

单词 walk


1 walk /ˈwɑːk/ verb
walks; walked; walking
1 walk
walks; walked; walking
Learner's definition of WALK
[no object] : to move with your legs at a speed that is slower than running走;行走;步行
often used figuratively常用作比喻
see also sleepwalk
[+ object] : to go with (someone) to a place by walking : to walk with (someone)陪(某人)走;护送(某人)
[+ object] : to cause (an animal) to go for a walk with you : to take (an animal) for a walk(牵着动物)走,遛;(带着动物)散步
[+ object] : to cause (something) to move with you while walking推着…走
[+ object] : to move (something) in a way that is like walking把(某物)移走;使(某物)移动
[+ object] : to pass over, through, or along (something) by walking(步行)越过,穿过,沿着…前行
[no object] of a batter : to get to first base by not swinging at four pitches that are balls(击球手)四坏球自由上垒;保送上一垒
[+ object] of a pitcher : to cause (a batter) to go to first base by throwing four pitches that are balls(投手使击球手)自由上垒;保送(击球手)上一垒
[no object] : to be allowed to go free without being punished for a crime被无罪释放;未获刑罚

walk away

[phrasal verb]
: to decide not to do or be involved in something一走了之;脱身;逃避
often + from
walk away with (something) informal : to win (something) especially in an easy way轻易取胜;轻易获得

walk before you (can) run

: to learn the basics before trying to do something more advanced学会走再学跑

walk down the aisle

see aisle

walking on air

see 1air

walk in on

[phrasal verb]
walk in on (someone or something)
: to enter a room and interrupt (someone or something)进屋撞见

walk into

[phrasal verb]
walk into (something)
: to become involved in or fooled by (something) because you are not aware of what is really happening不意落入;不明智地陷入
chiefly British : to get (a job) very easily轻易获得(工作)

walk it

: to go to a place by walking徒步去(某地)
British : to do something successfully and easily轻易取胜;轻易获得

walk off

[phrasal verb]
: to leave somewhere suddenly especially as a way of showing disapproval(尤指表示不满而)突然离开,愤然离去
walk off (something) or walk (something) off : to get rid of (something) by walking以散步消除…
walk off with (something) informal
: to steal (something)顺手牵羊;顺便偷走
: to win (something) especially in an easy or impressive way轻易赢得;让人印象深刻地赢得

walk off the/your job

chiefly US, informal
: to stop working and go on strike停止工作;罢工

walk on eggshells

informal or US walk on eggs
: to be very careful about what you say or do小心翼翼地行事;谨言慎行

walk out

[phrasal verb]
: to leave somewhere suddenly especially as a way of showing disapproval(尤指表示不满而)突然离开,愤然离去
often + of
: to go on strike罢工
walk out on (someone) : to leave (someone) suddenly and unexpectedly : to abandon or desert (someone)抛弃;遗弃
walk out on (something) : to leave before the completion of (something)半途而废;半截撂挑子

walk over

[phrasal verb]
walk (all) over (someone) informal
: to not consider the wishes or feelings of (someone) : to treat (someone) very badly轻蔑地对待;苛刻地对待

walk tall

: to walk or behave in a way that shows you feel proud and confident昂首阔步;趾高气扬

walk the plank

: to be forced to walk along a board sticking out over the side of a ship and fall into the sea被迫走跳板(被逼走上置于船舷边上的木板,直至掉入海里)

walk the streets

: to be a prostitute who finds customers by walking around in the streets做妓女(走街串巷拉嫖客)
see also streetwalker

walk the walk

: to do the things that you say you will do言行一致;说干就干

walk through

[phrasal verb]
walk through (something) : to do (something) slowly or without much effort草率处理;走过场
walk (someone) through (something) : to help (someone) do (something) by going through its steps slowly(循序渐进地)帮助,引导
see also walk-through
2 walk /ˈwɑːk/ noun
plural walks
2 walk
plural walks
Learner's definition of WALK
[count] : an act of walking : an act of going somewhere by walking步行;行走;散步usually singular通常用单数
see also power walk, space walk
[count] : a place or path for walking散步的小路;步行的路径
see picture at house; see also boardwalk, sidewalk
[count] baseball : base on balls
[count] : an organized event in which people walk to raise money for a particular cause or group(为某一事业或团体而组织的)步行募捐often + for
[count] : a particular way of walking步态usually singular通常用单数
[singular] : a slow speed慢速

all walks of life

or every walk of life
used to refer to people who have many different jobs or positions in society各行各业人士;各阶层usually used with from通常与from连用
sometimes used with of or in in U.S. English在美国英语中有时与of或in连用

cock of the walk

see 1cock

walk in the park

US, informal
: something that is pleasant or easy愉快的事;轻而易举的事




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