A coarse, poisonous plant ( Datura stramonium ) having large, trumpet - shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules.
曼陀罗一种粗糙, 有毒的植物 ( 曼陀罗曼陀属 ),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚.
An edible mushroom ( Cantharellus cibarius ) that is yellow to orange in color, trumpet - shaped, and sometimes fragrant.
鸡油菌一种可食用的蘑菇 ( 食物鸡油菌 ),颜色从黄色至橙色, 呈喇叭状, 有时有香味.
A bulbous plant ( Narcissus pseudonarcissus ) having showy, usually yellow flowers with a trumpet - shaped central crown.
黄水仙一种球茎状的植物 ( 黄水仙水仙属 ),开有艳丽的, 通常为黄色的花和喇叭状的花冠.