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实用场景例句a three-month tenancy 三个月的租期 牛津词典 a tenancy agreement 租赁协议 牛津词典 They had taken over the tenancy of the farm. 他们承租了那个农场。 牛津词典 His father took over the tenancy of the farm 40 years ago... 他父亲 40 年前租下了这个农场。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely. 租户应该认真核对租赁合同。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Term of Tenancy: Two months. From 15 th, Nov 2005 to 14 th, Jan 2006. 合同期限: 自2005年11月15日至2006年元月14日止, 总租期2个月. 期刊摘选 Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement. 然后双方签订一份临时租约. 期刊摘选 This semislave type of tenancy was inseparable from the system of usury practiced in China. 这种半奴隶制的租佃制度,与中国的高利贷制度是分不开的. 期刊摘选 The rent cannot be increased during the term of this tenancy Agreement. 在本合同有效期内,租金不予调整. 期刊摘选 Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Tay, let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement. 罗伯茨先生太太,戴先生, 让我简单解释协议书的内容. 期刊摘选 But after October nobody dared cancel a tenancy. 十月以后,无人敢退佃了. 期刊摘选 The tenancy of this large room is five years. 这个大房间的租期是五年. 《简明英汉词典》 His tenancy of the office won't be long to run. 他的办公室的租期即将届满. 辞典例句 This landlord has decided to cancel the tenancy next year. 这个地主已经打算明年退佃了. 期刊摘选 The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy. 房东给了租期终止的通知. 《简明英汉词典》 On occasion, I have been asked to provide a tenancy agreement. 偶尔我也会被要求提供一份住房租赁协议. 期刊摘选 The tenancy may be extended upon terms and conditions agreed by both parties. 经双方协商同意,乙方可以新订租金继续租用该物业. 期刊摘选 All charges of the tenancy, the number of requests are finished using the duration. 所有的充值数要求在租赁合同期内使用完. 期刊摘选 This thesis deals with the feudal ownership of land and feudal tenancy relationships. 本文主要讨论了其封建土地占有制及租佃关系的形成与发展. 期刊摘选 Among the Turfan unearthed documents, 11 vineyard tenancy and business documents named by vineyard ticket contract. 在吐鲁番出土文书中, 有11件以葡萄园券契命名的葡萄园租佃与买卖文书. 期刊摘选 He held a sole tenancy of a flat. 他单独租用一套房间. 《简明英汉词典》 The supplementary tenancy agreement also has got the same law power as this Agreement. 补充规定与本合同具同等法律效力. 期刊摘选 His doctoral thesis , The Theory of Tenancy, was the work of an assured and original economist. 他的博士论文《佃农理论》堪称一个自信的富有独创性的经济学家的作品. 期刊摘选 The tenancy contract is the basis for regulating the relations between lessor and tenant. 租赁合同是调整出租人与承租人关系的基础. 期刊摘选 The new vocations of finance, insurance, consultation and tenancy all have rapid development. 金融 、 保险 、 咨询、出租等新兴行业发展迅速. 期刊摘选 They had taken over the tenancy of the farm. 他们承租了那个农场。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely. 租户应该认真核对租赁合同。 柯林斯例句 His father took over the tenancy of the farm 40 years ago. 他父亲40年前租下了这个农场。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. an act of being a tenant or occupant
词根词缀词根: ten 1. =hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑"; 2. 挽留 adj.content [with]满足的con全部+ten拿住,握住,支撑+t→全部拿住→容量,内容;满足的 discontent 不满的dis不+content满足的→n.不满,不满足 adj.不满的 tenable 站得住脚的,无懈可击的ten拿住,握住,支撑+able能……的→能拿住的 tenacious 坚韧不拔的,固执的ten拿住,握住,支撑+acious多……的→拿住不放→固执的 untenable 站不住脚的,防守不住的un不+tenable[adj.站得住脚的,无懈可击的]→adj.站不住脚的,防守不住的 n.content 容量,内容,[con全部+ten拿住,握住,支撑+t→全部拿住→容量,内容;满足的 countenance 面容,表情 coun=con+ten拿住,握住,支撑+ance表名词→全部控制→容忍,表示不提意见,同意 discontent 不满,不满足 dis不+content满足的→n.不满,不满足 adj.不满的 maintenance 维修,保养,维持,保持,生活费用main=man手+ten拿住,握住,支撑+ance表名词→用手拿住→维修,坚持 sustenance 生活资料,粮食sus下面+ten支撑+ance表名词→支撑下去的东西→粮食;坚持 tenacity 坚持,固执ten拿住,握住,支撑+acity表名词→tenacious名词 tenancy 租赁期限;租佃,租用,租赁ten拿住,握住,支撑+ancy表名词→拿[钱]租房 tenant 承租人;房客;佃户 ten拿住,握住,支撑+ant人→拿[钱]租房之人 tenure 任期,终身职位ten拿住,握住,支撑+ure表名词→拿住状态 v.countenance 支持,赞成coun=con+ten拿住,握住,支撑+ance表名词→全部控制→容忍,表示不提意见,同意 fasten [使]固定,系牢,绑紧,扣紧 fas+ten拿住,握住,支撑→v.[使]固定,系牢,绑紧,扣紧 tenant 租借,承租ten拿住,握住,支撑+ant人→拿[钱]租房之人
行业词典法律租期???任职???租约??? 金融租赁???租回???