释义 |
unprepared- 英?[??npr??pe?d]
- 美?[??npr??perd]
释义- adj.
无准备的; 尚未准备好的; 即兴的; 不备
实用场景例句She was totally unprepared for his response. 她对他的反应毫无准备。 牛津词典 She was unprepared to accept that her marriage was over. 她不愿相信她的婚姻已经结束。 牛津词典 I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day... 我对第二天的通告完全没有心理准备。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work... 学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 They are unprepared to accept the real reasons for their domestic and foreign situation... 他们不愿意接受造成这种国内外形势的真实原因。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to communicate. 他不愿意合作,甚至拒绝交流。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 They were unprepared for what they found. 他们对自己所发现的没有心里准备. 期刊摘选 I was psychologically unprepared for her refusal. 对于她的拒绝,我没有心理准备. 期刊摘选 TOO small, too risky, and too unprepared. 太小, 太危险以及毫无防备. 期刊摘选 She was totally mentally unprepared for the question and lost herself control. 撒切尔夫人没有任何精神准备,一时不能自抑,顿时泪水满面. 期刊摘选 And so we were unprepared for the nonphysical dance awaiting us upon Earth. 因此我们对地球上等待着我们的非物质舞蹈毫无准备. 期刊摘选 In the past they were mentally unprepared to take part in socialist revolution. 这些人在过去,并没有参加社会主义革命的精神准备. 期刊摘选 These programs often fail because they were thrust on an unprepared management team. 组织级的改进过程经常失败的原因就是他们被强加给没有准备好的管理团队. 期刊摘选 So, when the economy suddenly took a turn for the worse, many Singaporeans were caught unprepared. 经济风球说变就变, 也叫很多人措手不及.不是吗? 期刊摘选 He came at me with full force , so I was caught unprepared. 他以泰山压顶之势向我攻来, 打得我措手不及. 期刊摘选 Our enemies were caught unprepared and we disposed of them without firing a single shot. 我们打了它个措手不及,一枪没放就把他们收拾掉了. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Unfortunately, European voters and politicians are simply unprepared for the age of austerity that lies ahead. 不幸的是, 欧洲的选民和政治家压根没有做好准备,迎接即将到来的节衣缩食时代. 期刊摘选 It is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage. 在攻击对方时,必须袭其不意,才能占上风. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 Fight no battle unprepared; fight no battle you are not sure of winning. 不打无准备之仗, 不打无把握之仗. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 When the refugee arrived in America, he was unprepared for xenophobia he found there. 当这个难民到达美洲的时候, 他对于当地那种对异乡人的仇视毫无准备. 期刊摘选 We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us. 我们在没有任何心理准备的情况下碰上这么一个怪物. 期刊摘选 I was totally unprepared for the exam and tossed and turned all night worrying about it. 考试我一点儿准备都没有,一夜都辗转反侧. 期刊摘选 We were unprepared for rain that day in South Georgia. 我们在那个雨天完全没有准备,在雨中我们持续的拍照. 期刊摘选 The unanticipated attack of dog left them unprepared. 这只狗突如其来的攻击,让他们没有防备. 期刊摘选 Is It'shameful that they'd be so woefully unprepared for the demand it would draw? 是不是这样完全没有为可能的需求而做好准备很丢脸 呢 ? 期刊摘选 She was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living. 她对这一突然偏离正常生活轨道的事实没有准备. 期刊摘选 The global economy is unprepared for this transformation. 全球经济还没有做好迎接这种变革的准备. 期刊摘选 Asian Games Village in the trading market, the flow of people plunged to dealers caught unprepared. 