释义 |
retrospectCET6/考研/TOEFL/IELTS - 英?[?retr?spekt]
- 美?[?retr?spekt]
释义- n.
回顾,回想 - vi.
回顾,追溯;回想 - vt. .
实用场景例句In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. 回首往事,我觉得当时我错了。 牛津词典 The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect. 回想起来,这个决定显得极其荒谬。 牛津词典 In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action... 回想起来,我真希望自己当时考虑过其他做法。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It was a very strange feeling in retrospect — I was frightened, but excited at the same time. 回想起来那是一种非常奇怪的感觉——我当时既害怕又兴奋。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It was , in retrospect, the happiest day of her life. 回想起来, 那是她一生最幸福的日子. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 The first part mainly reviews the achievements related to this research retrospect. 第一部分,主要回顾了与本研究相关的研究成果. 期刊摘选 In retrospect it may seem odd. 回顾一下,似乎有点奇怪. 辞典例句 In retrospect, it was right to let Lehman go, because it caused such a disaster. 回过头看, 让雷曼破产是对的, 因为它引发了一场如此严重的灾难. 期刊摘选 In retrospect it's obvious how we went wrong. 回想起来,我们是如何出的错就很明显了. 《简明英汉词典》 Thellos in retrospect is not surprising, as it is very similar to what VP 3 used. 回想起来,这并让人惊讶, 因为它很是近似于VP3的作法. 期刊摘选 In retrospect, Schwartzentruber says, the problem may have been that the vaccine was forced to alone. 回想起来, 瓦尔兹特鲁布说, 问题可能是该疫苗只被单独应用. 期刊摘选 The retrospect was depressing. 回想起来令人沮丧. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Abstract: Retrospect of 1999 molybdenum market and outlook of 2000 molybdenum market were stated. 文摘: 回顾了1999年世界钼市的状况并展望了2000年世界钼市的前景. 期刊摘选 One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality. 学校生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐. 辞典例句 The second chapter focuses on the retrospect of the history of the instrument and reed. 第二章描述乐器和簧片的历史. 期刊摘选 The latter's expiate a guilt that was in retrospect vastly exaggerated or nonexistent prolonged the war. 后面这种人急于赎罪的心情把战争拖长了. 但回过头来看,这种罪名或者是完全会夸大了,或者根本就不存在. 期刊摘选 Nursing of 28 patients with total cystectomy and Brickers operation was studied in retrospect. 回顾性研究28例回肠代膀胱术患者的护理情况. 期刊摘选 In retrospect, it's impossible to imagine that Oshima could ever have been comfortable at Shochiku. 在回顾时, 人们绝对无法想象大岛渚能安于在松竹映画工作. 期刊摘选 On retrospect, the fear of each calculated move from her side expounded the ticklish sensation. 回首过去, 她每个计算过的举动都引起有著搔痒感觉的恐惧. 期刊摘选 In retrospect, however, the business was an accident waiting to happen. 然而, 回过头看, 这家公司早晚会出问题. 期刊摘选 In the second chapter, I retrospect the Argentina's crisis. 第二章是对阿根廷危机的回顾. 期刊摘选 The retrospect and reality analyse of community adult education history is in chapter three. 第三章,社区成人教育的历史回顾和现实分析. 期刊摘选 The respectful spectator gave the prospective president a retrospect of the spectacular spectrum. 恭敬的旁观者对未来的总统回顾了壮观的光谱(景象). 期刊摘选 In retrospect it is just that they have not been smoking long enough. 回头想想,那仅仅是因为他们的吸烟史并不长. 期刊摘选 In retrospect, it will be seen as one of the EU's most significant achievements. 将来回顾的话, 这会被视为欧盟走出的极具意义的一步棋. 期刊摘选 In retrospect, I knew that this nurse was wrong. 现在回想起来, 我知道那护士错了. 期刊摘选 This in retrospect is not surprising, as it is very similar to what VP 3 used. 回想起来,这并让人惊讶, 因为它非常类似于VP3的做法. 期刊摘选 It was odd that in retrospect they both seemed equally dreary. 回味起来,奇怪的是,它们显得同等地枯燥乏味. 辞典例句 In retrospect it was a nightmare. 回想起来,真是一场恶梦. 辞典例句 英英释义Noun1. contemplation of things past;"in retrospect"
词根词缀词根: spect =look/see,表示"看" adj.circumspect 小心谨慎的circum周围+spect看→看周围→小心 perspective 透视的per全部+spect看+ive……的→看透了的→透视的 prospective 预期的prospect前景+ive……的→adj.预期的 respectable 可敬的;人格高尚的respect尊敬+able可以……的→adj.可敬的;人格高尚的 respectful 恭敬的,尊重的respect尊敬,尊重+ful有……的→adj.恭敬的,尊重的 respective 各自的,各个的re回+spect看+ive……的→回头看[自己]→各自的 retrospective 追想的,回顾的retrospect[v.回顾,回想]+ive……的→adj.追想的,回顾的 spectacular 壮观的,引人注目的 spect看+acular……的→adj.壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出 adv.respectively 分别地, 各个地respective[adj.各自的,各个的]+ly表副词→adv.分别地, 各个地 n.prospect 景象,前景pro前面+spect看→向前看→前景 aspect 样子, 外表, 面貌, [问题等的]方面a加强意义+spect看→看的东西→外表,容貌 circumspection 细心,慎重circumspect[adj.小心谨慎的]+ion表名词→n.细心,慎重 inspector 检查员, 巡视员inspect[v.检查,调查,视察]+or人→n.检查员, 巡视员 inspection 检查,审查;检阅inspect[v.检查,调查,视察]+ion表名词→n.检查,审查;检阅 prospectus 章程,内容简介;创办计划pro前+spect看+us→向前看的东西 respect 敬意,问候,关系,方面re再+spect看→再看[一眼]→尊敬 spectacle [spect看+acle东西→看的东西→景象;眼镜 spectacular 壮观的演出spect看+acular……的→adj.壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出 spectator 观众,旁观者spect看+ator人→看的人 spectrum 系列,范围;光谱spect看+rum→可以看的范围 n.&v.respect 尊敬,尊重 re再+spect看→再看[一眼]→尊敬 v.expect 预期;期望,指望ex出+pect=spect看→看出去,看外面→期待 inspect 检查,调查,视察in内,里面+spect看→看里面→检查 retrospect 回顾,回想retro向后+spect看→向后看 speculate 思索;推测 spec=spect看+ulate→看准了→思考,投机 suspect 怀疑sus下面+spect看→在下面看一看,斜眼看→怀疑
前缀: retro- 表示"向后,倒退" adj.retrograde 后退的retro向后,倒退+grad步+e→向后走 v.retroaction 倒行,反动retro向后,倒退+action行动→向后行动→倒行逆施 retrocede 交还, 归还retro向后,倒退+ced走+e→往后走→把……归还 retrograde 后退,倒退retro向后,倒退+grad步+e→向后走 retrogress 倒退,退化retro向后,倒退+gress走→向后走 retroject 向后投射retro向后,倒退+ject扔→向后扔 retrospect 回顾,回想retro向后,倒退+spect看→向后看 retrovert 向后弯曲, 使后屈retro向后,倒退+vert转→向后转→倒退
词组搭配in retrospectLooking backward or reviewing the past. 回顾或反思(过去)