释义 |
regenerateTOEFL - 英?[r??d?en?re?t]
- 美?[r??d??n??ret]
释义- vt.& vi.
回收(废热,废料等); 使再生; 革新; 使悔悟
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?regenerates;
- 过去式:?regenerated;
- 过去分词:?regenerated;
- 现在分词:?regenerating;
- 名词:?regeneration;
- 形容词:?regenerative;
实用场景例句The money will be used to regenerate the commercial heart of the town. 这笔钱将用来发展壮大市镇的商业中心。 牛津词典 Once destroyed, brain cells do not regenerate. 脑细胞一旦遭到破坏,就不能再生。 牛津词典 If the woodland is left alone, it will regenerate itself in a few years. 如果林地不受干扰,几年后,它就会得到更新。 牛津词典 [不可数名词]economic regeneration 经济复兴 牛津词典 the regeneration of cells in the body 身体细胞的再生 牛津词典 the regenerative powers of nature 大自然的再生力 牛津词典 The government will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas. 政府将继续努力重建内城地区。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed... 如果受到损伤,神经细胞再造的能力有限。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Newts can regenerate their limbs. 蝾螈的肢体可以再生。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Objective : To evaluate the causes of contamination and regenerate methods of ion exchange resin. 目的探讨离子交换树脂被污染的原因、预防措施及再生方法. 期刊摘选 Increased chances of regenerate quantity affixes on throwing items. 增加投掷物品的恢复机会. 期刊摘选 Liver has the powerful capacity to regenerate after injury or resection. 肝脏在受到损害或切除之后,可以显示出强大的再生能力. 期刊摘选 Although it is not easy, you have the power to regenerate your life. 尽管这不容易, 但你有使生活重获新生的能力. 期刊摘选 Trolls are robust humanoid creatures with stone like skin. Trolls are known to regenerate wounds. 巨魔们和人类体型类似,但是强壮而且皮肤坚硬如石, 他们以能够自我恢复伤口而出名. 期刊摘选 You should aim toable to tank a 4 mob pack without needing to regenerate your mana. 越高的初始法力,你能够在需要回复法力前保持很高的仇恨. 期刊摘选 This kind of animal's tail will regenerate if it is cut off. 这种动物的尾巴如被切除会重新长出来. 期刊摘选 A lizard will regenerate its tail if it's cut off. 蜥蜴的尾巴如被切掉,它会重新生出一条尾巴. 期刊摘选 Remarriage husband and wife is childless, can regenerate second birth? 再婚夫妻无子女, 可以再生第二胎 吗 ? 期刊摘选 The Chinese government will try to regenerate the damaged area. 中国政府将努力使受灾地区恢复生机. 期刊摘选 Crystalline cells regenerate and do not age or become ill. 水晶细胞重生并不再老化或生病. 期刊摘选 In order to address this concern, Mao is exploring new ways to regenerate joints. 为解决这个问题, 杰里米·毛正在探索让关节再生的新方法. 期刊摘选 To adapt to the reformation of retirement pension system, the enterprise should regenerate the pension accounting. 为了适应我国养老金制度改革的需要, 我国企业养老金会计也应做相应改革. 期刊摘选 We need to take out powerful and treacherous court officials and regenerate the country. 我们要铲除权奸,重整江山. 期刊摘选 They do not regenerate through the control loop. 它们不能通过控制回路来恢复. 辞典例句 This creature's tail will regenerate if it is cut off. 这种动物的尾巴如果被割掉,会再生出来. 《简明英汉词典》 Mystics say that the Buddha returns now to help regenerate the Earth. 神秘主义者声称佛陀会在这时回归,帮助地球重生. 期刊摘选 Where communities were given degraded forest and instructed to regenerate it, they generally did so. 当社区获得退化的森林并接到恢复该森林的指示时, 这些社区通常会照做. 期刊摘选 英英释义Verb1. re-establish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new;"We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years" "They renewed their membership" 2. amplify (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit3. bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one;"The Church reformed me" "reform your conduct" 4. return to life; get or give new life or energy;"The week at the spa restored me" 5. replace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue;"The snake regenerated its tail" 6. be formed or shaped anew7. form or produce anew;"regenerate hatred" 8. undergo regeneration9. restore strength;"This food revitalized the patient"
词根词缀后缀: -ate 1. 表名词,"人或地位等"; 2. 表形容词,"具有……的"; 3. 表动词,"做,造成;使" adj.celibate 不结婚的;禁欲的celib不结婚+ate人或地位等→n.独身者;adj.不结婚的;禁欲的 graduate 毕了业的grade等级+uate=ate人或地位等→一级一级走完学业→毕业 collegiate 学院的; 学生的col共同+legi读+ate具有……的→共同读书→学院的 considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的consider考虑+ate具有……的→考虑到的 effeminate 柔弱的,缺乏勇气的ef出现+femin女人+ate具有……的→出现女人状态 innate 生来的,天赋的in进+ate具有……的→innate与出生一起进来→天赋的 inveterate 积习已深的in进入+veter老+ate具有……的→使成为老的 moderate 有节制的,中等的,适度的,温和的,稳健的moder=mod量度+ate具有……的→做事有分度→适度的 regenerate 改过自新的re再+gener产生+ate具有……的→重新产生生命→改过自新的 situate 使位于,使处于sit坐+uate=ate做,造成;使→使其坐于→使处于 n.advocate 辩护者,拥护者,鼓吹者 ad加强+voc+ate人或地位等→增强声音→拥护 celibate 独身者celib不结婚+ate人或地位等→n.独身者;adj.不结婚的;禁欲的 delegate 代表 de加强+leg法律+ate人或地位等→加强法律之人→代表 doctorate 博士学位;博士头衔doctor博士+ate人或地位等→n.博士学位;博士头衔 electorate [全体]选民elector选举人+ate人或地位等→n.[全体]选民 graduate 大学毕业生,研究生 grade等级+uate=ate人或地位等→一级一级走完学业→毕业 reprobate 道德败坏之人re反+prob正直+ate人或地位等→不正直→败坏[之人] surrogate 代替品;代理人sur下面+rog要求+ate人或地位等→要求下面[有人]→代理人 candidate 侯选人candid坦白的+ate人或地位等→白色的人→候选人 v.advocate 拥护,提倡ad加强+voc+ate人或地位等→增强声音→拥护 delegate 委派…为代表;授权;委托de加强+leg法律+ate人或地位等→加强法律之人→代表 graduate 大学毕业grade等级+uate=ate人或地位等→一级一级走完学业→毕业 reprobate 责备 re反+prob正直+ate人或地位等→不正直→败坏[之人] attenuate 变薄,变弱at使+tenu细+ate做→使……细薄→变薄 dominate 支配,占优势dom统治+in+ate做,造成;使→v.支配,占优势 facilitate [不以人作主语的]使容易,使便利facility便利;灵巧+ate做,造成;使→facilitate frustrate 挫败,阻挠,使灰心frustr犯错误+ate做,造成;使→v.挫败,阻挠,使灰心 infiltrate 渗透,渗入in进入+filtr=filter过滤+ate做,造成;使→v.渗透,渗入 liquidate 清除,清偿,停止liquid液体+ate做,造成;使→像把水弄清一样→清理 remonstrate 抗议,规劝re反+monstr显示+ate做,造成;使→显示反对→抗议