在亚运村交易市场, 人流的骤减让经销商措手不及. 期刊摘选 Unprepared as he was for the large pill he had to swallow, he got it down. 他对于这样重的一剂苦药虽无准备, 却也硬吞了下去. 英汉文学 - 双城记 真题例句It can be terrifying for the unprepared. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 When Nijay Williams entered college last fall as a first-generation student and Jamaican immigrant, he was academically unprepared for the rigors of higher education. 出自-2015年12月阅读原文 Nijay represents a large and growing group of Americans: first-generation college students who enter school unprepared or behind. 出自-2015年12月阅读原文 These pictures show people seemingly pushed into a world that they were unprepared for. 2016年高考英语四川卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文 英英释义Adjective1. without preparation; not prepared for;"unprepared remarks" "the shock was unprepared" "our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared"- R.E.Danielson 2. lacking with intellectual equipment;"unprepared to stand on his own feet" 3. not put in a state of preparedness;"the machinery was unprepared for the extra load"
词根词缀词根: par 1. =bring birth,表示"生产,生出小孩"; 2. =come in sight,表示"看见;出现"; 3. =get ready,表示"准备;安置"; 4. =equal,表示"平等" adj.multiparous 一胎多子的, 经产的, 非初产的, [植]多产的multi多+par生产,生出小孩+ous……的→多生产的 primiparous 初产的, 初次分娩的primi=prim第一,最初+par生产,生出小孩+ous……的→adj.初产的, 初次分娩的 uniparous 每次产一个卵的; 每胎生一子的uni单一+par生产,生出小孩+ous……的→生出一个 apparent 表面上的,貌似真实的;显然的,明明白白的ap一再+par看见;出现+ent……的→一再能看见→显而易见 transparent 透明的trans横穿+par看见;出现+ent……的→横穿过去看得一样清楚→透明的 inseparable 不能分的in不+separable[adj.可分离的, 可分的]→adj.不能分的 separable 可分离的, 可分的se分离+par置+able……的→adj.可分离的, 可分的 separate 分开的, 分离的se分离+par置+ate表形容词→adj.分开的, 分离的 unprepared 无准备的, 即席的, 尚未准备好的un无+prepare准备+ed……的→adj.无准备的, 即席的, 尚未准备好的 comparable 可比较的, 比得上的compare比较+able……的→adj.可比较的, 比得上的 comparative 比较的, 相当的compare比较+ative表形容词→adj.比较的, 相当的 imparity 奇数的,不成对的,不平等im不+parity[n.同等;奇偶]→adj.奇数的,不成对的,不平等 adj.&n.nonpareil 无匹敌的[人]non不,无+par平等+eil→无平等的→无与伦比的 adv.apparently 显然地apparent显然的+ly表副词→adv.显然地 separately 个别地;分离地separate分开+ly表副词→adv.个别地;分离地 comparatively 比较地, 相当地comparative[adj.比较的, 相当的]+ly表副词→adv.比较地, 相当地 n.parent 父母,母亲;[par生产,生出小孩+ent……人→n.父母,母亲;[n.]双亲;父母 transparency 透明, 透明度, 幻灯片, 有图案的玻璃transparent[[adj.透明的]]→n.透明, 透明度, 幻灯片, 有图案的玻璃 apparatus 器械,器具,仪器;机构,组织ap=ad+par准备;安置+atus表名词→准备好用的东西→设备 parade 检阅,阅兵式par准备;安置+ade表名词→本为部队训练场[即准备打仗得地方],引申为排队游行 preparation 准备, 预备prepare准备+ation行为,过程→n.准备, 预备 repair 修理,修补 re再+pair=par准备;安置→重新准备好→修理 comparison 比较com一起+pari=par平等+son→一起平等→比较 disparity 不同,差异dis不+parity同等→n.不同,差异 pair 一对, 一双par平等→n.一对, 一双 parity 同等;奇偶par平等+ity表名词→n.同等;奇偶 n.&v.parade 游行,夸耀 par准备;安置+ade表名词→本为部队训练场[即准备打仗得地方],引申为排队游行 v.parade 使列队行进par准备;安置+ade表名词→本为部队训练场[即准备打仗得地方],引申为排队游行 prepare 准备,预备pre预先+par准备;安置+e→预先准备好 repair 补救,纠正;修理re再+pair=par准备;安置→重新准备好→修理 compare [to,with]比较;[to]把…比作com共同+par平等+e→平等的放在一起→比较 disparage 贬抑,轻蔑dis不+par平等+age动词后缀→不平等对待→轻视
同义词adj.无准备的;即席的extemporeoffhandunpremeditatedimprovisedimpromptu 其他释义unreadyhastyfallowextemporaneousunwaryuntrained