Such securities are known as marketable securities or short - term investments.
这些证券称作有价证券或 短期 投资.
Short - term investments which do the accounting change, short - term investments renamed the financial assets transaction.
其中 短期 投资核算就做了改变, 短期 投资改名为交易性金融资产.
Cash includes cash on hand , cash in bank, and cash equivalents such as liquid, short - term investments.
现金包括库存现金, 银行存款, 和现金等价物,例如具有流动性的 短期 投资.
Short - term investments shall be itemized and shown in book balance in financial statement.
短期 投资应当以帐面余额在会计报表中列示.
In the quick ratio, the quick assets are cash, marketable securities ( short - term investments ), and net receivables.
在速动比率中, 速动资产是指现金 、 可市场交易的证券 ( 短期 投资 ) 和应收账款净额.
Investment Focus Media because we feel that Focus Media valuable, and we are not short - term investments.
投资分众传媒是因为觉得分众传媒有价值, 而且我们不是 短期 投资.