

单词 block


1 block /ˈblɑːk/ noun
plural blocks
1 block
plural blocks
Learner's definition of BLOCK
[count] : a solid piece of material (such as rock or wood) that has flat sides and is usually square or rectangular in shape(方形平面)大块
see also building block, chopping block, starting block
: an area of land surrounded by four streets in a city街区
US : the length of one city block一个街区的长度
[count] : a large building divided into separate units (such as apartments or shops)大楼
◊ This sense of block is more common in British English than in U.S. English.此义项的block更常用于英国英语。
see also block of flats, cellblock, tower block
[singular] : something that stops the progress or achievement of something阻碍;障碍
[count] sports : an action or movement that stops or slows down an opponent(体育运动中的)阻挡,拦截
[singular] : something that stops a person from thinking about certain things(思维活动的)障碍
see also stumbling block, writer's block
: a number of similar things that form a group一组;一批
: an amount or section of something一定量;一段

chip off the old block

see 1chip

knock someone's block off

see 1knock

new kid on the block

see 1kid

on the block

or on the auction block
: for sale at an auction被拍卖
broadly : for sale出售
2 block /ˈblɑːk/ verb
blocks; blocked; blocking
2 block
blocks; blocked; blocking
Learner's definition of BLOCK
[+ object]
: to be placed in front of (something, such as a road or path) so that people or things cannot pass through阻塞;堵塞;挡住
sometimes + up
: to place something in front of (something, such as a road) so that people or things cannot go into the area封锁;拦住
often + off
[+ object]
: to stop (someone or something) from moving through or going by堵住
: to stop (something) from getting through to someone or something挡住
: to be in front of (something) so that it cannot be seen遮住;遮蔽
[+ object]
: to not allow (something, such as progress or an action) to occur阻止;禁止;阻挠
: to be in the way of (something)妨碍
sports : to stop the movement of (an opponent, a shot, etc.).(在体育运动中)阻挡,拦截
[+ object]
[no object]

block in

[phrasal verb]
block in (someone or something) or block (someone or something) in
: to put something in front of (someone or something) so that person or thing cannot leave封锁;堵住

block out

[phrasal verb]
block out (something) or block (something) out
: to hide or cover something so that it cannot be seen, felt, or heard遮蔽;盖住
: to force yourself not to think about (something)忘掉;不去想
: to ignore (something)忽视;不理会

— blocker

noun, plural blockers [count]




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