释义 |
seeing is believing释义大小写变形:Seeing is believing 实用场景例句Seeing is believing, we warmly welcome you to visit our plant. 眼见为实, 我们竭诚欢迎您访问我们的工厂. 互联网 Let a look at it. Seeing is believing you know. 让我们仔细地看看它, 百闻不如一见,你知道的. 互联网 Seeing is believing; feeling is the naked truth. 眼见实为信, 感知方为真. 互联网 After all, seeing is believing. 毕竟, 眼见为凭. 互联网 He might be telling the truth , but seeing is believing, I always say. 或许他说得不假, 不过我还是那句老话,眼见为实. 互联网 I can hardly believe we are in Paris, but there's Eiffel tower, and seeing is believing. 我简直不相信我们已到了巴黎, 但眼见为实,埃菲尔铁塔在面前. 互联网 It's a very special experience for me today as they put it , seeing is believing. 今天的经历对我来说非常特别, 真是百闻不如一见. 互联网 Misfortunes never come alone .54. Seeing is believing .54 . Touch pitch , and you will be defiled. 祸不单行. 眼见为实.常在河边走, 哪有不湿鞋. 互联网