As noted above , the major health effect of TMI was found to have been " mental stress ".
如上所述, 三哩岛引起的重要健康影响是 “ 精神紧张 ”.
英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
As noted above, the GATT has undergone a number of revisions.
如上所述, 关税及贸易总协定(GATT)已经过多次修正.
As noted above, device and driver initialization can be a significant contributor as well.
如上所述, 设备和驱动程序初始化可以作出重大的贡献,以及.
The Sonny Bono Act, as noted above , brought the term to life - of - the - author plus 70.
前面提到的《 松尼?波诺法案》又将期限延长至作者终身及其死后70年.
As noted above, however, business purchases are most often driven by risk and the avoidance thereof.
如上所述, 然而, 企业购买经常被规避风险所驱动.
When beams are loaded disproportionately, the unbraced lengths shall be determined as noted above.
如果横梁的负荷不成比例, 则无支撑长度由如上所述来确定.
The President, as noted above, appoints judges with the Senate's advice and consent.
正如上述所言, 总统可以在听取参议院的建议与取得其认同后任命法官.
As noted above, asthma is more prevalent in communities of color and poorer communities.
正如上面注意到的, 哮喘在有色人种和贫困群体中更为流行.
As noted above, however, conversion in the B 2 B realm is rarely immediate or online.
如上所述, 在B2B领域的变换仍然不是直接和在线的.