

单词 break


1 break /ˈbreɪk/ verb
breaks; broke /ˈbroʊk/ ; broken /ˈbroʊkən/ ; breaking
1 break
breaks; broke /ˈbroʊk/ ; broken /ˈbroʊkən/ ; breaking
Learner's definition of BREAK
: to separate (something) into parts or pieces often in a sudden and forceful or violent way打破;使破裂;折断
[+ object]
[no object]
: to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces摔断,折断(骨头)
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to open suddenly especially because of pressure from inside破裂
see also break open (below)
[+ object] : to cause (something, such as a machine) to stop working by damaging it损坏;弄坏
[no object] : to stop working because of being damaged被损坏;破损;坏掉
see also break down (below)
: to split or divide (something) into smaller units or parts(使)分裂;(使)分成较小的单元(或部分)
[+ object]
[no object]
see also break into (below)
[+ object]
: to go through or make a hole in (a surface, someone's skin, etc.)穿破,弄破,擦破(皮肤等的表面)
: to go through (something) by using force用力弄破
usually used figuratively通常用作比喻
see also break down (below), break through (below)
: to cut into and turn over the surface of (the ground, soil, etc.)犁地;破土
see also break ground at 1ground
[+ object] : to fail to do what is required by (a law, a promise, etc.)违反(法律等);违背(承诺等)
: to destroy or defeat (something) by using force or pressure(强行或通过施压)瓦解,削弱
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to defeat or ruin (someone) : to cause (someone) to fail or to stop trying or fighting打败,毁掉(某人);使屈服
see also break down (below), make-or-break
[no object] : to lose your health, mental or physical strength, or control(身体或精神上)崩溃,垮掉usually + under
see also break down (below)
[+ object] : to train (a wild animal) to behave in a way that is useful to people驯化;驯服
[+ object]
: to cause the end of (something that is strong or that has continued for a long time)终止;使停止
: to cause (someone) to give up a habit使…放弃习惯+ of
[+ object]
: to interrupt (something)打断;中断;打破
see also break up 4 (below)
: to cause (something, such as a curse or spell) to no longer be effective使(咒语、魔法等)失效;破除
[no object] : to stop an activity (such as working) for a brief period of time(工作等)暂停
[+ object] : to tell (bad news) to someone in a kind or gentle way(婉转地)透露,说出(坏消息)
[+ object] : to make (something, such as news) publicly known for the first time(率先)报道,披露
[no object] of news : to become publicly known(消息)公开
[+ object] : to reduce the speed or force of (something)减缓
[+ object]
: to be higher or more than (a specified number, measurement, etc.)超过
: to do better than (a record)打破(纪录)
: to have a score that is lower than or higher than (a specified total)得分(低于或高于规定总分)
[+ object]
: to find or provide an explanation or solution for (something, such as a criminal case)破案;破解
: to find the meaning of (a secret code)破译(密码)
[no object]
of the weather : to change by becoming rainy, clear, cool, etc., after a long time(天气)突变
of clouds : to separate so that the sky or sun can be seen(云)散去
of a storm : to start suddenly(暴风雨)突然来临
[no object] literary : to begin when the sun rises(天)破晓
see also daybreak
[no object]
: to begin running quickly开始快跑
: to stop fighting and run away溃败
[+ object]
: to give smaller bills or coins for (a large bill)把(大额钞票)换成零钱
: to use (a large bill) to pay for something that costs much less than the value of the bill(为购买小额商品而)破开(大额钞票)
[no object] of a wave : to curl over and fall onto or near land(浪)拍打
[no object]
of someone's voice : to change sharply in tone or pitch because of strong emotion(因强烈的情绪)声调突变
of a boy's voice : to change from the high voice of a boy to the lower voice of a man(男孩的)声音变粗,变声
[no object] sports, of a thrown or struck ball : to turn or curve(球)转向,曲线飞行
tennis : to win against (an opponent who is serving)破(对手的)发球局;接发球得分
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to happen or develop发生;发展

break a leg

see 1leg

break a sweat

see 2sweat

break away

[phrasal verb]
: to get away from someone or something especially by using force or effort强行逃脱;挣脱
usually + from
often used figuratively常用作比喻
: to separate or become separate from a larger group, country, etc.离开;脱离
usually + from
see also breakaway

break bread

see 1bread

break camp

see 1camp

break cover

see 2cover

break down

[phrasal verb]
of a machine : to stop working properly(机器)损坏,出故障
see also 1break 4 (above)
: to fail or stop usually in a complete and sudden way失败;突然停止
: to become overwhelmed by strong emotions感情失控;感情崩溃
see also 1break 8c (above)
break down or break (someone) down or break down (someone) : to lose or cause (someone) to lose strength or the ability to resist or fight(使某人)垮掉,变得衰弱
see also 1break 8b (above)
break down or break (something) down or break down (something)
: to become separated or to separate (something) into simpler substances(使)分解
: to be able to be divided or to divide (something) into parts or groups(使)分为
break (something) down or break down (something) : to use force to push (something) to the ground拆除;捣毁
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also breakdown

break even

: to take in as much money as you spend : to operate without either a loss or a profit不盈不亏;收支平衡
see also break-even

break faith with

see faith

break free

: to become able to move or escape by using force or effort挣脱;逃脱
: to get away from someone or something that holds or limits you摆脱often + from or of

break from

[phrasal verb]
break from (someone or something)
: to end a relationship, connection, or agreement with (someone or something)与…断绝关系;与…决裂

