above) b : to separate the parts of (something) so that it is not complete使分开;使不完整 5 break up British, of a school : to come to the end of a period of instruction (such as a term)(学校)期末放假 — see also breakup break with [phrasal verb] break with (someone or something) : to end a relationship, connection, or agreement with (someone or something)与…断绝关系;与…决裂 -
He broke with his former friends and colleagues when he decided to support the conservative candidate.由于决定支持保守派候选人,他与昔日的朋友和同事都决裂了。 -
a strong desire to break with tradition/the past与传统/过去决裂的强烈愿望 -
A number of people have broken with the church over this issue.有些人因为这一问题和教会决裂了。 2 break /ˈbreɪk/ noun plural breaks plural breaks Learner's definition of BREAK 1 [count] a : a crack, hole, etc., that is caused by damage, injury, or pressure(因损坏、损伤或挤压造成的)裂缝,裂口 -
The tank is reinforced to prevent breaks and leaks.储液罐已加固以防破裂或泄漏。 -
The break [=fracture] in her arm will take months to heal.她手臂骨折要几个月才能痊愈。 -
Watch out for breaks [=(more commonly) cracks] in the ice.小心冰面上的裂缝。 b : an opening or space in something缺口 : an opening that makes it possible for someone or something to enter or pass through something(可供某人或某物进入或通过的)缺口,裂缝,间隙 2 [count] : something that causes a change or interruption改变;中断 3 [count] a : a time when something stops(某事的)暂停,停顿,间歇 -
It has rained for five days without a break. [=it has been raining constantly for five days]雨已经连续下了五天。 -
We chatted during a break in the game.我们在比赛的间歇聊了一会儿。 -
It rained all day. We waited for a break in the weather [=we waited for a time when the rain stopped], but it never came.雨下了一整天。我们等待雨停的时刻,但是雨却一直未停。 b : a brief period of time during which someone stops an activity暂停;(短暂的)休息 -
I'm tired. Let's take a break. [=let's stop doing whatever we are doing for a short period of time]我累了,咱们休息一会儿吧。 -
It was a long drive, but we took lots of breaks. [=we briefly stopped driving many times]车程漫长,但是我们多次停下来休息。 -
a bathroom break [=a brief period of time when you stop doing something in order to use a bathroom]上卫生间时间; especially : a brief period of time during which a worker is allowed to rest, eat, etc., instead of working(尤指)员工在工作期间的用餐及休息时间等 -
All employees are entitled to two breaks during the workday.所有员工在每个工作日都有两段休息时间。 -
We've been working all day without a break.我们整天都在工作,没有歇过。 -
It's only five minutes until break time. [=the time when workers are supposed to stop working for a brief period of time]距离休息时间只有五分钟了。 — see also coffee break, lunch break c : a longer period of time when someone is not working or doing some other activity(较长的)休息时间 d : a time when many people are not working or going to school because of a holiday, vacation, etc.假期 — see also spring break 4 [count] : a planned interruption in a radio or television program(电台或电视节目)插播广告的间隙 — see also station break 5 [singular] : a sudden fast run : dash急冲;突然起跑 especially : a fast run by someone who is trying to escape(尤指)快速奔跑以逃脱 — see also jailbreak 6 [count] : a situation or event that is lucky or unlucky运气;机缘 especially : a lucky situation or event that makes success possible(尤指)好运气 -
She's still hoping to get her big/lucky break in show business.她依然期望在娱乐圈交上好运。 -
She got the breaks she needed to succeed.她时来运转,成功了。 -
She gets all the breaks. [=she is very lucky]她非常幸运。 -
For the team to succeed, all the breaks will have to go their way. [=they will have to be lucky]球队要想获胜,得有幸运之神相助。 -
(US) I just can't seem to catch a break. [=I am unlucky; I never have good luck]我似乎就是运气不好。 ◊ Informal expressions like those are the breaks and that's the breaks mean that something bad or unlucky should be thought of or accepted as the kind of thing that often happens to people.不走运的事情常有 7 [count] : something that helps a particular person or group(对某人或某团体)有帮助的事物 -
Can you give me a break on the price? = Can I get a break on the price? [=can you lower the price for me?]你能给我打个折扣吗? -
People with small children are being given a tax break. [=are being required to pay less in taxes than other people]有小孩儿的家长可获得减税的优惠。 8 [singular] a : a sudden ending of a relationship(关系的)突然终结 -
The crisis has caused a break (in diplomatic relations) between the two countries.危机导致两国的(外交)关系中断。 -
If you don't want to keep dating him, you should just make a clean break [=you should end your relationship quickly] instead of dragging it out.如果不想继续和他交往,你应当快刀斩乱麻,不要拖拖拉拉。 -
She talked about leaving her husband for years, but she never found the courage to make the break.多年来,她一直在说要离开她的丈夫,但是她却没有勇气做个了断。 b : a change from what was done before(对过去所做的)改变 — usually + with or from -
We need to make a clean break with the past. [=we need to stop doing things as they were done in the past and start doing them in a completely new way]我们需要彻底改变过去的做法。 -
The company has made a sharp break with tradition.这家公司已完全抛弃传统的经营方式。 -
Her latest novel marks a complete break with/from her earlier fiction. [=her latest novel is completely different from her earlier fiction]她最近创作的这部小说与早期的作品完全不同。 9 [noncount] literary黎明;破晓 — used in the phrase break of day to refer to the time of morning when the sun can first be seen 10 [count] : a sharp change in the tone or pitch of someone's voice(音调或音高的)突变 11 [noncount] sports : a curve in the path of a thrown or hit ball(球的)弧线飞行,曲线飞行 12 [count] tennis : the act of defeating an opponent who is serving破对手发球 give me a break informal 1 — used to tell someone to stop bothering you or treating you unfairly别烦我了;别再折磨我了 2 — used to say that you do not believe or are disgusted about what someone has said or done别胡扯了(表示不相信或厌恶) -
“He says he went to Harvard.” “Give me a break! I doubt he even graduated from high school!”“他说他在哈佛大学学习过。”“别胡扯了!我甚至怀疑他是否读完了高中!” -
He wants more money? Give me a break! [=it's ridiculous/outrageous that he wants more money]他想要更多的钱?亏他能说出口! give (someone) a break : to stop treating (someone) in a strict or harsh way不再苛求(某人) |