

单词 beat


1 beat /ˈbiːt/ verb
beats; beat; beaten /ˈbiːtn̩/ or chiefly US beat; beating
1 beat
beats; beat; beaten /ˈbiːtn̩/ or chiefly US beat; beating
Learner's definition of BEAT
: to hit (something) repeatedly(反复地)敲,击,打
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to hit (someone) repeatedly in order to cause pain or injury狠打;猛揍
see also beating, beat up (below), beat up on (below)
: to hit (a drum) repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal击(鼓);敲(鼓)
[+ object]
[no object]
see also beat the drum for at 1drum
cooking : to stir or mix (something) in a forceful way搅拌;混合
[+ object]
[no object]
: to move (wings) with an up and down motion拍动,扇动(翅膀)
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] of the heart : to make the regular movements needed to pump blood(心脏)跳动,搏动
[+ object]
: to defeat (someone) in a game, contest, etc.打败;击败;战胜
◊ People say if you can't beat them, join them or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em when they decide to do what other people are doing and to stop opposing them.打不赢,就投靠
: to do better than (something)胜过;超出
◊ People say can you beat that? when they are surprised or angry about something.(对某事表示惊讶或愤慨)那怎么可能?
not used in progressive tenses : to be better than (something)优于;好过
: to control or overcome (something)控制;克服
: to be too difficult for (someone)难倒;使困惑
◊ The informal expression (it) beats me means “I don't know.”我不清楚;我不知道
[+ object]
: to come, arrive, or act before (someone or something)抢…之先;赶在…之前
: to avoid having problems with (something) by acting earlier避开;避免

beat a dead horse

see 1horse

beat a path

: to make a path by walking over the ground many times走出,踏出(小路)
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻

beat a retreat

: to leave quickly迅速离开;匆匆走开

beat around/about the bush

see bush

beat back

[phrasal verb]
beat back (someone) or beat (someone) back
: to force (someone) to go back or to retreat by fighting打退;击退;逼退

beat down

[phrasal verb]
of the sun : to shine down with great heat and strength(太阳)暴晒,直射
beat (something) down or beat down (something) : to hit (something, such as a door) so that it falls down把…击倒;使…倒下
often used figuratively常用作比喻
chiefly British
beat (someone) down or beat down (someone) : to cause (someone) to lower a price使(某人)降价
beat (a price) down or beat down (a price) : to cause someone to lower (a price)杀价;压价

beat it

: to go away quickly迅速离开;跑掉
often used as a command常用作命令

beat off

[phrasal verb]
beat off (someone or something) or beat (someone or something) off : to force (someone or something) to go away by fighting打退;击退;逐走
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
US, informal + impolite, of a man : masturbate

beat out

[phrasal verb]
beat out (something) or beat (something) out
: to put out (a fire) by beating扑灭(火)
baseball : to turn (a ground ball) into a base hit by running fast to first base(击跑员先于球到达一垒而)使(滚地球)成为安打
beat out (someone or something) or beat (someone or something) out US : to defeat or overcome (a person, team, etc.)击败;战胜

beat someone to the punch

see 2punch

beat the clock

see 1clock

beat the rap

see 1rap

beat up

[phrasal verb]
beat up (someone) or beat (someone) up
: to hurt or injure (someone) by hitting痛打;狠揍
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also beat-up

beat up on

[phrasal verb]
beat up on (someone) US, informal
: to hit (someone) repeatedly in order to cause pain or injury : to beat (someone)痛打;狠揍
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻

to beat the band

see 1band

— beatable

/ˈbiːtəbəl/ adjective
2 beat /ˈbiːt/ noun
plural beats
2 beat
plural beats
Learner's definition of BEAT
[count] : the act of beating敲;击;打
see also heart skipped a beat at heart
[singular] : a sound produced by beating敲击声;击打声
[count] : a loud or strong sound that occurs regularly in music or poetry(音乐或诗歌的)强音拍
see also downbeat
[singular] : the regular pattern of sounds in music or poetry : rhythm(音乐或诗歌的)节拍,节奏
[count] : a place or area that someone (such as a policeman) regularly goes to, walks through, or covers as part of a job(经常去或经过的)路线,地点,区域usually singular通常用单数

miss a beat

chiefly US
: to have difficulty in continuing : to stop or hesitate briefly暂时地停止;迟疑片刻
3 beat /ˈbiːt/ adjective
3 beat
Learner's definition of BEAT
not used before a noun informal
: very tired : exhausted筋疲力尽;疲惫不堪




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