

单词 take


1 take /ˈteɪk/ verb
took /ˈtʊk/ ; taken /ˈteɪkən/ ; taking
1 take
took /ˈtʊk/ ; taken /ˈteɪkən/ ; taking
Learner's definition of TAKE
[+ object]
: to carry or move (something) to a place带走,拿走,取走(某物)
: to carry and give (something) to a person把…带给(某人);把…拿给(某人)
: to carry, move, or lead (someone) to a place带去,引领(某人)
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
Usage用法The verbs bring and take are sometimes used in a way that shows that they have opposite meanings.动词bring和take有时用于表示相反的意思。When this is true, bring suggests that something is moving toward someone or something, and take suggests that something is moving away.*bring意指把某物带来,take表示把某物带走、取走。
[+ object] : to begin to hold (someone or something) with your fingers, arms, etc.拿;握;抱
[+ object] : to remove (something) from a place, a person's hand, etc.(从…)拿走,移开often + from
[+ object]
: to get (something) : to gain possession of (something)拿走;占取;获取
: to claim (someone or something) as your own(声称)拥有,占有usually used as (be) taken通常用作(be) taken
[+ object] : to cause (someone) to be your prisoner捕获;俘虏
[+ object] : to cause (someone) to die使(某人)死亡;使(某人)去世
: to cause (someone's life) to end夺走(某人)生命;使丧生
[+ object]
: to borrow or use (a phrase, an idea, etc., that was created by a different person or used in a different place)引用;选取;摘录usually + from
: to begin to have (a particular shape or form)形成;成型
[+ object] : to choose to have (something)选用;选取
[+ object]
: to accept or receive (something) as payment or as a response收取,接收,接受(付款或业绩)
: to accept (something, such as blame, credit, or responsibility)接受(责备、赞扬、责任等)
[+ object] : to allow (someone) to join a club, to attend a school, to become part of a relationship, etc.接收(某人入会、入学等);接受(某种关系等)
see also take on (below)
[+ object] : to be able to hold (a number of people or things) : to have enough room for (something)容纳;盛;装
[+ object]
: to need or require (something)需要;要求
◊ The phrases it takes two and it takes two to tango are used to say that two people or groups are needed in order to do something.孤掌难鸣;一个巴掌拍不响
[+ object] : to do or perform (something)做,进行(某事)
[+ object] : to get (a drug, pill, etc.) into your body by swallowing it, breathing it in, etc.服(药);吸(毒)
[+ object] : to sit or stand in (a particular place) : to move into position on (a stage, field, etc.)入(座);入(席);(在舞台、运动场等)就位
[+ object] : to create or record (a picture or image)拍照;摄影
[+ object]
: to find out (a person's temperature, height, etc.)测量,测定(体温、身高等)
: to find out and write down (information)查明,记下(信息)
: to create (a list or a record of information)列(表);记录(信息)
[+ object]
: to travel using (a road, vehicle, etc.)取(…道);走(…路线);乘坐(…交通工具)
: to turn toward (a particular direction)(朝…)转向
[+ object] : to move on or over (something) in a particular way(以某方式)跨过,绕过,越过
[+ object]
: to agree to do or have (a job, role, etc.)接受(工作);担当,扮演(角色)
British : to teach (a person or class) or lead (a religious service)给(个人或班级)授课;主持(宗教仪式)
[+ object] : to study (a subject) or participate in (a class) as a student学习;上课
[+ object] : to complete (a test or exam)完成(测验或考试)
[+ object] of a machine : to use or need (something) in order to work(机器)使用,需用
[+ object] : to use (something) for a particular purpose(为某目的)利用,采用
[+ object] : to accept (the power to deal with something) : to accept control of (something)接受(权力);控制
[+ object] British : to make (a decision) with authority正式做出(决定)
[+ object] : to deal with or consider (something)处理;考虑
[+ object]
: to understand or think about (something or someone) in a certain way(以某种方式)理解,考虑
: to react to (someone or something) in a certain way对待;(以…方式)做出反应
[+ object] : to think about (something or someone) as an example以…为例;将…作为例证
[+ object] : to think of (someone or something) as a particular type of person or thing把…当成;把…当作usually + for
[+ object] : to believe (something that someone tells you)相信(某人说的话)
[+ object]
: to begin to have (an opinion, interest, etc.)形成,产生(观点、兴趣等)
: to ask people to make choices or give opinions in (a vote, poll, etc.)举行投票;进行民意调查
[+ object] : to feel or experience (an emotion)感到,体会到(某种情感)
often + in or to
◊ If you are taken ill/sick or (US) take ill/sick, you suddenly become ill.突然生病
[+ object]
: to experience or be affected by (something unpleasant)遭受
: to experience (something bad or unpleasant) without being seriously harmed经受;耐受
often used in negative statements常用于否定句
sometimes used in an exaggerated way有时用于夸张
: to accept the difficulty or unpleasantness of (something or someone) without complaining or making changes容忍;忍受
[+ object] : to become known by (someone) in a certain way(以某种方式)为人所知
[+ object] : to be liked or enjoyed by (someone) : to delight (someone)使喜欢;使愉快used as用作(be) takenusually + with or by
[+ object] : to be the cause of (damage, suffering, etc.)带来(破坏、损害等)
[+ object]
: to win or get (something) in a game, contest, etc.赢得(比赛、竞赛等)
: to beat or defeat (someone) in a game, fight, etc.(在游戏、战斗等中)打败
[+ object] : to cause (someone or something) to move to a particular level or area of activity使发展到…水平;使进入…领域
[+ object] : to go to a safe or calm place for (shelter, cover, etc.)去(遮蔽处、庇护处等)躲避
[no object] : to be effective or become established奏效;成功
[+ object] : to be able to have (something) when treated in a particular way(经某方式处理后)具有,拥有
[+ object] grammar : to appear or be used with (something)和…连用
[+ object] mathematics : subtract often + away
◊ In addition to the phrases shown below, take occurs in many idioms that are shown at appropriate entries throughout the dictionary. For example, take a backseat can be found at backseat and take the cake can be found at 1cake.除下列短语外,take也会在本词典许多相关词条下的习语中出现。例如,在BACKSEAT词条下有take a backseat,在cAkE词条下有take the cake。

