释义 |
crescendoGRE - 英?[kr???end??]
- 美?[kr???endo?]
实用场景例句(figurative)The advertising campaign reached a crescendo just before Christmas. 圣诞节前夕,广告攻势达到了高潮。 牛津词典 Voices rose in a crescendo and drowned him out. 人们讲话的声音越来越大,盖过了他的声音。 牛津词典 The crescendo of noise was continuous... 噪声越来越大。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism... 来自议会和新闻界的批评越来越多。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 And now the story reaches a crescendo. 现在故事进行到了高潮。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 She spoke in a crescendo: 'You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!'... 她嗓门越来越高地说道:“你是个坏女孩!你是个妖女!你是个魔鬼!” 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The music swelled to a crescendo. 音乐声渐强. 期刊摘选 This seemed to reach a crescendo last December when voters handed him a serious indirect rebuff. 去年12月,国内对总统的批评似乎渐增—投票人给了总统一份间接的好战行为回绝书. 期刊摘选 Nearly two octaves below the initial pitch , the piano makes several crescendo efforts to rise again. 在比开始的基调几乎低了两个八度的地方, 钢琴以几个渐强音再次出现. 期刊摘选 Repeat starting pianissimo and making a crescendo to forte and then a diminuendo. 重复长音练习,弱进渐强至强音然后渐弱. 期刊摘选 This instantly touched off an uproar which rose in a crescendo of shrill exclamations. 就听轰的一声,乱哄哄响成一片,声音越来越强,还夹着呼叫. 辞典例句 The orchestra was working up to a crescendo. 交响乐团即将演奏到音量渐强的一节. 期刊摘选 This year has seen a crescendo of attacks. 今年,攻击的声音已经渐增. 期刊摘选 Characteristic is Berlioz's frequent use of the orchestral crescendo. 柏辽兹连续地使用乐队渐强,这是很有特点的. 辞典例句 The third line should be one crescendo. 第3行应该是渐强音. 辞典例句 A visual crescendo, if you will, in a masterpiece of sound and beauty. 你会发现这使得该件音乐和艺术杰作在视觉上达到了巅峰. 期刊摘选 The rhythm got steadily faster in this part , until it reached a crescendo. 节奏逐渐加快,以至极快. 期刊摘选 These first two crescendo are so important. 前两个渐强是如此重要. 期刊摘选 The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas. 在圣诞节期间,广告战已达到高潮. 期刊摘选 A sudden crescendo forces the music from pianissimo back to forte in only half a bar. 一段突然的渐强音使音乐在半个小节内从最弱音增强到强音. 期刊摘选 The gale reached its crescendo in the evening. 狂风在晚上达到高潮. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked. 掌声越来越响,照相机的咔嗒声不绝于耳。 辞典例句 And now the story reaches a crescendo. 现在故事进行到了高潮。 辞典例句 Voices rose in a crescendo and drowned him out. 人们讲话的声音越来越大,盖过了他的声音。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 She spoke in a crescendo: "You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!" 她嗓门越来越高地说道:“你是个坏女孩!你是个妖女!你是个魔鬼!” 柯林斯例句 There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism. 来自议会和新闻界的批评越来越多。 柯林斯例句 The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo. 组曲的最后和音部分渐入高潮。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. (music) a gradual increase in loudness
Adjective1. gradually increasing in volume
词根词缀后缀: -o 1. 表名词,"音乐术语"; 2. 表名词,"人,物或状态" adj.&adv.solo 单独的[地];独唱的[地]sol单独+o音乐术语→n.独奏 adj.&adv.单独的[地];独唱的[地] n.solo 独奏 sol单独+o音乐术语→n.独奏 adj.&adv.单独的[地];独唱的[地] basso 低音部,低音歌手bass低音+o音乐术语→n.低音部,低音歌手 concerto 协奏曲concert音乐会+o音乐术语→n.协奏曲 crescendo [音乐]声音渐强cre增长+escend开始+o音乐术语→n.[音乐]声音渐强 diminuendo [音乐]渐弱di使+minu=min小+end+o音乐术语→n.[音乐]渐弱 oratorio 清唱剧orat说+ori+o音乐术语→n.清唱剧 piano 钢琴pian轻柔+o音乐术语→n.钢琴 soprano 女高音,最高者sopran高音,高声+o音乐术语→n.女高音,最高者 tango 探戈舞tang+o音乐术语→来自黑人的舞 bravo 亡命徒brave勇敢的+o人,物或状态→bravo亡命徒 dynamo 发电机dynam力量+o表名词→n.发电机 fiasco 大失败,惨败fiasc+o人,物或状态→意大利词,愿意为易碎的瓶子 fresco 壁画fresc=fresh新鲜的+o人,物或状态→指画在墙上的画鲜艳 gusto 爱好,兴致勃勃gust趣味+o人,物或状态→n.爱好,兴致勃勃 impresario [剧院或乐团等]经理人,主办者impresari=impresar+o人,物或状态→n.[剧院或乐团等]经理人,主办者 maestro 音乐大师maestr=master大师+o人,物或状态→n.音乐大师 magnifico 贵族,高官,显要人物magnific庄严的,崇高的+o人,物或状态→n.贵族,高官,显要人物 manifesto 宣言,声明manifest显然的,明白的+o人,物或状态→n.宣言,声明 motto 座右铭,箴言mot动+o人,物或状态→motto→行动指南→座右铭,箴言 patio 庭院,平台pati=pat+o人,物或状态→n.庭院,平台 relievo 浮雕relieve浮现+o人,物或状态→relievo浮雕 tyro 新手tyr+o人,物或状态→来自拉丁文tiro,新手 volcano 火山volcan来自罗马神话中的火神Vulcan+o人,物或状态→n.火山