

单词 talk


1 talk /ˈtɑːk/ verb
talks; talked; talking
1 talk
talks; talked; talking
Learner's definition of TALK
: to say words in order to express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc., to someone讲话;说话;谈话
[no object]
often + to
often + about
[+ object]
[no object] : to have a conversation or discussion with someone交谈;谈论;商谈
often + to
often + with
often + about
[+ object] : to have a conversation about (something)商谈;洽谈;谈论
Synonyms see: speak
[no object] : to use your voice to say words : speak说话
[no object] : to be willing to talk to someone after having an argument, disagreement, fight, etc., with that person(争论或打架之后)交谈,对话always used as总用作(be) talking
[no object] : to talk about the personal lives of other people说闲话;八卦
[no object] : to tell secret information to someone吐露秘密;说出内情
[no object] : to give information without speaking : to communicate with signs, numbers, etc.(用信号、数字等)交流,传递信息
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] : to talk until (someone or something) is in a specified state一直说到…为止
see also sweet-talk
[no object] : to criticize someone批评(某人)
◊ This sense of talk is often used in phrases like look who's talking, you're one to talk, and you should talk to say that someone should not criticize another person because he or she has the same faults as that other person.此义项的talk常用于短语look who's talking、you're one to talk和you should talk等,指批评别人的人自己也有同样的毛病。
[+ object] informalused to describe or suggest the size or amount of something指的是,说的是(用于描述尺寸、数量等)always used as总用作(be) talking

know what you are talking about

see 1know

money talks

see money

now you're talking

used to say that someone has said or suggested something that you think is good, worth doing, etc.这就对了;正合我意

talk a blue streak

see 1blue

talk about

◊ The phrase what are you talking about? can be used to show that you are confused, worried, upset, etc., about something that someone has just said.你(们)在说什么呢?(可用于表示对对方的话感到困惑、担心、苦恼等)
informalused to emphasize the size, amount, or extent of something谈到,说起(用于强调事物的大小、数量或程度)
see also 1talk 1a, b (above)

talk a good game

: to say things that make people believe that you can do something or that something is true about you even though it is not true自我吹嘘

talk around

[phrasal verb] also chiefly British talk round
talk around/round (something) : to avoid talking about (a particular subject) especially because it is difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing避开(尤指棘手的、令人不快的或尴尬的)话题;绕圈子
talk (someone) around/round : to cause (someone) to accept and support something (such as an idea) after opposing it说服(某人)改变主意
often + to

talk at

[phrasal verb] informal
talk at (someone)
: to speak to (someone) without listening to what he or she says to you in reply单方面(向某人)说话(而不听对方的反馈)

talk back

[phrasal verb]
: to answer (someone) in a rude way that does not show proper respect顶嘴;回嘴
often + to

talk down

[phrasal verb]
talk down to (someone) : to talk to (someone) in an overly simple way which suggests that he or she is not intelligent以居高临下的口气(对某人)说话
talk down (something or someone) or talk (something or someone) down
: to describe (something or someone) as unimportant贬低;贬损
: to cause (the price of something) to be lower by talking to someone使降价;砍价
: to convince (someone) to lower the price of something说服(某人)减价
talk (someone) down : to convince (someone who is standing on a high place and threatening to jump) to come down and not to commit suicide说服(站在高处威胁要自杀的人)下来
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻

talk into

[phrasal verb]
talk (someone) into (something)
: to get (someone) to do something by talking about the good reasons for doing it : to convince or persuade (someone) to do something说服(某人)做(某事)

talk nineteen to the dozen

British, informal
: to speak rapidly and without stopping滔滔不绝

talk of

[phrasal verb]
talk of (someone or something)
: to speak or write about (someone or something) : to mention (a subject) in speech or writing谈及;提及

talk of the devil

see devil

talk out

[phrasal verb]
talk out (something) or talk (something) out
: to talk about (something) in order to find a solution协商解决(问题)

talk out of

[phrasal verb]
talk (someone) out of (something) : to prevent (someone) from doing (something) by talking about the good reasons for not doing it : to persuade or convince (someone) not to do (something)说服(某人)不做(某事)
talk (yourself) out of (something) or talk your way out of (something) : to avoid (something unpleasant or undesirable) by saying things to make other people forgive or excuse you说服某人原谅,使某人宽恕,找借口(以避免麻烦)

talk over

[phrasal verb]
talk (something) over or talk over (something)
: to discuss (something) with someone in order to make a decision or reach an agreement(为做出决定或达成一致)商量,讨论
usually + with

talk someone's ear off

US, informal
: to talk to someone for a very long period of time对某人唠叨不休

talk (some) sense into/to

see 1sense

talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey

British, informal
: to talk for a long time说个没完;喋喋不休

talk the same language

see language

talk the talk

: to say that you will do things口头说要做;说得头头是道

talk through

[phrasal verb]
talk (someone) through (something) : to help (someone) understand or do something by explaining its steps in a careful way(向某人)详细解释
talk (something) through : to discuss (something) with someone in order to make a decision or reach an agreement(为做出决定或达成一致)商量,讨论
informal + old-fashioned
◊ If you are talking through your hat, you are saying incorrect, foolish, or illogical things.信口开河;胡说八道

talk tough

: to say that you will act in a forceful and aggressive way说话口气强硬
often + on

talk trash

see 1trash

talk turkey

see turkey

talk up

[phrasal verb]
talk up (someone or something) or talk (someone or something) up
: to describe (someone or something) in a favorable way夸奖;称赞
2 talk /ˈtɑːk/ noun
plural talks
2 talk
plural talks
Learner's definition of TALK
[count] : an occurrence in which one person talks about something with another person : a conversation or discussion交谈;讨论often + about
often + with
see also pep talk
[count] : the act of talking formally about something before a group of people : a speech or lecture演讲;报告;讲话often + on
[count] : a formal discussion between two or more groups that are trying to reach an agreement about something正式会谈;商谈;谈判usually plural通常用复数
[noncount] : a particular way of speaking说话方式
see also shoptalk
: discussion about what might happen(对可能发生的事所做的)谈论,议论;传闻
: the act of talking about a subject with another person or group : discussion or conversation(就某话题的)交谈,讨论
[noncount] : the things people say about what they want to do or are going to do空话;空谈

talk the talk

see 1talk

the talk of the town

: a person or thing that many people in a town, city, etc., are talking about in an interested or excited way(街谈巷议的)话题,谈论中心




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