take aback

[phrasal verb]
take (someone) aback
: to surprise or shock (someone)使吃惊;使震惊usually used as (be) taken aback通常用作(be) taken aback
often + by

take action

: to do something : to act in order to get a particular result采取行动

take after

[phrasal verb]
take after (someone)
: to be like (someone, such as a parent) : to resemble (someone)长得像(父母等)

take against

[phrasal verb]
take against (someone or something) British, somewhat old-fashioned
: to begin to dislike (someone or something)开始不喜欢;开始讨厌

take a lot out of you

◊ If something takes a lot out of you or (Brit) takes it out of you, it requires a lot of work or energy and causes you to feel physically or emotionally tired.使筋疲力尽

take apart

[phrasal verb]
take apart (something) or take (something) apart : to remove or separate the parts of (something)拆开;拆散
take apart (something) or take (something) apart : to talk about the different parts of (an idea, story, etc.) often in order to criticize it评析(想法、故事等的)不同方面
take apart (someone) or take (someone) apart chiefly British : to badly beat (a person or team) in a game or contest(在比赛或竞赛中)把…打得一败涂地

take away

[phrasal verb]
take away (someone or something) or take (someone or something) away : to remove (someone or something) : to cause (someone or something) to go away, to no longer exist, to no longer be held, etc.带走;拿走;去掉
take away (something) or take (something) away
: to remember (something) for possible use in the future记住…以备后用usually + from
British : to buy (food that is cooked in a restaurant) and carry it to another place买外卖食品;外带(食品)
take it away informal : to start playing or singing music开始演奏;开始演唱
take away from (something) : to reduce the value or importance of (something)降低,减少,贬低(价值或重要性)
see also 1take 44 (above)

take back

[phrasal verb]
take back (someone or something) or take (someone or something) back
: to return (something or someone)退回;带回;拿回
: to accept or receive (someone or something) again重新接受;收回
take (someone) back : to cause (someone) to remember a time or event使回忆;使想起usually + to
take back (something) or take (something) back : to say that you did not really mean (something that you said)收回(已说过的话)

take down

[phrasal verb]
take down (something) or take (something) down
: to remove (something) from the place where it is hanging or standing取下;拿下;拆掉
: to lower but not remove (something)拉低
: to write (something)记下;写下

take in

[phrasal verb]
take in (someone) or take (someone) in
: to allow (a person or animal) to stay in your house, hotel, etc.接收,收留(人或动物)
: to take (someone) to a police station拘留
: to trick or deceive (someone)欺骗;蒙蔽often used as (be) taken in常用作(be) taken in
take in (something) or take (something) in
: to make (a piece of clothing) smaller or shorter改小,改短(衣服)
opposite let out at 1let
US : to receive (something) as payment or earnings挣,收入(钱款)
: to allow (water, air, etc.) to enter your body摄取,吸入(水、空气等)
: to look at and think about (something)观赏;领略
: to learn about and try to understand (something)领会;理解
: to watch (a show, game, etc.)观看(表演、比赛等)
: to include (a place) among the places that you go to包含,包括(所去之处的某个地方)

take it or leave it

used to say that you will not make a better offer than the one you have made要就要,不要就拉倒;取舍自便
used to say that you do not care about or are not excited about something无所谓;可有可无

take it upon/on yourself

: to do something that needs to be done even though no one has asked you to do it(对需要做的事)主动承担,主动去做

