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实用场景例句Oil drilling mud compound with shock straight line screen ZH screening machine. 石油钻井用泥浆复合筛网ZH直线 震动筛分机. 互联网 ZH Xuan Chun - screening machines: multi - screen machines function as one. ZH旋震筛分机: 集多种筛分机功能为一体. 互联网 ZH mud screen: The special explosion - motor agitation, the use of corrugated stainless steel double - bonded screen. ZH泥浆 筛: 采用专用放爆激荡电机, 采用波纹 双层 不锈钢粘结丝网. 互联网 Fuzhou - Nanchang - Zhengzhou line executive flights flying from ZH 9306 day intervals. 深航于6月6日开通福州 - 南昌 - 郑州、福州-南宁航线. 互联网 Chen L, Lu ZH, Luo ZG. 陈丽, 卢致辉, 罗志国. 互联网 Zh. Excuse me , could I see the manager? 张: 劳驾, 我可以见一见经理 吗 ? 互联网 Zh: Look, there's our number now, No.3; we go up the right - hand staircase. 几号行李厅去.然后, 沿着指示牌所指的方向上楼到行李厅去, 那儿有的是行李手推车. 互联网 The influence of flow coefficient changes on ZH 1105 diesel engine is studied in this paper. 摘要研究了喷油嘴流量系数变化对单缸直喷柴油机性能的影响. 互联网 For the argilla in Zh zhuang , the most suitable activation temperature was 752 ℃. 对于朱庄煤系高岭土来说,752℃是其最佳活化温度. 互联网 行业词典药学中府???ōngfǔ, L1, LU1 手太阴肺经穴。在胸前壁的外上方,云门下1寸,平第1肋间隙,距前正中线6寸。肺的募穴。???肘髎???ǒuliáo, LI12 手阳明大肠经穴。在臂外侧,屈肘,曲池上方1寸,当肱骨边缘处。???周荣???ōuróng, SP20 足太阴脾经穴。在胸侧部,当第2肋间隙,???支正???īzhèng, SI7 手太阳小肠经穴。在前臂背面尺侧,当阳谷与小海的连线上,腕背横纹上5寸。手太阳小肠经的络穴。???中膂俞???ōnglǚshù, B29, BL29 足太阳膀胱经穴。在骶部,当骶正中嵴旁???