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overwroughtGRE/IELTS - 英?[???v??r?:t]
- 美?[?o?v?r?r?t]
实用场景例句She was in a very overwrought state after the accident. 事故发生后她精神十分紧张. 《简明英汉词典》 Scarlett found that it relieved her overwrought nerves. 思嘉发现这样可以使她过分紧张的神经放松一些. 飘(部分) She was tired and overwrought. 她很累且过度紧张. 辞典例句 Although people were overwrought, they could not help noticing these beauties of nature. 虽然这时候众人都怀着紧张的心情无心注意到景色上面,然而园里的一花一草,一木一石,都 显然 地立在那里,逃不过众人的眼睛. 汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26) She didn't mean to offend you; she was overwrought. 她请你, 你要是不回个信儿就可能把她得罪了. 互联网 She's overwrought because of all the work and difficulties. 她被所有的工作困难弄得精疲力竭. 互联网 His mother noticed how overwrought he was. 母亲注意到他太紧张. 互联网 Literally, I was overwrought from the pressures of work and life at college. 逐渐逐渐的, 我负担过重了,最后变成了“郁闷”的综合症状. 互联网 He's written'she's suspicious of overwrought sentiments or overblown claims content with common sense. " 他的书面 “,她的怀疑情绪过度紧张或过分要求,内容与常识. ” 互联网 When you're emotionally overwrought, it can be hard to remember exactly what was said. 在情绪过度劳累时, 要准确地记住说过的话往往会很难. 互联网 In fact the asasas an answer, is too slow and overwrought with personal philosophy. 在影片的末尾,我们得到了解释.但答案来得太慢,而且涉及了过多的个人哲学理念. 互联网 英英释义Adjective1. deeply agitated especially from emotion;"distraught with grief"
词根词缀前缀: over- 1. 表示"翻转"; 2. 表示"在……之上"; 3. 表示"过度,过分,超过" adj.overall 全部的, 全面的over过度,过分,超过+all全部→adj.全部的, 全面的 overcorrect 矫枉过正的over过度,过分,超过+correct改正→adj.矫枉过正的 overcrowded 挤满的over过度,过分,超过+crowded拥挤的→adj.挤满的 overseas 外国的, 海外的over超过+sea海+s复数→adv.海外 adj.外国的, 海外的 overwrought 紧张过度的,兴奋过度的over过度,过分,超过+wrought=work工作→过度工作 adj.&adv.overnight 一夜间,一下子;突然 over翻转+night夜, 夜晚→翻过一夜→一夜间→一下子;突然 adv.overseas 海外 over超过+sea海+s复数→adv.海外 adj.外国的, 海外的 n.overhaul 彻底检修over翻转+haul拉→拉过去检修 overthrow 推翻over翻转+throw扔→扔翻了→推翻 overturn 颠覆over翻转+turn转→翻转 overbridge 天桥over在……之上+bridge桥→上面的桥→天桥 overcoat 外套over在……之上+coat衣服→在衣服上的衣服→外套 overdose 药物过量over过度,过分,超过+dose剂量→n.药物过量 overproduction 生产过度over过度,过分,超过+production生产→n.生产过度 overstudy 用功过度over过度,过分,超过+study学习→n.用功过度 overwork 过度劳累over过度,过分,超过+work工作→n.过度劳累 n.&v.overlap 重叠over在……之上+lap交叉→[大腿]交叉→重叠 overflow [使]溢出, 超值over过度,过分,超过+flow流动→流出来了,溢出 v.overtake 袭击,压倒 over翻转+take拿,占领→v.袭击,压倒 overcome 战胜,克服over在……之上+come来→来到上面→战胜 overhang 悬于……之上, 悬垂over在……之上+hang悬挂→v.悬于……之上, 悬垂 overlook 俯视;疏忽over在……之上+look看→在上面看→俯视,引申为疏忽 override 推翻,不理会over在……之上+ride骑→骑在上面→推翻[下面的] overwhelm 压倒;泛滥over在……之上+whelm推翻;淹没→翻过来→压倒 overact 表演过火over过度,过分,超过+act演出→v.表演过火