A synthesized detection system of level barsis proposed. accuracy, automatic and real - time detection is realized.
该系统实现了对水平尺各项工业指标的高精度 、 自动、 实时 地检测.
Objective To propose a new approach for real - time detection of binocular rivalry through electroencephalogram ( EEG ).
目的为 实时 准确地通过脑电信号分析双眼竞争中的意识交替感知,提供新的客观检测途径.
Then the method is implanted into the embedded system to implement the real - time detection of ECG.
然后,将该方法移植到嵌入式系统上,实现了心电信号的 实时 检测.
This system is constituted with the rule - made module and the real - time detection module.
该系统主要由规则生成模块和 实时 检测等模块组成.
And then put forward the real - time detection of the single - phase circuit and reactive current.
在此基础上提出了 单相 电路谐波和无功电流的 实时 检测方法.