释义 |
elation释义- n.
兴高采烈; 欢欣鼓舞; (病态的)欣快; 欣快症
实用场景例句Her moods oscillated between depression and elation. 她的情绪时而抑郁,时而亢奋。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition. 最终实现了抱负,她显得十分高兴. 《简明英汉词典》 They were filled with elation and amazement for the results. 他们对这个结果是惊喜交集. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Universal celebrations are held and the whole nation is in elation. 普天同庆,万众欢腾. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 I felt a strange sense of elation. 我有一种异常的兴奋感觉. 《简明英汉词典》 His elation may well be imagined. 他那得意的神情完全可以想象出来. 《简明英汉词典》 The elation of success, which surely now flamed high in Osmond. 成功的意识现在必然已在奥斯蒙德的心头熊熊燃烧. 辞典例句 Ruth was filled with elation at having won the prize. 露丝因得到奖品而得意洋洋. 辞典例句 This little incident filled me with elation. 这一小插曲令我充满欢欣. 辞典例句 He shivered, feeling a muffled anticipation and elation. 他不禁打了个寒噤.心里隐隐感到有了盼头. 辞典例句 Her anger passed like remote flare of elation. 她的怒气象淡淡的兴奋一闪即逝. 辞典例句 Which the elation of liberty and the pain of exclusion were indistinguishably mingled. 她既为自由而洋洋得意,又因未能参加而不胜伤心,两种感情难分难解地纠集在一起. 辞典例句 These bright colors may fill our hearts with elation, but to many they are daily taunts. 这些鲜艳的色彩可能使我们心中洋溢着快乐, 但对许多人来说,它们是日常的嘲笑. 辞典例句 My mother was filled with elation when I got this good job. 我妈妈很高兴我得到这份好工作. 互联网 There were sighs of relief and gasps of elation. 有人发出如释重负的叹息声,有人发出兴奋的喘息声. 互联网 英英释义Noun1. an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression2. a feeling of joy and pride
词根词缀词根: late =bring out,表示"拿出,带出,放" n.collation 校勘,整理collate[v.校对]+ion表名词→n.校勘,整理 elation 得意,振奋elate[v.使兴高采烈,使得意]+ion表名词→n.得意,振奋 v.collate 校对col共同+late放→放到一起→校对 correlate 使相互关联 cor共同+relate发生关系→使相互关联 dilate 膨胀,扩大di分开+late放→分开放→扩大 elate 使兴高采烈,使得意e出+late拿出,带出,放→拿出情绪→高兴 relate 叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系re回+late拿出,带出,放→回放→叙述, 讲 sublate [逻]否认,消除sub在下面+late拿出,带出,放→放到下面→否定,消除 translate 翻译,解释;转化,trans变换+late拿出,带出,放→交换拿出→翻译
同义词rapturepleasureblissdelightecstasyparadiselaughterjoyglee 行业词典医学得意〔洋洋〕,高兴,喜悦??? 药学情感高涨???