break ground

see 1ground

break in

[phrasal verb]
: to enter a house, building, etc., illegally非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等)
see also break into 1 (below), break-in
: to interrupt or disturb someone or something打断;插嘴
see also break into 4 (below)
break in or break (someone) in or break in (someone) : to start or help (someone) to start a new activity, job, etc.开始从事;培养
break (something) in or break in (something)
: to use (something, such as a new pair of shoes) for a period of time so that it becomes comfortable(使用一段时间后)使(新鞋等)变舒适
: to operate (a new machine) carefully for a period of time until it is ready for regular use磨合(新机器)

break into

[phrasal verb]
break into (something)
: to enter (a house, building, etc.) illegally and especially by using force非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等)
see also break in 1 (above)
: to begin to do or have (something) suddenly突然发生
: to enter or get started in (something, such as a profession)进入,开始从事(某种职业等)
: to interrupt (something)打断
see also break in 2 (above)

break loose

: to suddenly become loose : to suddenly stop being attached to something突然松脱
: to get away from someone or something by using force or effort挣脱;摆脱
often + from
see also all hell breaks loose at hell

break new ground

see 1ground

break off

[phrasal verb]
break off or break off (something) or break (something) off or break (something) off (something) : to become separated or cause (something) to become separated because of force or violence(使)断开;折断
break off or break off (something) : to stop or end suddenly or cause (something) to stop or end suddenly(使)突然停止

break open

[phrasal verb]
break open or break open (something) or break (something) open
: to open or to cause (something) to open suddenly(使)开,突然打开,开启
see also 1break 3 (above)

break out

[phrasal verb]
: to begin happening suddenly爆发;突发
: to suddenly begin to have sweat, a rash, etc., on your skin突然出汗(或皮疹等)
: to appear on the skin suddenly(皮肤上)突然出现
: to escape from a prison, jail, etc.逃跑;逃脱;越狱
often + of
often used figuratively常用作比喻
break (something) out or break out (something) : to take (something) from the place where it is stored so that it can be used从储藏处取出(某物)
see also breakout, outbreak

break rank

see 1rank

break someone's heart

see heart

break step

see 1step

break the back of

see 1back

break the bank

see 1bank

break the ice

see 1ice

break the mold

see 1mold

break through

[phrasal verb]
break through or break through (something)
: to use force to get through (something, such as a barrier)冲破;突围;突破
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also 1break 6b (above)
of the sun : to shine through (clouds)(太阳)破云而出

break up

[phrasal verb]
break up or break (something) up or break up (something)
: to separate into parts or pieces or cause (something) to separate into parts or pieces(使)分散,分解;拆散
: to end or cause (something) to end(使)结束;终止
break up : to end a romantic relationship, marriage, etc.分手;离婚;断绝交往
often + with
break up or break (someone) up US, informal : to begin laughing or cause (someone) to begin laughing suddenly and in a way that is difficult to control(使)不禁大笑
break (something) up or break up (something)
: to change the regular quality or appearance of (something)打破(常规);改变(外表)
see also 1break 10 (above)
: to separate the parts of (something) so that it is not complete使分开;使不完整
break up British, of a school : to come to the end of a period of instruction (such as a term)(学校)期末放假
see also breakup

break wind

see 1wind

break with

[phrasal verb]
break with (someone or something)
: to end a relationship, connection, or agreement with (someone or something)与…断绝关系;与…决裂
2 break /ˈbreɪk/ noun
plural breaks
2 break
plural breaks
Learner's definition of BREAK
: a crack, hole, etc., that is caused by damage, injury, or pressure(因损坏、损伤或挤压造成的)裂缝,裂口
: an opening or space in something缺口
: an opening that makes it possible for someone or something to enter or pass through something(可供某人或某物进入或通过的)缺口,裂缝,间隙
[count] : something that causes a change or interruption改变;中断
: a time when something stops(某事的)暂停,停顿,间歇
: a brief period of time during which someone stops an activity暂停;(短暂的)休息
especially : a brief period of time during which a worker is allowed to rest, eat, etc., instead of working(尤指)员工在工作期间的用餐及休息时间等
see also coffee break, lunch break
: a longer period of time when someone is not working or doing some other activity(较长的)休息时间
: a time when many people are not working or going to school because of a holiday, vacation, etc.假期
see also spring break
[count] : a planned interruption in a radio or television program(电台或电视节目)插播广告的间隙
see also station break
[singular] : a sudden fast run : dash急冲;突然起跑
especially : a fast run by someone who is trying to escape(尤指)快速奔跑以逃脱
see also jailbreak
[count] : a situation or event that is lucky or unlucky运气;机缘
especially : a lucky situation or event that makes success possible(尤指)好运气
◊ Informal expressions like those are the breaks and that's the breaks mean that something bad or unlucky should be thought of or accepted as the kind of thing that often happens to people.不走运的事情常有
[count] : something that helps a particular person or group(对某人或某团体)有帮助的事物
: a sudden ending of a relationship(关系的)突然终结
: a change from what was done before(对过去所做的)改变usually + with or from
[noncount] literary黎明;破晓used in the phrase break of day to refer to the time of morning when the sun can first be seen
[count] : a sharp change in the tone or pitch of someone's voice(音调或音高的)突变
[noncount] sports : a curve in the path of a thrown or hit ball(球的)弧线飞行,曲线飞行
[count] tennis : the act of defeating an opponent who is serving破对手发球

give me a break

used to tell someone to stop bothering you or treating you unfairly别烦我了;别再折磨我了
used to say that you do not believe or are disgusted about what someone has said or done别胡扯了(表示不相信或厌恶)

give (someone) a break

: to stop treating (someone) in a strict or harsh way不再苛求(某人)




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