take long

: to require or use a long amount of time要花大量时间;费时

take note

or take notice
: to notice or pay attention to something留意;关注
often + of

take off

[phrasal verb]
: to suddenly go somewhere突然离开
take off after (someone or something) US : to start to move quickly in order to catch (someone or something)追捕
: to begin to fly起飞
: to quickly become very successful or popular迅速成功;迅速走红
take off (something) or take (something) off
: to remove (something)拿走;取下
: to reduce the price of something by (a specified amount)减(一定量的)价
: to spend (an amount of time) away from a job or activity休假;休息
take (someone) off (something)
: to tell (someone) to stop using (something, such as a medicine)叫(某人)停用(药物等)
: to tell (someone) to no longer work on (something)将(某人)调离(职位、工作)
take off (someone) or take (someone) off British : to copy (someone) usually in order to make other people laugh(逗趣地)模仿
see also takeoff

take on

[phrasal verb]
take on (something) or take (something) on
: to begin to deal with (something, such as a job or responsibility)着手处理(工作或任务);承担(责任等)
: to begin to have (a particular quality or appearance)开始具有(某种特征);开始呈现(某种外观)
take on (someone or something) or take (someone or something) on
: to fight or struggle with (someone or something)对付;与…斗争
: to criticize or argue against (someone or something)批评;抨击
: to compete against (a person, team, etc.)(与…)比赛,较量
: to allow (someone or something) to enter让…进入
take on (someone) or take (someone) on : to accept (someone) as an employee, client, etc.雇用;接纳

take out

[phrasal verb]
take (something) out or take out (something)
: to remove (something) from a thing, place, or person(从某物、某地或某人身上)除去,拔除
: to move (something) from the place that held, enclosed, or hid it取出;拿出
: to get (something, such as insurance, a loan, etc.) by a standard process or series of steps : to make the arrangements, payments, etc., that are required for (something)(按例行程序)得到,获得(保险、贷款等);按要求进行(安排、付款等)
: to borrow or rent (something) from a store, library, etc.(从商店、图书馆等)租,借
: to destroy (something)破坏;摧毁
take (someone) out or take out (someone)
: to go with (someone you have invited) to a restaurant, party, etc.带(某人)外出(吃饭、聚会等)
: to cause (a person or team) to no longer be part of a competition使出局
take (something) out on (someone)
◊ If you take your anger, frustration, etc., out on someone, you treat someone badly because you feel angry, frustrated, etc.(因生气、沮丧等)拿(某人)出气,向(某人)发泄
see also takeout

take over

[phrasal verb]
take over or take over (something) or take (something) over
: to start doing (something that someone has stopped doing)接手;接替
: to become the person who has control of (something)接管
see also takeover

take sides

or take someone's side
: to agree with or support one person or group and not another支持;偏袒

take through

[phrasal verb]
take (someone) through (something)
: to tell (someone) how (something) happens or is done by explaining the details of each step向(某人)详细解释

take to

[phrasal verb]
take to (something) : to go to or into (a place)去,进入(某处)
take to (someone or something) : to begin to like (someone or something)喜欢上;爱上
take to (doing something) : to begin (doing something) as a habit开始养成…的习惯
take (something) to (someone or something) : to use (something) to do something to (someone or something)用…做(某事);用…对待(某人)

take up

[phrasal verb]
take up or take up (something) or take (something) up : to begin (something) again : to continue (something) after you or another person stops再次开始;(停止后)继续,接下去
take up (something) : to fill (an area, amount of time, etc.) completely or almost completely占用,占据(场地、地方、时间等)
take up (something) or take (something) up
: to begin studying or practicing (an activity, subject, instrument, etc.) usually as a hobby(通常作为爱好)开始学习,开始练习
: to begin to deal with (a problem, an issue, etc.)着手处理(问题等)
: to begin to have (a new job, home, etc.)开始有(新工作、新家等)
somewhat old-fashioned : to begin to use (something)开始用(某物)
: to make (something, such as a piece of clothing) shorter把(衣服等)改短
: to lift and remove (something)拿走;拆掉
: to gather (money, clothes, etc.) from many different people or places筹集(资金、衣服等)
take (someone) up on (something) : to make an agreement with (someone) to accept (an offer)接受(…的建议或提议)
take (something) up with (someone) : to talk about (something, such as a problem) with (someone)和…提出(问题);与…交涉
take up with (someone) : to begin a friendly or romantic relationship with (someone)开始结交…;开始与…谈恋爱
see also take-up
see also give-and-take
2 take /ˈteɪk/ noun
plural takes
2 take
plural takes
Learner's definition of TAKE
: the way that a particular person thinks about or understands something : a distinct point of view观点;看法often + on
: a particular way of dealing with or treating something处理方法usually + on
: a scene that is filmed or a song that is recorded at one time without stopping(不停机一次连续拍摄的)镜头;(不停机一次连续录制的)歌曲
: the amount of money that is earned or received收入额;进项
: a share or percentage of an amount of money(一笔钱的)份额

on the take

: illegally taking money for doing favors for someone : illegally accepting bribes受贿;贪赃枉法
see also double take




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